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Posts posted by Rhynocerous

  1. Thank god, I have no idea why they mods were multiplicative in the first place. Seems like an easy mistake to avoid.

    Multiplicative stats only encourage stacking the same thing over and over because instead of diminishing marginal returns, you have returns that ramp UP for eacn duplicate stat you stack. Totally kills any build diversity.

  2. A vote kick could be badly abused here.

    1) Go through a mission

    2) Kick the 4th guy

    3) Invite your friend for the reward

    It was a big problem in Guild Wars 2. Figure out a way around that or you're just fixing one problem and introducing another.

  3. It'd be more like someone saying, "Now this might sound racist but..." and the first response is someone saying "Now you're just being racist." The guy speaking is acknowledging it beforehand, but the guy listening only heard what he wanted to.

    Saying "this might sound racist" suggests that the person thinks it's not actually racist and just sounds that way, which doesn't somehow make you immune to being called out.

  4. Sigh. You will do better in conversations if you read what is posted first, and stop assuming everyone but yourself is an idiot.

    Saying "this might sound like nitpicking" doesn't automatically mean you're not nitpicking.

    That's like saying "This might sound racist but [lots of racism]" then complaining when someone calls you out on how racist you were.

  5. People are going to disagree with #1 because they want to be xXX2pro4uXXX and anything that might be percieved as easier is literally hitler.

    I think the important thing is to make the damage make sense. Regular melee attacks are useless most of the time.

  6. Warframe is PvE and will only be for the near future

    This seems to be worded strangely to me. Are you saying

    "Warframe is PvE, but will only be for the near future", or that "Warframe is PvE and will only be PvE for the near future?"

  7. alright, i will try to explain itas simpel as i can on fingers. when you play stealth it's optional way to play. when you play in stealth you risc WAY more then regular gunblazing.

    look at farcry 3. you recieve more exp for silent assasinations of enemies, but there is no "right way" and you can always just shot em all, just like in deus ex human revolution. you can go all stealthy or you can simple shoot them all.

    now. why xp bonus for stealth kill?

    because it's harder to pull of.

    because you most likely would not kill more then 5-7 enemies at most.

    because it's a nice motivation to go stealth here instead of playing real stealth games like mgs, deus ex, hitman blood money, or tenchu.

    btw tenchu must be a good source of inspiration for stealth gameplay.

    It's like you didn't read my post at all. I already said that the rewards should be consistent between an agressive and stealthy playstyle.

    The bonus should not be tied to kills though. What if I want to take a non-lethal approach? That shouldn't be rewarded? There should be no bonus for that? That's totally non-sensical. The reward you get from a stealthy approach shouldn't be directly tied to how many things you kill.

    None of your points address why the rewards should just be tied to kills, except that it's harder to kill things without being spotted, except that's irrelevent because if you're not spotted, the rewards can be tied to other things.

    i will try to explain itas simpel as i can on fingers.

    You really butchered that expression.

  8. More XP per kill means the statistically best way, hands down, is to stealth kill everything. I don't think there should be a "right way" from a rewards perspective.

    There can be an XP reward to balance it out, just don't tie it to kills. It doesn't even really make sense from a stealth approach either. You'd be rewarded for killing everything, I don't think that's really congruent with stealth gameplay.

    Is that more clear?

    EDIT: One idea could be to award XP for each enemy that didn't spot you. You wouldn't need to kill them but you'd still get the XP. Not perfect but something along those lines.

  9. The solution seems fairly obvious to me.

    Don't make it entirely based off luck. Maybe have a "component" item that drops if you don't get a blueprint that can be traded in bulk for a blueprint. Essentually some way to get what you need even if you get unlucky but still fun some set minimum amount of time.

    That means that if you don't get lucky after 20 runs, you've still made progress no matter what. As opposed to making 20 runs and you're exactly where you've started.

  10. It seems like the way the menus are set up right now is more of a "window" style rather than the much more streamlined "tab" style.

    What I mean is right now you have the planet map which allows you to select a level, and it's more of a "desktop." Just about every menu you open, launches over that. This means if you navigate through a couple menus and decide to now pick a level, you have to back out of every single one individually, instead of just clicking one button to get back to the planet map. It's not a huge deal but it feels really unpolished and a little cumbersome, I think it would be worth tweaking.

    So as an example, let's say I'm between missions. I check my Arsenal and see if I want to place the new mod I just got into my long gun. Then I check the Market, then the progress on my foundry manufacturing.

    In order to get back to the level select I have to:

    1) Back out of the Foundry (bottom left back button)

    2) Close the Market (upper right "x" button)

    3) Cancel my respec (bottom left "cancel")

    4) Back out of the Armory (bottom left "back")

    And now finally I can select a level. It just seems oddly cumbersome to me. My solution would just be to have the "ONLINE" button or some other button take you back to the planet screen.

  11. I don't agree with more bonus XP for a stealth approach, it suggests that stealth is the "correct" way to play. I do agree with making stealth more viable though, but don't make it so stealth is the hands down statistically best approach.

    I especially agree with point #6, it would be a great motivator for stealth, but in that case there should be an XP bonus to balance out what you'd lose for not fighting waves of enemies.

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