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Posts posted by Purromancer

  1. I'm not too sure how I feel about this. On one hand, it's good that frames are a bit more aligned with each other, but this also means that some of the more brutal content will be way more frustrating to get through. Many sorties with Corpus are already so frustrating to play, and I can't imagine weakening our frames is going to make it any better. I guess I'll wait and see how it pans out, but not feeling it.

  2. I kind of hope the cleavers receive a small buff. I love the look of them, but they don't seem particularly good - a tiny bit less damage (and i mean 0.1 less total damage) and nothing except a tiny buff to attack speed and status chance. I hope they give them a small crit chance or damage buff to make it a bit better to use.

  3. I have a few questions about personal shielding!

    How do Corpus and our own shields work?

    To add to that, are they bodytight forcefields, or are they a bubble around you kind of thing?

    How do personal shields interact with the world? If we, say, want to have a cup of space noodles, how does that work?

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