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Posts posted by Servalyst

  1. 50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    I could list countless of examples of where DE went wrong in terms of making this a fun and enjoying game but i wont.. I will give you just one example then explain it.

    So why bother with just one if it's this much of a problem?

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    this would be a rant because nothing will change DE's downward spiral with this game

    In what way is this game spiraling? THIS statement could have validity but your point killed any validity it had (because your complaint seems to be minor compared to DE's current problem with keeping players, specifically end game players hooked into the game and updates that kill anyones interest to play because of a half baked mess, not about a bloody relay).

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    So what does DE do after all of this time when half of us knew about it since 2017 and haven't seen any videos of WF partner's advocating they should be using this everywhere. I personally spent money just like other Tenno would because I enjoyed that content so meanwhile i was playing scarlet spear i bought limbo helmet 7$, limbo set 7$ and zaw skiin 5.50$ so i can look cool while 4shotting a lvl188 condro to show DE hey this is a good thing -- this is what ppl enjoy and should it be emphasized. 

    Okay, I see validity in this. I personally choose to not purchase cosmetics unless I know I will use them long term, but yes I see the justification in being miffed about a nerf mid event when you dropped money onto it.
    I am going to disagree that many people enjoyed the Condrix missions though. I knew walking into SS it was meant to test squadlink more than anything, I had lowered expectations for it and I'm glad I did. HOPEFULLY DE realizes their mistake with SS and moving forward with Squadlink, and seemingly so they're starting to pick up on player criticism, but point being the emphasis should be on quality content where frame choice is nice, but specific frames do not dominate a meta (that would require perfect balance though.. that will never be in Warframe).

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    DE defines this as a bug and waits until the operation spear ends to just patch it instead of seeing how fun the mechanic was and to figure out a way to incorporate it into gameplay to keep player's retention high and thats exactly why you are failing, instead of seeing what ppl enjoy and how.. you just deem it as a bug instead of a mechanic and "fix" it.

    While they have done this, and they did change metas based off an event (I agree with it being a bit bs)... it did make the content trivial? Idk, that may be an unpopular opinion but I'd rather, and always have wanted, something that pushes my gear and skill to the maximum if I play a PvE game. Anything that trivializes my time spent, or content that should be considered hard, is a bit meh. With how vocal the community is about that nerf, I guess I'm in the minority of players who think that way, but that's just my two cents.

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    so let me get this straight, limbo rift + exodia zaw throw is a bug but giving Little Duck a free random relay isnt? we used to fight for relay's! and here you give someone who is nobody -- has nothing to do with the story of WF a free relay.. but limbo rift + exodia zaw is a bug.. If your Staff doesnt realize how dumb that sounds or is... then they dont play this game.  It's like reading a starwars book where Yoda could be anyone just because.. they needed a hole filled...

    I'm sorry what? Have you not looked at Profit Taker? Have you not SEEN the lore behind it having hybrid SENTIENT Shielding?! Little duck is literally about sentient content, hence why it was fine to put her into it and it made thematic sense. And they're dumb because you feel like the lore is irrelavent to world building? Your "opinion" on that I guess, but I think you need to brush up on that. It made thematic sense, and I think a lot of people can agree with that.

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    There is a reason why DOTA is the most played game right now(besides CS ofc) Dota the only other game that managed to get up to CS level of trend and stay there over the years and Gaben's motto was insanely simple, they took game breaking bugs that ppl love abusing and incorporated them into the core of the gameplay meanwhile balancing heros to work around the exploit/bug.

    But... DE has done this? I'll be fair and say some of their changes are knee jerk reactions to players who break the hell out of this game (me and friends included, because it's fun), but DOTA and games similar to that are not primarily PvE games, so their definition of breaking the game vs. ours will be much... much... MUCH different. DE also took Coptering, a melee BUG, into consideration when they made Parkour 2.0. They may not think about everything when they make changes similar to that, but they do take into consideration things that the player base devotes their time and energy into (sometimes, other times yes they bat a blind eye to it).

    I see what you're trying to say here, but the way you're conveying your points seems so... off

    50 minutes ago, BulletmanSRB said:

    What Gaben's ideology staff team

    This made me laugh like a school girl... *Developers* is the word you're looking for. 

    All-in-all, I assume you haven't seen the work that goes into developing games. I implore you to watch the interviews with DE Scott and DE Pablo to get a better feel of how Warframe Developers see what you see as "problems", and as people who are paid to work on this project for a living see things differently.
    I'm not here to White Knight DE, they've made mistakes from the start, and some pretty terrible ones imo, but to attack them all for this rather than the right reasons seems out of place imo.

    • Like 2
  2. I love the pseudo-cooperation this event gives, tbh it feels a lot more of a "team effort" than Eidolons ever felt, consider that an unpopular opinion if you will.
    The one grip I have is how much you'll have to farm for full sets regardless of doing Scarlet Spear or Tridolons, but I mean it's a grind either way for some of the most desired upgrades in Warframe.

    • Like 2
  3. I just logged in after a couple attempts of "Login failed".
    I assume since more people are stuck at home, servers are gonna have a fun time keeping up with increased login activity (Scarlet Spear also contributed to that most likely)

    I'd say anticipate this happening time to time while "The Earth is closed"

    • Like 1
  4. This might sound like a useless point to make, but I think your post might be created by you overthinking the fact that everything you do in this game is derived from your choices of what to use.
    Yes, Umbra can be considered power-creep by definition, yes the polarities being exclusive to him and Skiajati is a bit of a polarizing (unintended pun) topic, and yes, if this continues with a new Umbra frame, Umbra themed weapon, and new set mod/s could render old gear "useless" to those who want the biggest and baddest weapons.
    I would rather think of it as this: Nomatter what, if you are a skilled player, you can take most weapons and  Warframes into a high level mission and still kick ass. I can do it, many others can, and I bet many will eventually get to this point if they aren't there currently. In Warframe however, you can CHOOSE what you want to use. Nothing states you must use the most powerful frame just because it has a larger energy pool or EHP. Nothing also stops you from going to the max with a Rhino Prime, Tigris Prime, whatever secondary you want, and Spin2Win Atterax to get something done. If you wanna run a sortie with MK-1 gear, you can, or a max setup, or anything else in between. YOU choose how you play, so I get your complaints, and not to say they aren't relevant, but I'd prefer to consider them player created issues, because while better things come out (always, this isn't just in Warframe, new technology, new infrastructure, new etc.), YOU control what you decide to run with. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    DE is working on making it replayable. They just had other priorities. 

    Their priority is TennoCon as krc stated
    Hotfix 23.0.6 notes stated that they DO plan on doing it, but rather make the event top priority for now (and IMO, rightfully so!) 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Loswaith said:

    Personally I would prefer a system for trace gains where more 'effort' means more traces (I dont mind random but mitigating bad luck is always good).

    As it is now you get a random batch of 6-30 traces (unboosted) and 1 additional trace per other player that chooses your reward (you don't get an additional trace for picking your own reward).

    Personally I'd like to see it that it works much like now; once you unlock the relic (by collecting the 10 reactant) you get your random amount of traces (the 6-30).  However you can after that point pick up more reactants, with each additional reactant giving one additional trace until you cap out at the 30 (60 with a resource booster) you could have gotten randomly as a maximum.  The bonus traces for having your reward chosen can remain as is, as that is a nice feature to promote sharing (though could be better explained).

    For example; you are running a mobile defense mission and collect the 10 reactants to unlock your relic, it opens and randomly gives 9 traces.  While you keep playing you could then collect upto 21 more reactants to cap out the 30 you could have randomly rolled (if you had a lucky roll). 

    Along side that if you didn't use a relic every reactant you collect only gives you a single trace so you would need to collect some 30 traces to max out your collection for that mission.

    This would mean endless missions are just about collecting lots of reactant whether you have a relic or you don't, wave to wave, and it then doesn't require a relic to reset the ability to gain traces.
    Likewise there is an incentive for other players to collect more reactant if you have someone in the group that is currently low and they don't miss out on unlocking their own relic (players are mostly good about that but not always).

    As it is with relics currently there is actually little reason to upgrade a relic to be exceptional or flawless as it doesn't move rewards around a tier, only radiant relics actually change the odds so an individual uncommon reward actually becomes the better drop rate than an individual common reward (though the common pool always stays most likely).

    Honestly the original system of kill Eximus units to get the traces was a good idea, they should do something like that if they ever change trace acquisition. 

  7. I don't know how to respond to this. Not because I disagree but I guess because there are many vantage points anyone can have here.

    I certainly understand where you are coming from. I'm getting the same irritation with the Kuva Fortress not having Kuva to every mission, as that tileset is incredible (at least in my opinion) yet it has no reason to go there. The void had it's sacred meaning torn from it with relics (relics were a plus and minus in many ways, but damn I miss the old void for nostalgic purposes and the fact that it was endgame), and other places that just need to be retouched and have meaning.

    On the other hand, this content could be in preparation to new content that we could be getting SOON(TM) (That is a rant for another day, cause that could have it's own sub-form in all honesty), and it does tie well into lore purposes. For someone like me who loves to sit down and dissect lore, that's a plus. However not everyone is like that when it comes to a fast paced game such as Warframe and that's fine and understandable.

    The problem is they do not balance old and new content. You're right, focus 2.0 and operator buffs only helped with Eidolons and if you really invest time into it, mild improvements to endurance runs if you're min maxing or for Kuva farming, but that's it. Outside of looking good and being cool lore wise, operators still have a lot they can bring that they are missing, such as "bursts" of incredibly powerful void abilities that can decimate even the strongest of enemies, which I would love to see, but again that's just theory floating around.

    As for PoE, I agree and disagree. Yes, PoE was lackluster as a first open world. It is small, we memorize almost every detail of it now (too quick for something they hyped up a lot), and something that I feel was made to entertain the crowds but did not answer the question of "so what now" once you collect your few trinkets in Cetus, such as Zaws, fish trophies, maybe come pet cosmetics, etc. My hope is that Venus covers these flaws, and so far they are doing better on it than PoE (yet we won't know anything till the release, I'd say late 2018 into 2019 knowing DE). They need to tie ALL of they game play creations and give it a reason to exist, sorties can slightly mitigate these and raids were a solution outside of their repetitive and rather annoying nature to most, but the focus of building all of our things to be the best is useless if we have nothing to do that requires us to put effort into maxing a weapon or warframe, which is why I really believe that DE needs to fix this if they want to keep players captivated to the beauty that is Warframe.

    This isn't to agree or disagree with anyone, rather a realistic view based off of my experience playing for 4 years now to hopefully see changes with this game keep up with the increasing cracks and problems that more content brings in, which is a purpose for it in the grand scheme of progression of Warframe. What you brought up made me think of why I play the game, and kinda made me realize this game doesn't have that much progression once Quests are finished. You aren't required to get everything, nor will you fail if you don't have everything choked full of Formas and Orokin upgrades. 

    TL;DR, Warframe needs a point to keep going, and you're right with the plains just being another content sink that keeps the attention for only so long when they can do so much more with everywhere else in the game, or even expand the purpose of some missions to greater lengths. Only problem is how can this be done, because it would have to be progression that appeals to a high majority of the playerbase.


  8. What...

    I'm lost, so you want clarity on rare items to be more well known?

    We have that, bronze, silver, and gold. I think that it's self-explanatory. If that's not the case please elaborate.

    Also if you are looking for % drops, I refer you to this link:https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html <--- Every single drop has data that represents its rarity, including relics. Have fun.

  9. Not much else can be said than Void and Derelict need a purpose, and you summed it all up. They can have one if DE thinks straight on these instead of wanting people to get burnout on PoE. First this, then Eidolons, I'm gonna get sick of seeing the place soon, which is unfortunate.

  10. As someone who sunk hours into Nekros, I personally don't want to see this change. Cool idea, but his ult can be borderline broken and does scale pretty well with higher enemies. It'd be replacing a great defensive ability that can make Nekros last for a long time in higher level missions into a quick AoE blast to take out smaller units, and we have plenty of those frames and abilities. The main thing I'd like to see if Nekros gets changes is more of a synergy with his 3rd into enemies that were hit by 1 or 2, making them possibly drop chunks of armor or shields that allies can use for a limited time, or if an enemy is soul punched we get a much larger portion of health, or like Titania, a nice buff from whatever enemy type they are, either more physical damage, elemental damage, or something like that. Other than that, I really don't think Nekros needs to be tweaked for now. He is fine as an all-around frame who can heal (Not as effectively as others, but still not bad), CC, tank, and even use augments to make him more than just a 1-trick pony that he used to be.While a nice ol' death scythe makes him more fun, his kit is already good as the "Master" or "Manipulator" of death.  

  11. This might just be bs luck, but to me, it felt worse

    When I did the runs on previous invasions of this kind it wasn't as bad. I'll do more testing tonight and see if that was the case. I'm not one to complain too much about RNG, but for an event that can destroy a rather special relay, I wouldn't like drop rates to be the death of an entire relay

  12. Well doing this Razorback event, I noticed that the drop rate for Cryptographic Alu is a bit insane

    The first time the event rolled out, I was getting 10-25 per run and made a bunch of the ciphers. These runs, however, I've gotten 2-5 and no more. Both times I've been using Itzal with Cosmic Crush at lvl 30 with a range card, so no it wasn't a build change or something. 

    Just curious to see if they did tamper with drop rates, if so goodbye Pluto Relay

    (PS: If I put this on the wrong topic, My bad. I think this should be right, but if not oops, sorry about that!)

  13. I've been through update 16 and on with this game. I feel like the Plains will be playable, but due to family events going on this weekend, I'll binge play the content before I have to leave. I've been incredibly hyped for this update, but for me, hype doesn't ruin the update, at least for me that is. 

    My biggest suggestion, lay low until it comes out. I have a good feeling this week will be the week (Wednesday-Friday knowing how they released things like this previously), but go on and play another game for a few days. Nothing to get you readdicted, but enough to take the edge. 

    This update seems to have the hype be matched by solid content, and hopefully for us vets, an endgame that we have been desiring for soooooooooo long!

  14. On 9/18/2017 at 5:51 AM, OriVerda said:

    Not a whole lot?

    At this point I've accepted Umbra to be a gag. He exists but DE won't release him for "creative" reasons.

    They said it is next and they want to make the release "special". They mentioned a release of late this year but I don't see this happening then. When it is released though, I think they will have a fine finished product on their hands considering the magnitude of content they've experimented with in regards to PoE and having some solid lines from both Second Dream and TWW lingering to make the story one hopefully for the records. Maybe you'll be right and it'll be rushed, but for a new system involving a story behind the warframes themselves, they have a lot of potential behind Umbra. However, it will not be soon. 

    On 9/18/2017 at 5:43 AM, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:


    I really think that after Plains, DE should take a little breath and flesh out and iron out what has been left unfinished or rough before moving on to next phases of the game.

    There's loads of stuff, finishing the PBR upgrade for example.

    The implementation of shield gate.

    Another tweak and look at weapon's damage.

    Add some visual hints on the arsenal status (what has been upgraded with a catalyst/reactor and what not)

    Tying the pieces of the lore and integrate quests and past events in a cohesive story. (this I think it's of the utmost importance)

    And loads of other things


    A better game is not only new content, but it's the Quality you offer for your content.

    I know well that this is not an easy, quick and simple task, but it's something that could really change the perception of the game, from awesome, but with a patch-ey feel (and I mean patch as pieces of fabric) to an organic vibe, where everything makes sense.


    I think most of the players wants this, but DE is too scared of the veterans crying out "I'm bored", which unfortunately are a minority but incredibly vocal.

    I'm sorry but as a veteran (almost 3 years, wow. I'm feeling old.), I don't see this being a major problem. Some things yes do need a rework, however, they do manage to do a bit of this in every large update (.5 and X.0 updates). It was a year ago when most of the nice QoL features I see now were barely imaginable, they were so focused on TWW and getting that out that nothing was really finalized, and a lot of older QoL changes weren't implemented.

    You do make a good point but I don't see the use of a Major update fore just QoL changes, maybe a .5 update that adds a little bit of new content and a plethora of QoL additions and updated systems perhaps, but we are seeing this with a completely broken system such as focus getting an imminent rework (I'm praying next week). 

  15. Gonna jump on this bandwagon just cause I need to include my "respectful" two cents.

    1. As mentioned in this entire thread, it's not out bro, chill there. We will know what either replaces or becomes the new "meta" once PoE releases, so give it some time before you fuel the fire and hate of the focus system being entirely reworked. The rework may be better than we all expect (or worse), we have no idea yet!

    2. If this is your complaint, what are your builds? Very curious if you use Blind Rage in every frame but that's not as relevant to this

    3. If you really hate either the change or the grind, don't play. This isn't meant to be an attack on you, but I find if a game isn't enjoyable after a major change, I don't look at the game again until I see the problem being acted upon or a valid reasoning as to WHY it is relevant. Since DE already answered that and hinted on new arcanes that will most likely give us an effect similar to the energy regen, you have no reason to complain just yet. 

    If the system comes out buggy or bad, enough people will complain to bring it to the Developers attention, so honestly, this post was not necessarily one bit. I get why you are mad, but leave the salt to Baro, that's his job for this community (although I do hope Baro will help soothe the salt intake levels soon).

    (Same things I said also affect Shadow Step and the Slash scaling abilities, they're very useful but if the operators turn out badass, I'm willing to let it go for a better, more fluid system).

  16. Just now, (PS4)horridhal said:

    Seems like PoE and Umbra pushed it back.  They'll probably continue working on it at some point but, right now, PoE is the big thing.

    Either that or they could bring everything in all together in the PoE update for a massive content release (If they have the ability to that is).... who knows, good question for next Devstream though!

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