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Posts posted by Boylee

  1. Relays are still completely empty for me after the hotfix. Only people there are NPC's :/


    I've tried joining on friends.

    I've tried joining from invites.

    I've tried joining in a squad.

    I've tried joining with matchmaking set to solo.

    I've tried joining with matchmaking set to public.

  2. The frames weren't the problem here. The problem is the syndicate grind is just dull for veteran players. Players of Eagle level mastery and upwards will find optimum reputation farming spots, no matter what. Farming isn't fun, people do it because it's efficient.


    However, nerfing frames that were fairly well balanced, and certainly well loved, is not the way to fix this issue. These nerfs are so rushed that DE didn't even check them properly. Mag can no longer restore her own shields with Shield Polarize.  "Why?" you ask, presumably a bit of broken LoS logic, but it doesn't matter. What does matter is that it indicates a rush to put a bandaid on a broken mechanic.


    If you want to quickly address the Viver syndrome, then change that location to something else, like a Hive mission. Alternatively, tweak the tile or it's spawn points. The control point change (no more neutral state) was actually a good example of a tweak that makes it harder to farm Viver and I approve of that approach, but DE clearly didn't think it was enough.


    Here's the critical bit though:

    Players have already found alternative rep farming setups with different frames. Should we expect to see another round of frame nerfs next week to address the revised Viver tactics?


    Make it easier for Vets to garner rep for syndicates and this all goes away. Maybe make reputation scale with mastery via a multiplier based on your mastery rank. Or perhaps every time players hit a new mastery level you could give them a "rep bomb" they can dump into any faction they choose. Either way the problem here is that veteran players don't want to have to pour in hundreds more hours of the same content to get access to the newest stuff. That sort of grind is fine if you're just starting out, you naturally have hundreds of hours of play in front of you, not so much when those hours are already behind you. Make it so vets can see tangible progress toward the new stuff without having to farm and no-one will bother with it.


    TL;DR: Frame nerfs were a bad idea. They don't fix the cause of the Viver syndrome and they just irk people. 

  3. I love this game, truly I do, but the broken lights annoy the **** out of me.


    Traps which punish you for not paying attention are fine. Traps that require skill and reasoning to avoid or disable are fine. Hell, I'd even be totally cool with traps that require you to solve an environmental puzzle in order to proceed. All of these are tried and tested mechanics that add depth to game worlds.


    Traps which can floor you in one hit, that you often can't even see until you've already been hit by them, are not a gameplay mechanic at all. They merely make things artificially difficult without any good reason. If a player has no recourse to react to hazards in game then said hazards will not be enjoyable and will merely serve to frustrate and annoy players. There's no risk/reward mechanic, there's no engagement mechanic, there's no mechanic at all, just pure, often unavoidable, punishment.


    On the flip side of this, I understand that engineering interactive elements into a random tileset can be challenging, and I think that's where part of the problem may lie. DE may not have predicted that these broken lights (of electrical doom) would be so hard to see when placed into randomly generated level configurations. A good example is a light fitting on the opposite side of a door frame to you. You can't see it until you've passed it, but when approached from the opposite direction it would be obvious, as you're focused on the affected side of the door frame. 


    The solution to this problem is fairly simple. Firstly the broken lights should be removed or heavily (HEAVILY) nerfed until they are revised to actually be entertaining. This would immediately solve people's biggest gripes about them. Secondly they should be thoroughly rethought with a view to actually attaching a mechanic to them. Examples of this could include electrical faults in a room that block progress and require players to shut off the power to proceed, or possibly a more considered placement approach combined with the ability to trigger them and use them to your advantage to stun enemies. Either way they should be made to have a purpose beyond hacking players off. Thirdly, and finally, they should be re-implemented with some signposting (not literally signs :P) to allow players to understand their purpose. A good example of this is the announcements the lotus makes about fires and faulty coolant systems. This approach would both add depth and enable players to understand the mechanics they are presented with.


    Either way, in their current state they are simply a nuisance and should be changed / removed / revised. I honestly don't care which, I just don't want to be randomly put on my arse again for no other reason than not having x-ray vision. There's a part of me that wonders if their implementation was just a way to justify the existence of the (otherwise pretty pointless) 'Lightning Rod' mod, but if that's the case it just makes the mod a costly necessity when playing this tileset, rather than an option for player to consider.


    So yeah, TL;DR: I agree. They should go. Please DE, I don't ever really complain about warframe, you've built a great game, but this is one instance where you really need to listen to people griping and react accordingly.

  4. Ability duration readouts on the HUD is something I've wanted for a while. Please don't ignore this DE. They don't necessarily need to be numerical. Timers that count down with animated radial fills would be fine, just something to let me know that my Iron Skin is about to crap out and leave me hugging 3 Toxic Ancients would be lovely.


    Also, worth noting that since there's already placements for health and powers you could feasibly attach these readouts to those regions instead. Ability timers could stack up above their respective abilities at the bottom of the HUD, and status procs like bleed damage could appear next to your hp/shield. Just a thought.



    Why does the hud say Excalibur when the character is Volt :S


    It's an edit of a mockup that was posted in the Design Council by DE staff. If you look closely just about all the information on it is garbage. 


    Now to go and find the proper thread where I can to question the decision to put the player's health readouts miles away from the team's. Oh wait, I can't it's in the Design Council. :/

  5. Ohhhh I remember the days of having credits to spare, at one point I even had millions. These days I struggle to maintain 50,000. To be fair, I'm not playing as much any more, but that's partly down to the fact that I'm feeling burnt out farming credits. Honestly, it has come to the point where I have to choose whether I want to be able to craft or fuse mods this week .


    This seems like a simple problem to solve, Just make alerts dole out 50x the median level enemy for that alert, i.e 35k for a level 68-72 alert mission or 50k for a level 98-102 mission. The most credits I've had off a level 120-140 alert was 26,000, and that was a mission with no special reward attached to it. If high level alerts gave out large credit sums I would actually have a reason to be excited when a lvl 100+ alert came up.

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