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Posts posted by KudaGila

  1. I agree that rewards for doing missions drive ppl to grineers, even though they want to support Corpus. After all, everyone wants ingame items, and when they offer you resource vs credits, with few millions of credits you rather take resources to craft something.


    What to do for ballancing this: Hide rewards, instead show reputation with each faction, and give equaly good rewards for certain amount of reputation. That is gained by doing missions for chosen faction. 


    Example: Do 1 mission for corpus, gain 10 rep. Then do 1 for grineer, gain 10 with them, but loose 5 with corpus, to ballance it. And make it so ppl wont try to get both rewards, only one reward could be given for each mission:)

  2. Btw to reward system in this event, I think it would be better, if for each mission it wouldnt show up what you get as reward. That way, ppl support lore wise the faction they want to see win, and dont go only for reward. Right now, players support grineer simply because they give resource, and players have few millions of credits already.


    So, based on your reputation with each faction, you would get reward, there would be a reward table, your reputation increases with each time you play a mission for them.

  3. Just wanted to say thanks for the UI changes, buttons look and perform better then previous versions. Also I like a lot the change in foundry, now I see how many of items I have before I go craft them. So no more double checking:)


    Only question I have: Event, is it possible to get from grineer the katana, and then work for corpus on Tier 3 missions and get their laser weapon? Or are tiers ment only as how many times you run mission, eg 25 times, tier 2 - 100 times, tier 3? Thanks for conclusion

  4. I really like this sword, rank lock should be on 8 as all new powerfull weapons. Charge speed is ok for me, it brings the fun from gram and other heavy weapons back. It's size is perfect, I like the style of it - I was really waiting for greatsword, cause I always loved Gram:) 

    Thanks Scott

  5. I like the idea of having skins instead of another warframes, it would make more sense to keep trying get those, and you wouldnt waste formas, and reactors/catalysts in your previous gear - there are also ppl who strugle if to put the work in weapon, when there will be prime version of it.

  6. Thanks for this, it was taking forever to get some of the items from orokin areas do to their extreme rarity, but it wasn't that extreme that I would write mad post about it. I hope you guys don't get pushed to the wall by players and keep up the good work.

  7. List of bugs that happend to me so far:


    1) One enemy kill counts for 2, that means when I get killed it counts as 2 deaths as well

    2) Enemies stand up after they get killed, and if they kill you, it does count as your death and fail, but it's not counted towards anyone as a kill

    3) In one round I have killed enemy, in next round he spawned as downed and his team mate had to revive him

    4) I solo joined conclave match and right after me joined another player, game was stuck then on waiting time 15 sec. This unfroze only when the other player left.


    Conclave rating has no meaning at all, ppl take warframes without any mods, only shields, hp, armor and one maxed out weapon, Strung wraith, and rest they take lvl 0 stuff and unequip the sentinel.


    That way Rank 11 player with every warframe and almost all weps in game can go in conclave 400-499. Because I did it and saw quite a lot enemies doing the same.



    Mod Reflection for reflecting dmg back to attacker doesn't work in conclave matches.


    I don't find this sort of PvP fun, 3 shot enemies is no challenge at all, and if you take worse weapon, they don't hesitate to 3 shot you. Overall dmg output should be lowered deppending on conclave players enter, so the matches will last longer and will be more fun and challenging, rather then WHO BROUGHT HEK or Strun Wraith.



    Best of all, while you try out different weapons for conclave matches, go to equipment and change weapons, UI freezes and you have to kill the game and run it again, then launcher freezes, so kill it as well and run it several times till it starts properly.



    Conclave improvements idea: 


    1) Players will not be able to bring maxed out weapons in lower conclave matches.

    2) Dmg output of all guns brought to conclave match will be lowered deppending on conclave level, so the matches get longer.

    3) Once you kill an enemy, he dies and goes to spectate mode, not being able to get up and kill you.

    4) Let players change their loadout in conclave match on the waiting screen, add Ready button for each player.

    5) Make a checkbox of allowed weapon types in each individual conclave match, deppending on players equipment that joined match - for example, they could limit the match for Use only pistols, shotguns, melee weapons - could be also limited to each melee type, like Longswords only etc, for this, game would have to check if every player that joined has this weapon type in ther inventory.

    6) Add music to it, it's an honorable duel, not a funeral. Since everyone dies in 10 sec from spawning, there is no need to get serious.

    7) Let players change the map while they joined conclave match. After several matches on one conclave map, it will get borring for them.

    8) Delete all conclave stats when you fix the issues, ppl are geting 2 deaths for just one death, or they get killed by a player who was already dead. This mess up K/D ratio for players, and PvP players do care about stats.

  8. The idea is simple, DE has some original idea how everything should work, some things right now are placeholders and players get used to it, like Ember's overheat being deffensive ability rather then fully offensive.


    So DE, give it those 5 mins for each warframe, and show your players how you want warframes to be used.


    Example: Show how do you expect players use Vauban, if to use bounce pads, or unequip them and get extra hp/duration instead. You should show the playstyle that you expect with each warframe, and expecialy use of their abilities. - then you might realize that some of them are simply not being used, cause they are not viable in combat situation.


    Another good example: Loki, what is player supposed to do as this warframe in battle, is speed running the only chance for him to survive or should he rely on his decoy and stealth?


    Next step is gonna be on community, for each video from DE players will make their own response, how they use the warframe. It deppends on each of us playstyle, but that gets mostly determined by warframe abilities and stats, if its squishy or tanky warframe, with offensive or deffensive powers etc. I expect high rank players showing their daily use of warframes and their powers, that way you migt figure out what is usefull for them, and what they dont even equip in slot, because it slows them down, or it doesnt have extra punch in terms of dmg...





  9. 1)SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


    2)TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to
    freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


    3)SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


    4)CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


    1) Make it ranged attack, since he is caster and guess it's squishy warframe.

    2) Instead of freezing enemies in fear, make them feared, which will play animation like when they get affected by fire, for x seconds.

    3) Since trinity's rework, we don't need extra hp from corpses, doubt that in high lvl defenses will ppl take their time for looting corpses. And for ammo we got conversion mods. 

    Instead, replace this ability with something defensive so we has survibility as well, there is nothing to protect him for now.


    Nanoshield - nanites create in front of necro shield that blocks selected type of incoming dmg. You select the type of blocked dmg by pressing the skill again. 


    or more suited for Necro:


    Raise a corpse to walk in front of necro for couple of seconds, and take some dmg. It could be done so corpse would copy your movement, the amount of dmg its gonna take is up to you.


    4) Reanimation - simply rename the skill.

    • Fixed issue where leaving a game after using a buff aura power causes the power to stay infinitely for all otherplayers

    - This was possibly used during the previous event, still no oficial statement on that, no work on logs from game who used it to achieve leaderboard possitions...

  10. to DE:


    Release in each patchnotes exact numbers on skills and changes you made - why do your players have to figure it out on their own?


    1) Ember's world in flames is being constantly stealth changed, at least release it's current stats, how many enemies it affects, what's it's dmg output, what mods you let to affect it.

    2) Ember's overheat - what's the number on mitigation of dmg now, cause it feels like 5%, what's it's dmg output, range on it, is it affected by stretch?

    3) Ember's fire blast - Why it's range is not affected by stretch anymore? Now it's range is as tiny as unleveled mod itself used to be. It is too short range, at least fix it so enemies get affected by the fire dmg and react to it.


    Reason why ppl were using on ember Overheat skill is, her skills sometimes don't affect enemies, you ran into room full of enemies and used fireblast, they started to act like they are on fire, and after half sec, shot you down - fix it so they properly react to the fire.


    And once again, start releasing actual numbers on the skills and changes you did. Every ember player knows you do stealth changes to her, like we remember with overheat when it got boosted too much and with full Focus mod, it mitigated over 100% dmg, resulted in healing players hp while they stood in poison.

  11. Did anyone read my post about being fully invincible with permanent roar, and is not surprised? I was shocked that it worked, this ruins any competition for me. And yet you deffend players who don't bother to show any sort of proof how they got so far. 


    And DE will ignore this whole thing, like all the previous events and exploits in them, gg.

  12. Warning: This is not a guide how to exploit, only a report on one, DO NOT USE THIS


    We just tested this out, exploit works like this:


    You start an event run as 2 players, start the mission, Rhino roars and leaves. Now you have full time roar as long as you keep doing the mission. Rhino can re-enter the game as many times as he wants, or change to Trinity, use ulti and give you full invincibility. You take NO dmg from poison, enemies, anything, when player leaves quick enough. 


    To DE: Please, finaly do something about events. Go through the logs from missions, see if ppl did this in top clans, look if ppl were rejoining games like this, how much of actual dmg they took in game, look at the dmg they dealt, kills, search through it and make a clear statement, if you want exploiters ruining the fun for all other fair clans or not.


    If you find out that some clans used exploits in this event, remove them from leaderboards and ban those ppl for x days. Why? Because this is not how ppl should play the game, and if there comes no punishment, why wouldnt they do it again next event, and ruin a competition for others?

  13. Hey there,

    This idea replaces upcomming Vor's market, where players trade their mods for platinum.


    Point of being in this game is farming, burning your resources on valueable things. Replicator will let you burn your resources and finaly credits, you will put them to a good use. Idea of replicator replaces upcomming Vor's market, where players trade with other players their mods for platinum. Replicator is not game economics breaking, and get's you to play the game for resource/credits.


    Replicator is a device to duplicate your mod's, you can even replicate the original's mods fusion. That means, it's possible to replicate maxed out mods and get maxed out replicas out of this device, but it has it's cost.


    Don't forget that replicator needs you to have the mod first, so you need to play the game.


    Replicator is separated into 3 tiers, each tier is works with tier of a mod, common, uncommon, rare.

    Blueprints are acquired from market, prices are:


    bp tier 1 - 25k credits - 5k to craft replicator - 10 plat to rush/12 hour build - replicates common mods

    bp tier 2 - 50k credits - 10k to craft replicator - 15 plat to rush/12 hour build - replicates uncommon mods

    bp tier 3 - 100k credits - 20k to craft replicator - 20 plat to rush/24 hour build - replicates rare mods

    Resource cost to create a replicator:

    tier 1 - 1 controle module, 1k ferite, 1k salvage, 2k nano spores

    tier 2- 3 morphics, 1k polymer bundles, 1k alloy plate, 5k nano spores

    tier 3 - 5 gallium, 1k plastids, 1,5k rubedo, 10k nano spores

    Now, replicators are not a permanent device, they have a chance to break, according to number of uses.


    1. use - 100% success chance, 2. use - 50% chance, 3. use - 25%, 4. use - nope


    Replicating process: 


    In menu for Mods will be grayed button Replicate, once you craft a replicator, and click on matching tier of a mod in sellection, replicate button will appear.


    If you for example try to replicate maxed out Serration, you use tier 2 replicator, after you hit replicate, there will be a menu for you to choose a level of fusion that new, replicated mod will have (because you replicate maxed out serration, you have to choose from lvl 0-10 fusions). Already in this selection menu, you will see credit cost of the fusion.


    uncommon lvl 0 mod - 5k credits

    common lvl 0 mod - 20k credits

    rare lvl 0 mod - 50k credits


    formula is: rarity*10*fusion level=total price

    fusion level is moved, level 0 is taken as 1, level 1 as 2 - to prevent this situation: 20k*10*0 = 0 (free replication)


    So maxed out serration to replicate looks like:


    20k*10*11=2 200 000 credits






    What is replicator going to bring to the game? 


    There is nothing to burn millions of credits that you stacked up, with extensive cost of replication maxed out mods, ppl won't be able to get 10x maxed out serration tomorrow or any time soon. Also, it will put to use your old void keys, simply to get credits that you later burn on replicating mods.



    Why does crafting ot replicator cost resources?


    Each tier of replicator is able to replicate only one rarity of mods. For each tier we've chosen resources that are common, uncommon and rare. This puts to use some of the resources you couldn't burn or anything, or makes you go play the game, to get the resources - you do it with a purpose of geting that replicator crafted - that means no frustration from random farming of a resources, just because you have nothing better to do. We tried to include almost all resources and so, use the game fully, you won't be farming one place over and over again, it's up to you where you get those resources and what rarity of mod you wanna replicate.



    Why this replaces Vor's market?


    Vor's market, place where player A puts his collection of 20 Flows, 10 thunderbolts, 30 continuity mods and other rare mods - If ppl have a simple chance to get stuff they farm so long for from a Platinum market, they won't play the game anymore for it, and easily buy it from the shop - that means less ppl playing the game, farming - whole game is about farming, if we stop, it dies.


    Also, there is gonna be this situation as in other games. 2 friends, Bob has Flow, Marc wants it. Bob will put it on market for 20 plat and call out when he does so, Marc will instantly buy it - there goes trading system. Or they exchange mods, Bob puts flow for 1k plat, and Marc will put Redirection lvl 0 for 1k plat. Too easy to acquire rare mods.


    Many of a players have stacks of rare mods, once market is ready, they will gain thousands of platinum. There are already ideas to sell platinum for real money. It will also be a reason for hackers to get on your account, and get that platinum from you, by buying his mod for extreme price. 


    And one of the last problems, a lot of new players get rare mods from the start, like Flow for example. If they see there is a market for platinum, and sell it there, they will never have to buy platinum - that means no extra money for DE. Also, why would ppl spend money on geting founder's packs, or starter packs that include platinum, when they can farm mods, sell them for plat, or even for real money.




    There will be a lot of negative comments, because ppl want to make like 10k platinum stacks and then buy asap anything that comes in a game, or even sell this platinum for real money. But that system is game breaking, that way is for founders, who support the game and can afford to buy new stuff with plat or rush any build.



    So hope you at least liked bit of the idea, and please, post constructive feedback, no flames needed:)


    Idea formed by Tripfy, Xytarez

  14. Hey there,

    I'm sure there are some weapons that you enjoy it's stats, but don't like the looks. How about you could take the looks from one weapon and fuse it with the other? At the end, you get for example weapon stats of paris prime, with the look of a dread bow. 


    This would be limited to each weapon types, so you coul fuse together only riffles, shotguns etc.


    It's the way how to keep the looks of weapon you really enjoyed to play with. And also, how to put your weapons to a good use. If there would ever be implemented pvp system, I would see it as a tactical to fuse skana looks with Gram:)

  15. Hi there,

    I have to say that this event was easily the best we had so far in warframe. I can break it into several parts to explain why:


    1)You could farm corruptors anywhere you wanted, it only had to be vs infested, the easiest faction in the game and they were dropping like candy:)


    2) You had to cooperate with somebody else. Since warframe wants you to be in a clan, we simply did many clan runs, everyone participated with their part.


    3) You choose which of the ships you fight on, we have farmed resources and as a bonus, we got 10 event points for each run.


    4) Fusion cores were dropping for me and other mates in our squad very frequently on these fomorian ships, I will never say no to common 5 and 3, and I've even got 2x rare 5:)


    5) Event had it's point, if we wouldn't complete destroying the ships, shortage of the resources would be painfull, especialy on Eris.


    6) There was a lot of ppl trying to compete with each other, just for the sake of fun. We went over 250 points easily, haven't stopped after it, it was still fun to play.



    Simply, this event was fun to play and I hope for more of such a good ones in the future. 


    Only thing that could have been done better, after we destroyed all the ships, rewards should be given out, since there are no other ships to destroy and so there is no reason to wait 11 hours for it.

  16. Hi there DE,

    I was trying to compete with others in this event, by playing with a group of 3, 4 ppl, we were geting 10 points max after each run. I ended up with 1,2k of points for this event.


    And there was a glitch I heard of, that ppl were geting 15 points from each run. Also there are apperently bots that ppl simply use to run the mission over and over again. 


    My concern is, I like a fair game, and to compete with real ppl, not with cheaters/glitchers. Look at the leaderboards and amount of points those ppl have, and ways they gained them. I remember Steve saying DE doesn't like cheaters, and then durring on of the really nice events, we have these ppl making it unfair for anyone who wanted to hit leaderboards.

  17. By the use of common sense and logic, there was a ship on each of the planets. We have 13 planets, that means 13 ships. Once the ship was destroyed, you couldn't play the mission again - hint hint. And you had a whole weekend to participate in this event.


    If you don't get the previous lines, you are stupid.


    Only ppl you can blame from making this event so fast to end, are hackers and bug users, eg. ppl on first spots in leaderboards.

  18. We take aprox. 2-2:30 mins per run, and everyone has max rush max quick rest and volt buff.


    You are sad existence then, I see no reason in doing it that way. You don't gain any resources, skip all enemies and have no fun what so ever from it, only mindless farming.

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