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Posts posted by Wolfy_The_Abyss_Hound

  1. 2 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

    - The ugly-looking Cyst completely ruins carefully hand-picked frame design which was built by player with cosmetics. You basically devaluated cosmetics. 

    - When you infect other players your aligment changes towards darkness. And there is no way to prevent/revert this. For players like me, who played quest carefully to get full neutral, this basically devaluates all my effort I put in being neutral aligment. Luckyly for me, I mostly play with my friend, who went full dark, so he infests everyone before I start playing.

    Why are you (and for some reason so many others) so upset about a little red thing on your neck, it's barely visible and only lasts for a week, get over it and stop crying about it, you're not helping anyone by overreacting, also i don't know what you're doing but neither mine or my friends yin yang wheel of uselessness moves when infecting someone 

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