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Posts posted by MisterMan2556

  1. My game will drop down from around 100-120fps to 30ish every minute to every few minutes and also my game will run a bit sluggish, as in my cross hair will more glide across my screen instead of sliding with where I'm pointing with my mouse. It happens most often while I am in either the pains or the orb but I'm not sure what is causing this issue, any help would be appreciated.

  2. So I'm not sure what fixed it but I have had DirectX 11 on so I don't think it was that. But I also ran some full system scans with Norton and that found some things and then after letting my laptop sit for a night now everything is running fine. Thanks for the suggestion though I appreciate it.

  3. I normally run the game locked at 72 FPS, and run that very consistently. However, lately when ever I fire a weapon or attack with melee my game will drop down to around 12-15 FPS. My game runs fine other than this, constant 72 FPS when moving around.  Also my amp does not have this problem, I can shoot that no problem and without any FPS drops. Beam weapons also act strange, if I fire and hold down LMB it will lag for the first two seconds of shooting but after that the gun with fire fine until I run out of ammo and have to reload, after the reload it does the same 2 seconds of lag and then normal firing. If anyone has had a similar issue and fixed it I would be really appreciative to know how you did so. I've been playing this game for almost 5 years so I don't want to stop now.

    I also have tried to play some other games while I wait to see if anyone else has had this issue and some of my games which I could play perfectly fine with good FPS before now have like 3 FPS, but not all of them so maybe its an issue with my computer itself and not warframe? Any Ideas would be very helpful.

  4. 1. With the upcoming changes to the operator and focus, I was wondering if the operators abilities would scale and change depending on what focus trees and unlocked and what abilities are unlocked within them, or is just going to be tied to the new armour and blaster weapons. Also will the "karma" system from previous quests be coming into play at all regarding this or any other system.

    2. With how important fashion frame is to this game, will there be any chance that we could possible remove the old arcanes off the the classic arcane helmets, possibly with distillers, and put them onto a helmet from the same warframe, with the condition being that maybe you couldn't trade the arcane anymore. I would love this change and I think a lot of other people would too.


  5. 1. Can we please have the solar map xp be a nice round 30,000 to fit in nicely with all of the other mastery rank xp in the game.

    2. Can we please have an option to take old arcanes off of helmets and put them onto newer helmets for the same warframe. Obviously you would not be able to put it onto a helmet with an existing arcane, as you cannot do now, and the helmet would become nontradeable perminitly even if put back onto the original helmet. I love some of the delux skins but if I really want to min/max I have to use a helmet I may personally not find appealing.

    3. Have you guys ever considered scaling rewards from endless mission based on enemy level and how long a player has been in the mission, it's kind of disappointing to be getting trick mag from a high level defense on wave 50.

  6. So I got a 50% off and was planning on buying $50 worth of plat, but I then noticed that my boosters where almost done. So I bought Prime Accessories. I then when back to buy some Plat. My game still said I had the discount but the website does not. I was just wondering why the discount gets used if the prices are not even discounted, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Just want to know how some other people feel about this.

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