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Posts posted by Haxwell

  1. You'll feel differently about multishot when you realize it won't change your weapon stats anymore. No more increase in status chance and damage. Just a chance to fire 2 shots instead of one. It will be more effective on some weapons, and less on others. DE is trying to come away from "mandatory mods". That is, mods that are put on basically every single weapon loadout. Personally this comes as a big positive for me, freeing up another mod spot on weapons that it would work against. Try to look at the good instead of focusing on the bad.

  2. Same problem he




    Nerve B, antiserum disperser does not move



    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?
     1. laggy host, clients preform steps <- may be relevant, we had players dropping off left and right, and laggy doors all around. > possibly packet loss effects bug? idk.
     2. move the antisirum injector to the window
     3. have people stand on pads
     4. expand antiserum bubble by window
     5. antiserum disperser is not moved by esophage.
     etc. not really sure what's happening, but it has happened twice, I'm not exactly willing to try reproducing it.
    Wish I could help more, I may have a video of the bug if that would help, PM me and ill dig though my pile of recordings and try and find it.
    Just a BTW: when it's extracting you cause your being tracker beamed away, alt F4, restart your game and you might just be able to reconnect.





    This has happened to us more times than we've succeeded. Don't know if this contributes but one thing done differently is that the first nerve was killed immediately by a punch through weapon or syndicate explosion. This resulted in the antiserum despenser next to the first nerve not being there; and instead the dispenser in the lower storage container was permanent.

  3. I also support the Baro motion. As you know he previously showed up with Fanged Fusilade, which is the primary weapon mod from buzz kill's set. In short, patience Iago. You can still make fantastic builds without it for now.

  4. Not by me, no, I will be honest with you. But I would fully agree that it's a stupidly unfair and overpowering form of compensation, and for a mistake on top of that. I feel like legendary cores should, I don't know, be worked for considering what they can do.


    Could you explain to me exactly what is OP about a single legendary core? Is it the 1000p it's worth? or the single mod it maxes. I just don't understand.

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