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Posts posted by Grieves.

  1. Hello 

    just a simple question.. since the chroma update yesterday I think the Arcane Energize set is bugged.. maybe just for me. 
    I play since 4 hours now and I already used more than 80 energypads before this update comes out I was never in the situation to use it.
    For example on my saryn i using 2 sets of arcane energize and i need more than 10 energyorbs to proc them it was more often before the update comes out, maybe i'm paranoid but it feels like that. 

  2. Totally agree with this!

    I mean i have alot of tradings each day and it hurts to invite everyone in the dojo, trade with them, talk to them and and and.. I mean my brain gives up nearly XD
    Jk - thats the best idea i've ever seen in this forum section, so simple but so good. It makes everything easier for old and new people.

    And we finally we get prices based on the market, auction house.

  3. Hello,
    because i think that pictures say more than 1000 words, i just put my fabulous photoshop example in here (sarcasm)


    so my idea was : give us a blueprint for brillant and radiant eidolon shards to craft them with the regular eidolon shards. Because if we're serious, we just need 100 of them maximum for craftig amps, build up our arcanes and that was it so please.. i already have 3000+ of them, so what i'm doing with that? 

  4. Hello,

    simple question, the topic includes the question.. I mean we have waiten enough i guess so please, bring this sigil back again for people they dont have them.
    I mean the sigil is not an exclusive.. so where's the problem that this takes so much time to bring this event back.

  5. Am 24.6.2018 um 01:02 schrieb Nazrethim:

    Easy fix:

    DE needs to make ALL enemies in Void Fissure mission already start corrupted. Sometimes during Exterminate I have to wait ages for them to get corrupted.


  6. Hello guys..

    to do it quick : just change the design of both things.. the sigil looks like plastic.. i mean look at this 

    and now we have to talk about the syandana.. so, as everyone knows limbo is one of the biggest memes in warframe so DE, why you guys chasing him to beeing a bigger meme with this "syandana" its a shame to call this thing a syandana.. look at the misa prime, uru prime, pyra prime.. all of this syandas looks freaking amazing so why you guys create a syandana like this.. who wants to buy this access? you pay for like nothing.. the warframe and the weapons to be fair, you can grind in like 3-4 days
    the second plastic thing :

    and yes guys, thanks for the information i know my english is bad xd
    all what i want to say.. i spend ALOT of money to this game.. and thats the thanks for all this? plastic accessoires?

  7. Hello,

    I'm on the Operator maximization at the moment, and after i completed 3 focus trees i realized that this operator pool is a freaking joke in my opinion.
    I mean we need Brillant Eidolon Shards for Way-Bounds thats ok for me.. BUT.. this Capazity of more then 177 Slots is not fair.. I mean im on 138 Slots right now and i already need 111,877 Focus for ONE Rank.. that means i have to sacrifice alot of my shards or standing for each pool increase. 

    So my Idea reduce the Focus for each Increase.. thats ridiculous at the moment.. 30k for each is fair enough so we're on 5,300,100 that's more than enough for everyone. 
    I mean the most people are so frustrated because of that this people are not interested to maxing out the operator and i can understand this.

    Hope we can find any compromise

  8. Hello,

    please with all this updates and everything, Eidolonhunt and so one, it takes alot of pads like Energy, Health, Shields, so please gives us the opportunity to create 100 or 200 stacks of each in the foundry.



  9. vor 7 Minuten schrieb JuicyButthurt:

    It looks cool but is grossly inefficient, IMHO movement in this game is mostly relegated to getting from engagement to engagement while in actual combat it's limited to feet on the ground or AoE nukes.

    Inefficient? why? i mean its harder for the enemys to hit you, if you play with squishy warframes like banshee it is a must have imo

  10. Hallo, 

    war gerade dabei einen Livestream zu schauen, dort kam uns, dem Streamer, dem Chat und Mir die Frage auf, warum Prime Accessories (Dies schließt die Primes aus) eigentlich "exklusiv Content" sind, ich meine, es laufen so viele hunderte Spieler mit einem Misa Prime, Pyra Prime, Edo Prime etc herum, ist dies denn noch exklusiv?. Mir ist auch der Aspekt des Geldes bewusst, auch ist mir bewusst das DE ein Unternehmen ist und Geld machen wollen aber wäre es nicht lukrativer die Accessories DAUERHAFT zur Verfügung zu stellen?. 

    Nehmen wir folgendes Szenario : 
    Ein Neuling beginnt das Spiel, checkt ein paar Profile durch weil er sehen möchte was so möglich ist zu ergattern und sieht ein bspw. Pyra Prime bei einem älteren Spieler, er findet das Syandana extrem hübsch und möchte dies unbedingt auch besitzen, geht in den Shop unter Syandanas und wird nicht fündig, findet Ihr nicht dass man den Spielern, gerade Neulingen damit ziemlich den Spielspaß raubt? ich finde auch dass es eine Form von Ausgrenzung ist, da man nur den älteren Spielern diesen Content bis dato zur Verfügung gestellt hat (falls das Argument aufkommen sollte "Du sagst das nur weil du selbst ein Neuling bist", ich spiele das Spiel seit mittlerweile knapp 4 Jahren demnach ist das nicht der Fall). 

    Beispiel wäre meiner Meinung nach also :
    Prime Syandas DAUERHAFT in den Shop stellen für ungefähr 12-13€
    Prime Armors DAUERHAFT in den Shop stellen für ungefähr 13-15€

    I know, never break a running system.. aber ich finde die Zeit der Exklusivität ist im Jahre 2018 nun auch endlich mal vorbei und ich finde auch dass man anfangen sollte vom Pfad der Exklusivität abzudriften und anfangen den Content jedem Spieler, zu egal welchem Zeitraum zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    Bin auf eure Meinungen gespannt & lasst uns darüber formal und konstruktiv diskutieren und nicht ausschweifen wie es in diesem Forum oftmals der Fall ist.

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