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Posts posted by Haxwell

  1. Don't do the whole toxicyst thing cuz its tired and everyone does it. Plus it is a bug so eventually it will be removed. If you're looking for the highest dmg numbers you can get just run a crit build on the secondary.

  2. 21 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    And make all people who raged about it but finally acceped and forma for D polarity, raging again.

    Not many options when every spot is forma'd to fit your build and the cold dmg mod is the only one that fucks you up. Then you don't have the option to just "forma for it". Idiot.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    I understood that. I'm telling you the range for the augment is the same as the range for the power itself, and both are affected by power range mods. It's already kind of a lot for how cheap and quick the power is. It doesn't need to be increased.

    Theres no way that the spreading function is affected by range. I have never seen it jump to an enemy more than 5m away. Yes it does need to be increased. Or it needs to be affected by pwr range if it isn't.

  4. He needs tougher defenses that's for sure. Bottom line is hydroid needs a rework from the ground up. None of his kit is actually useful. Scrap everything. Start again. You've had more experience with making actual good kits. Time to go back and re think all the horrible ones.

  5. Nova is fine where she is except for null star. Terrible skill, needs to be replaced or made useful. Volt could use a bit of further tweaking but its in a pretty decent place. Your post is very petty and accusing. Also those design council members ur slagging are literally the reason why DE didn't shut down and go bankrupt. Sit down.

  6. 3 minutes ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    I'm asking myself right now, is there something with my settings that makes it look different from yours? Because when I'm in the rift, the game looks different, almost like I'm in a comic (kinda Borderlands-esque) and I feel like that is enough for me to know I'm in the rift plane. 

    Color correction. If he has that turned off, things don't change lighting color anymore. Like the yellow tinge for Loki cloak or red for hysteria etc.

  7. The mod needs a buff. No doubt about it. Either more duration or a secondary effect that makes it more useful. Obviously improving the companion a.I. would help make the best of the clones but that's a large task. My suggestion for now is give the clone solid agro pull. Like loki's decoy. That way at least for now we could get solid benefit from the augment by using the skill to take the pressure off of you for a bit.

  8. 20 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    Calm & Frenzy has the same base range as Rest & Rage itself. You're asking an awful lot out of 25-energy 1 and 2 powers that are already very effective.

    I'm not talking about the skill itself I'm talking about the augment and the base range of how far an enemy can be from the one affected and killed for it to spread. Which is 5m. I'm saying that range needs to be a bit bigger if it is affected by power range. If it isn't affected by range then I think it should be. Power range affects the initial aoe of the skill cast but I'm pretty sure it doesn't apply to the distance for them to spread to other enemies that U get from the augment.

  9. Just recently started playing Equinox and I'm having loads of fun. I like the augments but I feel like Duality and Calm & Frenzy could use a tiny bit of love. Duality in the way of more base duration and Calm & Frenzy in the way of more base range on the spreading effect (unless the range to spread to other enemies does not get affected by power range, in which case, please make it so)

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