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Posts posted by Roasting

  1. Hello, I seen that you can still obtain the Phased Vauban skin through the steam community market. I'm just curious to know how exactly that works because from the looks of it your buying it from another persons steam account. Is that once you buy it, it will immediately show up in my inventory on my account, or will I need to buy it on the steam community market and wait and meet the person in-game for them to trade it to me ?

  2. Just curious what would be considered the best primary weapon thats based on impact. Just to go along with the event mods.



    Update:of the 4: Prisma Gorgon, Grinlok, Karak, and Sobek which do you guys think would be best? For like t4 and higher level missions 

  3. Is there any Liset skin that gives the black color or similar dark black like the Prisma Liset?

     If not what would the best Liset skin to get to get real colors instead of dull colors. (outside of Prisma since I cant obtain it). 

  4. OO Actually yes I want to include Kestrel in this as well didn't know it was a melee wep. Dunno why I considered it a secondary, so Kestel vs Mire vs Dark Dagger. Still based more off which is better of the 3, not which gives the most energy.

  5. I know both are apparently bad,but I want to be able to gain energy, through the syndicate mod and these are the only melee weps that give energy I also want to use Corrosive Proj over energy siph. But which of the two would be considered better? 

    Mire Vs Kestrel Vs Dark Dagger just updated.

  6. I know none of these I'm listing are the best but which do you guys think is better between the two categories:


    Boar Prime vs. Burston Prime for Primary


    Fragor vs. Dual Cleaves vs. Hate for Melee.


    (Going to be mainly using Ash and a little of Nekros if that matters)


    Once again I know its all opinion, thanks for all who respond. 

  7. Hello, my main right now in warframe or my favorite frame is Ash (I'm based around my ult), I was just wondering which would be the best melee choice of the 4, Please pick within the 4 given. Orothos Prime, Bo Prime, Fragor, or Fang Prime. Thank you for responding. 

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