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Posts posted by Steelsinger

  1. 3 hours ago, Toramaru said:

    rejecting a buff,

    Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Cliff! Wall. Wall.

    3 hours ago, Toramaru said:

    way better if it was a self ability, instead of a team buff.

    Boom, done. Then people who don't want speed don't have to quarantine themselves, and people who complain about not having speed anymore have a solution, too. Play volt.

    • Like 1
  2. Headshot riven, headshot affinity challenge, sliding kill challenge, all cheesemode.


    And hopefully when eidolon comes out I can cast cata halfway across the map to timestop so i can doubletap 8 people at a time with vectis p

  3. 1) ignis wraith with as much heat/status as i can get

    2)synoid gammacor built for as much heat damage and status chance as i can get

    3)thrown weapon with flight speed, heat, and status chance (can't decide between kestrel and glaive P right now, but it'll definitely be one of the two.)

    Build ember for efficiency, range, some strength, try to keep duration around 100% at least.

    Just fill up on energy, use a zenurik ult for the efficiency boost, pop 4, run around with ignis, get to half energy and switch to secondary/thrown dual wielding, stay there till maxed again. Accelerant when you start getting swarmed, use 2/3 combo to cover your gammacor reloads, and maybe an occasional fireball just to mess around, because you never run out of energy anyway


    It works wonders in my experience. Still working on the exact mod setups, and it's forma heavy on everything, but hey, it's fun for me.

  4. 2 hours ago, Buddhakingpen said:

    nidus, loki, and mesa.

    but.... they don't change how other people have to play the game? aside from maybe nidus meaning you have to stack on his tentacle ball?

    2 hours ago, Buddhakingpen said:

    try suggesting things like a "cancel buffs" hotkey to DE

    actually a super good idea, how has that not been suggested before?

  5. 5 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    I take offense

    I mean, I feel like people who are offended by that are the ones that aren't the problem, honestly.

    The main issue I have is the players that actually do spam it just for funsies, and I know they exist, because I watched a 15 second timer on speed refresh every 2-4 seconds. THAT is absurd. If a player feels the need to have a 12 second buffer (I can understand that completely, there are plenty of abilities I'm like that with) I suggest they add in constitution, or even better, narrow minded, so fewer people get caught in it.

    Alternatively, there are the people that read "please use speed away from me, I don't want it" and understand that to mean "stand on my head and cast speed as often as your energy allows"

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, wezling said:

    Zephyr buffs herself and nearby allies

    DE, can we have this please? excellent idea, IMO. Put this in instead of divebomb because that gets rolled in with tailwind.

    For the 4, I feel like maybe instead of the tornadoes an exalted weapon (modified by power strength, duration, and efficiency, but not range) like ivara, mesa, excal, etc. would be nice. I'm thinking a glaive or a whip with increased range and wind-themed special effects like an attracting vortex on glaive throw or the whip power launch thing.

    I could see sparring weapons also working well, with the dedicated stance having much more acrobatic movements (flipping axe kicks and triple roundhouse kicks and spinning backfists oh my), and maybe giving slide attacks a forward wind surge for knockback, and slam attacks having a downward burst of air for knockdown.

    Using the sparring weapon idea (because it's more fleshed out), That preserves some of the CC of the tornado ultimate with the knockback and knockdown, but also allows it to be more controlled and less likely to get in the way of group play, as well as being more interactive than the current "hit 4 and scream." It would also synergize well with turbulence and incentivize rushing in (like the wind) to take out enemies while also having to be careful about dancing around melee enemies that would have less of an issue with turbulence, not to mention the synergy with the new 2nd ability that would increase attack speed and range.


    A possible augment could be something like "Gale force - [exalted weapon name] increases in range based on the combo multiplier" or something similar that is worth putting on an exalted build for damaging, but not for damage reduction, or alternatively a projectile reflection or a slash damage aura that would incentivize rushing into large groups.

  7. On 9/3/2017 at 0:43 PM, Bobtm said:

    After every 4 seconds or so, time would advance for 0.75 seconds. 

    Personally I would prefer that it just be a 75% slow like nova has, instead of the stop-go-stop. Another blanket slow would be less interesting, sure, but it would also allow them to take out the projectile cap, so I won't have people intentionally ending my stasis after 10 of the 77 seconds have gone by.

    Also some earlier posts were talking about not having a reason to use his 1 ever, because his 4 is always better, and I have to say... that's not remotely my experience in the majority of non-defense missions. In rescues, sabotages, some survivals, even interceptions, I have better luck just using stasis and banish with as much range and duration as possible, to ensure the enemies are stopped and somewhere else for about a minute and change, without having to worry about someone with a soma prime surprising me with a suddenly unfrozen heavy gunner.

    yeah yeah yeah, I know other players hate it so much when they can't kill everything in sight with their bullet hose or whatever, but I'd much rather not have to deal with getting attacked and take the hit to affinity I don't need instead. I use limbo in games where I want to get it over with as quickly and cleanly as possible, and by and large, stasis/banish/afk is the easiest way to do that, aside from my defense strategy of cata/stasis. Even in rescues I stasis/banish the guards so they don't trigger the alarms or stop me from hacking, then banish everything I see on the way to extraction.

    Changing stasis to a slow instead of a stop would let this strat still work, because they'd be moving ridiculously slow in another dimension, and also allow guns in cata on defense. Boom, a lot of complaints gone.

    I'd also like it if things could be banished into rift while i'm in rift, but as previous posters have said, there's a reason it can't work at full capacity like that. What I think might be a good sort of compromise might be a single target yank instead of a massive cone while in rift, and normal functionality outside of it.

    Alternatively, to address other concerns, the same type of toggle ivara and vauban have could be introduced, where banish could be toggled between single target into rift(cheap cost), many targets into opposite plane from limbo(cost per target), and maybe another mode or two. I personally prefer this solution, because while it's half-baked and hardly usable at the moment, it adds flexibility and complexity, which I'm a big fan of.


    These are just my thoughts based on my experience, take them with a grain of salt.


  8. READ.jpg?resize=293,322

    8 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    didn't ask for speed, I even ask for speed to stop.


    10 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    Lately I've been actively avoiding being anywhere near volts in my squads, to the extent of being on the other side of an Akkad from them, just so I can play(I just messed around with my 0forma volt and got a 23.5 meter range). I'm extracting at wave 5 in every defense where someone wants to play speed volt, because it's not fun. I'm starting to want to just abort mission as soon as i see the electric terror load in, rather than stay 20-40 meters away the entire game.

    I've already been doing what you so kindly suggested. This thread is to bring attention to that, as well as potentially find a solution for all players, without having to be literally half a map away from a single specific frame.

  9. @rudman88

    "Jusst because you dont like it doesnt mean its useless."

    Point to where I used the word useless, and tell me exactly how I said it was useless to everyone in every build ever used. Please.

    "1. If you dont like the speed just dont use it."

    See the first post on this thread.

    10 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    But I literally can't use his 2.

    "2. Is cancelable by rolling back so jsut roll back if you dont want it."

    See the first post on this thread:

    10 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    I know there's the backflip whatever thing to cancel the buff, but I would have to do that five times a wave in some cases

    "3. If speedbuff is cheesing then other abilities is a better cheese. you jsut have to run around with ember."

    I said this already, still on the first page:

    5 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    I can feel myself slipping into the mindset of just wanting to run WoF ember or something similar,

    "4. the 3rd skill can block all attack for that duration and add your crit chance. why are you complaining ?"

    This is not complaining:

    10 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    It looks weird, it's not something I need to use, but it doesn't get in the way if it is used by me or someone else.

    Also look 6 posts above yours? this was already covered..?


    "5. Alot people use it with no complaint so they can run faster."

    Ah yes, however:

    8 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    I don't want speed, I didn't ask for speed, I even ask for speed to stop. If I wanted to break the sound barrier I'd play volt myself, with minimum range because I know it's annoying.


  10. 12 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

    Most melee oriented Volt's actually tend to focus on his Speed, which does put you in an odd camp,

    Almost every melee I have is built for crit/berserker, so I end up with an attack speed almost faster than I can sustainably click. At that point it's just going to bone my combos, honestly.

    All it ever does it make it harder for me to do things I'm trying to do, unless I specifically make my own volt build and build my weapons for that, which I haven't gotten around to yet, and probably won't until well into eidolon, if then.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

    I could see a "three strikes" rule working well for it. 

    I could see this working well, and I'd definitely accept this happily for longer missions like defense and survival, but a lot of exterminates end up finishing before I can actually manage to backflip twice because it's so clunky with my keybindings and I literally never do it for any reason other than to get out of turbo.

    A different way of getting out AND the three strikes mechanic would be great, and I could stop having to immediately pause, aim, backflip, then go back to whatever I was doing.

    As for this:

    12 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

    Volt's 3 is a wonderful ability,

    It might be amazing, but I tend to be melee/ability based, not gun based (aside from a few very specific exceptions), and it doesn't provide any benefit to melee as far as I've seen. It looks fantastic for lanka, dread, etc. Just not my thing.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Yargami said:

    Volt Prime is the 'frame that I least want to be paired up with in a match (which puts him below things like World on Fire Ember).

    oddly enough, I can feel myself slipping into the mindset of just wanting to run WoF ember or something similar, just so i can walk through and not have to deal with turbo volt. The next time I see a volt I'm leaving the mission, and starting to drop forma in my wof ember, avalanche frost, maim equi, and the like. It's the only way I can even pretend to be effective.

    It's beyond irritating to have to shelf my excal, valkyr, inaros, and other frames I use for melee for no other reason than that other players are making it next to impossible for me to melee.


  13. 16 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

    so backflipping out of speed should lock someone out of being affected by speed for exponentially increasing amounts of time.

    This is something I definitely agree with with a slight modification. I still think the cancel should be easier to access than aim + backwards + shift. That being said, there is merit to this:

    24 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    You cannot have roll or bullet jump to cancel it.

    The only things I can think of that are easy and intuitive for me personally to access, and also not used for forward movement are like... melee ground slam (weapon reliant, won't work), and stationary crouch. That way if you want to keep your speed, stand and don't crouch if you need to not run, or run then crouch so you slide instead.

    Do this, add the cancel lockout timer thing like ventura wants, and boom. you have people teabagging the ground every 15sec/45sec/1:30/5minutes (random numbers for example only), and then being fine, instead of having to backflip out of every 15-22 second long speed, which is 3-5 (even more if they're enthusiastic or hit a nullifier) times a minute depending on how much the volt wants to ensure uptime.

    napkin math says that's 4 stationary crouches for 7:30 of no speed boost, as opposed to the current best case scenario of maybe 20 backflips for even less time.


    Or... you know... just make it self-buff only, so if someone wants to run around like a hamster that chugs energy drinks they still can, by bringing their own volt.


    Edit: just tried to cut down range as much as i could, got to 11.5 meter radius, which I still can't in clear conscience take to a group, because I'd get people left and right with that in any indoor corpus map, and most indoor grineer maps too. This speed boost literally has a larger range than discharge, the aoe 4th ability designed to CC everything nearby.

  14. 58 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    it is not disruptive.

    Not disruptive? you mean like this?


    3 hours ago, Eightwarlords said:

    I would have to do that five times a wave in some cases,

    2 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    Being forced to backflip every time some random player wants to press their 2 key is intrusive and annoying.

    1 hour ago, Emulad0or said:

    I can only backflip so many times a minute



  15. 1 hour ago, NightBlitz said:

    do a freaking back flip,

    36 minutes ago, TaleTeller said:

    You can backflip to nullify speed btw

    Did you mean:

    1 hour ago, Eightwarlords said:

    I know there's the backflip whatever thing to cancel the buff,

    Also, there's this:

    36 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    , a good portion of speed-centered Volts like to stand in small, enclosed areas and repeately re-cast the ability making it impossible to appropriately position yourself because tapping the button now moves you twice to thrice as far

    This, or they add range just to be a bigger pain in the rear. I don't want speed, I didn't ask for speed, I even ask for speed to stop. If I wanted to break the sound barrier I'd play volt myself, with minimum range because I know it's annoying.


  16. Look, I bought volt prime access when I first started playing, god knows how long ago. I used him loads, I loved his stats, and I loved that one single ability he has that even pretends to be helpful. All I'd do it build around his 4, and never hit 2/3 under any circumstances. That's fine, I only build equi for his 3/4, and mag for her 1, etc.

    Somewhere along the line he dropped off, and I stopped playing him. He just wasn't fun, with his 4-centric build, where I would maybe occasionally hit 1 for some specific purpose. I'd sooner pick up ember, who has a 3 similar to his 4, or equi, who just facerolls with his larger radius, passive-ish 4. That's also fine, different frames for different people.

    His 3? I just don't like it. It looks weird, it's not something I need to use, but it doesn't get in the way if it is used by me or someone else. It may as well not exist, as much as I've seen it in public games. It might be better if it were a box like frost, or a physical barrier like atlas, I don't know, because I've never wanted to use it enough to see what it needs. That's fine, some abilities are just meh, that's how games work.

    But I literally can't use his 2. It gives me a headache, it makes me nauseous, it makes my frame look absolutely ridiculous, and it removes any enjoyment from the mission I'm in until that buff fades. I have to stop what I'm doing and stand still to fight if I'm in combat, or bullet jump around tiny hallways like a jackass if I'm trying to get somewhere. I know there's the backflip whatever thing to cancel the buff, but I would have to do that five times a wave in some cases, or spend more time cancelling it than it would take to just bullet jump through the hallway specifically designed to not be bullet jumped through.

    And that's not fine.

    Lately I've been actively avoiding being anywhere near volts in my squads, to the extent of being on the other side of an Akkad from them, just so I can play(I just messed around with my 0forma volt and got a 23.5 meter range). I'm extracting at wave 5 in every defense where someone wants to play speed volt, because it's not fun. I'm starting to want to just abort mission as soon as i see the electric terror load in, rather than stay 20-40 meters away the entire game.

    Something needs to change with this. This frame ends up with a 1 that I never actually want to use, because all my weapons (and the 4) are better, a 2 that makes me want to alt+f4, a 3 I forget even exists, and a 4 that no one ever uses but me because 'lel why do that when 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.'

    He needs a rework, or a change to his 2/3, or something. I don't care how it's done. I just want to not have to leave every 3rd of 4th game because someone feels like forcing me to run at mach 3. It would be nice if I actually enjoyed volt enough to play him again, but I'll be more than happy with just fixing his 2.

    If it has to stay a speed boost, make it self-only, make it something I can roll out of like the rift, make it come off with bullet jump or ground slam or whatever, hell, change it back to a pickup, but one that is attracted to the player if they have vacuum.

    Even better than that (imo) would be making it something that isn't a speed boost, like increasing range on his melee, or speeding up fire rate/reload/melee, but not run speed, or a cone of electricity instead of the single bolt his 1 has.

    I don't care what happens. All I know is unless his 2 is changed, and hopefully his 3 is improved a little, I'll never play or enjoy playing with a volt at any point in time, ever, in any mission, no matter what or where or when it is.

    • Added a potentially permanent but experimental cap to Daily Focus Points earned, currently it is at 75,000 each day. We will monitor this over the weekend! (Note: End of Missions stats will not reflect the Focus Cap). Addendum: 'potentially permanent' also means potentially not, we're just trying to figure out the best way to have meaningful earns and pacing.

    As a game development major in college, this is one of the most interesting parts of the update to me. i'm only a freshman, so take what i say with a grain of salt. It should be noted however that almost every post in the six pages preceding this was raging about this, and I have to say that I personally agree.


    Although I have yet to get any of the passives and can't comment on their usefulness, the amount of focus required versus the amount of focus gained per mission is astonishing. This is in addition to the fact that the first stage of zenurik is essentially a limited version of Bastille, and the entirety of every other tree is hidden from view until 50,000 focus has been gained in each one.


    This means that before making an informed decision on which tree to pursue, players would need to get 200,000 focus, which is capping two days in a row, and then using a third of the next day's cap, and that tree likely won't get to be truly worth using until much later. i could see this time frame being explainable were this a pay to play game with defined tiers of content and stages of difficulty, but... to be honest this just doesn't fit.


    In a game where we can see the stats of every weapon before we buy it, and can get descriptions of abilities on new frames before deciding to get them, the lack of information on the other focuses feels foreign. in a game where a good two hours will get a frame, primary, secondary, and melee to max rank and ready for trials, this progression cap and length of time between purchase and usability feels strangling.


    All the same, this is my favorite game to play, and it feels spectacular aside from the little things like these.


    Thanks, DE.

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