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Posts posted by GitDS

  1. depends on what you mean by alerts. you need to complete 4 invasions for the same side, so that's 3 missions per invasion iirc.

    let's say you did 4 invasions for Alad V. that gives you 4 points for Alad. if you complete an invasion for Nef Anyo, you will be left with 3 points for Alad, and thus not qualify for the reward. you'll need to do another invasion for Alad to make up for that loss, in that case, to get back to 4 points.

    Everyone who qualify for weapon reward get the winner's weapon, regardless which side your points are from

  2. As well as potentially Mesa if you don't want to go through the whole thing where you've to run multiple infested invasions to get the nav coordinates to build the Mutalist Alad V assassinate key.

    I'd say buy the keys from other players for 10-15p each and go on keyshares if you don't want to deal with the outbreaks. should still be cheaper than buying her outright, unless rng really really hates you

  3. The poster boy will stay a starter, but i had an idea a while back where they would release a mk-1 version frame as starters, with slightly less stats but nothing majorly impacting allowing the starters to buffed as neccessary and keeping the game "challenging" for new players

    I feel that the game is challenging for new players and doesn't need this to make it more so. Limited mods and knowledge already make things difficult and overwhelming enough. Knowledge gaps can be filled in using the wiki and forums, but the amount of information in both contribute to the game feeling overwhelming. This is speaking from personal experience.

    more on topic, I think the rework won't change the new player experience much. Better frame abilities don't make too much of a difference when you're working with only the basic mods, I think.

  4. As you've already figured, a built-in solution is:

    Open the contacts app on the "old device"

    In Menu → Import/Export, chose to export

    Copy the resulting 0001.vcf file to your "new device"

    On the new device, open the contacts app and chose to "import" from Menu → Import/Export

    Hint: take care there's enough free space available on the "exporting" device (file might get large, as contact pictures are stored inside it as well). You might not always get a warning when storage runs full, but instead end up with some "incomplete export", which then cannot be imported on the other end.

    Now for the second part: why didn't they sync automatically? First, there are a few different "storages" to be considered:

    On SIM

    Google Contacts

    These two are available on all devices. Depending on device and ROM, there might be additional "storages", e.g.


    PC Suite

    Assuming you're speaking of Google's sync: That only takes care for Google contacts. As the PC Suite would only cater contacts in PC Suite to sync them with its desktop counterpart, and Exchange would not care for anything but Exchange contacts (you wouldn't want your personal contacts appearing in your company's address books, would you?). SIM contacts are a very special case: Nothing cares to sync them anywhere. I'm not even sure whether Import/Export is touching them.

    So as parts of your contacts have been stored as "LG PC Suite contacts", these have not been sync'd with Google (and your "Google contacts" not with LG Suite), which explains the miss

  5. Don't forget endless blocking & pretty much never getting knocked down.

    IIRC the devs did mention something about melee blocking after removing stamina. Nothing concrete, just a mention, like yea that's one of the issues of removing stamina. So they're aware of this and I believe endless blocking won't be a thing. Maybe stamina can remain, but only applies to blocking, and other stuff where infinite stamina would be OP?

  6. To those criticising the OP for being angry at slow people, the way I understood the OP is that he/she is fine with people being slow, but not when the slow person complains about the rest of the squad being too fast or when they die due to being left behind (and unable to survive alone).

    I think this view is justified. Yes, to a certain extent the OP is forcing his/her pace onto the squad members (at least those who can't survive alone), but then it is also mentioned in the post that they are usually warned that the pace would be fast. Even if there's no written warning, one round should be warning enough.

    if it makes any difference, I'm frequently one of the slowest in squads.

  7. I appreciate something like this because it would encourage people to play both sides. Most start with Alad V, sees better rewards for siding with Nef and starts undoing their points, possibly to below 4, so eventually they'll need to get those points back.

    For people like me that can only play certain days it ensures people will still actively play the invasions instead of having the possibility that they slow down as the event goes on as people get their 4 points and stop playing.

    Just putting this out there since I've not seen anyone say this in total 4 pages of posts in multiple threads relating to this topic.

  8. Ah, good ol' artificial inflation. Simple solution, everyone who see's prices are inflated will provide more supply and lower their price cheaper than anyone else selling. It will eventually settle at a median range. It's all about the competition of making a sale that would sink it back to its intended price and the fact that parts are always farmable keeps a steady supply which makes a competitive market alive. Trade chat basically calls for inflation b/c there's no concrete pricing.

    This happens in other games though. No first hand experience though, it's all heard from a friend who knows the guy doing this personally. There are people with high enough capital to buy over all copies of a certain rare item to get an effective monopoly on it. They can do this as long as they has the capital to buy out anyone that undercuts them.

  9. As far as I know, body build (slim, athletic, bulky) can be inherited. Height is random. Breed (Sahasa, Senior etc) is not random if both imprints are from Kubrows of the same breed. And there are some colors that cannot be found in the palettes.

    Some people include eye color in their description of their Kubrow when selling too, so that might mean eye color can be inherited as well...though it's possible people are just trying to boost the price of their Kubrow, I don't know.

  10. Adding on to Stoner74's post

    1) Dark Sectors offer higher credit rewards than normal missions and higher exp gain for killing with the weapon types specified by the node. Alliances can fight each other for control of dark sector nodes using solar rails. The controlling alliance can then set a tax on whatever gains you get from that node.

    6) There are weapons and frames that are only unlockable via research in a clan. So if yours is just starting out, it's going to be a while before you get access to those stuff. Also, trading requires at least one of the people involved belongs to a clan that has a trading post in their dojo.

    7) Polarities are the little symbols in your mod slots. The cost of mods with matching polarities is halved when you place them in those slots. So adding/changing polarities can save you mod costs and let you add more. Forma is also a component for building some clan stuff.

    9) You can buy the blueprints for extractors from the market. Yes you need to clear the Archwing missions. Not too sure about the Dark Sectors though. I don't think you need to. From personal experience, I don't recall doing any Dark Sector missions before I deployed my first extractor on Mars, but I wasn't paying too much attention to what missions I was doing at the time (when I was just starting out), just clearing whatever nodes looked interesting.

  11. I just ran this boss again today for the first time in a while and noticed that the pack has a much, much smaller hitbox than before; or maybe it was harder because I wasn't using punchthrough. Whatever the reason, it took a LOT more shots to finally break a tube off the core.

    I use Quanta Vandal (maybe any explosive weapon works). Detonating a cube next to him pops a tube.

  12. and where on Saturn should i go? I have Saturn unlocked, just haven't beaten the boss yet. But I probably could fairly easily now with my Mag.

    seriously, I'm at a loss. I've done void, vault, etc etc lol. Basically my map isn't 100% but that's about it. And I can't seem to find orokin cells, and because of that, I can't get through the leveling of weapons or warframes lol.

    I've suggested dark sector defense on Saturn, and someone else suggested Saturn's boss. It's still going to be a grind though.

  13. Nearest planet to get orokin cells is Saturn. Maybe unlock the Dark Sector defense there and farm? Or since you're finding things too easy anyway, maybe work your work to Ceres and farm the Dark Sector there.

    I don't think the void is good for orokin cells. It gives them out as rewards instead of enemy drops. Try Orokin Derelict missions if you can find someone hosting/can make your own keys.

    Bosses also drop Orokin cells but that's just a possibility of 1 cell per assassination mission.

  14. Hold on.

    The OP complains about a change made to counter a problem that some folks experience and others didn't, and then compares it to something that causes a problem that some folks experience and others don't.

    Am I the only one seeing the issue here?

    I read the OP as saying that the Quanta may potentially receive a treatment similar to the Kohm, and that it isn't really something he approves of, which is why he's asking for suggestions on alternative solutions from the community before DE applies the solution they applied to Kohm. I don't see an issue.

  15. Thats a good point.

    Do they get the alert warning if they dont have a scanner equipped ?

    If they dont, then we definately need separate scan alert missions.

    You do. I killed my very first synthesis target with my own hands :(

    I THOUGHT only one guy gets the notification and that guy has to kill it. Even told the squad not to kill. So they just stood by and watched me chop it to death...looked it up on the wiki after the scolding from Simaris lol.

  16. I'm someone who just (2 days ago) made the decision to switch to the 2nd path. My reasoning was that once I have the mods and weapons to clear harder maps with relative ease, farming for blueprints and credits and materials to use in path 1 would go so much quicker.

    Though I said I've decided on the 2nd path, I find myself doing what Caobie is suggesting. Hope this is helpful.

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