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Posts posted by SeoV

  1. DE's last word on this was no.


    BUT, they said they may do a different gender warframe of the same theme.


    Ember and Blaze stuff.


    This would just make the same issue as before. Them "blaze" and "Ember" would be two different frames and therefore will have differences in terms of power. Then people have to make the same choice again between them, and therefore between genders. This is really dumb, as you're just making some lousy slapdash frames to couple with already good frames. Just stop this gender nonsense. 

  2. I don't understand this really, why the fear of playing a different gender? It's a video game, how exactly is the gender an issue? Each frame is their own character with their own lore, why make doubles? This way they are all unique, and it's wonderful. Just because there's  Tomb Raider with Lara Croft, doesn't mean we should make a male Tomb Raider because 'gender.' It's a game about space ninjas, and the thing that bothers you is the boobs or lack thereof on your character? 

  3. This may or may not be out of place but,

    Pretty sure that new frame 'Limbo' is for our clan: 






    The classiest Gentle-Tennos of the land. 

    Please ladies, keep your gloves on. 


    For the fanciest and most well-mannered of frames,



    Did you mean Monocle Clan Mascot. 

    (Seriously it's perfect DE good job, we were wondering what took so long.) 

  4. am i the only 1 who understands warframe story/ lore whatever you call it?


    Technocyte virus - its a virus but with a little techno in it hehe. (no but seriously it made those infested mutants)

    Sentients - super op megadudes that fought orokin

    (no lore about them because they will return so then it will make sense about how why what and where )

    Grineer - galactic evil dudes

    Orokin - they created tenno and fought sentients

    corpus - merchant a-holes that see money as their religion

    tenno - orokin created super weapon to defeat sentients (creator got killed by creation cliché - DING)


    We had no purpose to fight after the war.

    we got in thy cryopods to sleep.

    then grineer happened and lotus woke us up to fight those guys (the only thing i dont uderstand - who is she?)


    there can be lore about what happens AFTER we get out.


    But none of this is properly explained, there's no real story behind it just key words like you put out. We all understand that, we're not dumb. But we need more than a bullet points about the universe. 

  5. i know why dark sector is what it is, but i think giving the lore of dark sector some chance into waframe, its a good oportunity to fix what go wrong, i like to think its like the bioshock/bioshock infinite lore, and no one complains about that ending, people say its awesome, so i say if bioshock can do that sort of things with lore, why not warframe?


    The difference being Bioshock's story, though convoluted at parts, was written, developed and drafted WITH the game development. DE made the game without seeming to think about the plot very much at all. Also comparing the story of Dark Sector and Bioshock is absurd, Bioshock is one of the games with the most critically acclaimed story, Dark sector on the other hand. Well. Go figure. 


    Not to mention Bioshock 1 and 2 are in the same place, and Bioshock Infinite mentions rapture and plastids and ADAM and all that in a way that ties everything together, exactly NOT like DE has done. 

  6. I'm a huge fan of lore, more than many other people when it comes down to gaming. However lore isn't just what makes a good game its fixing it little by little and updating it little by little so that nothing gets left behind and destroys the lore people have worked so hard too create.


    Having said that Warframe has left allot of "Screws lose" and have yet too fix major gaming problems while focusing their work on what appears too be more flashy subjects, I mean I'm all up for flashy but this screams the Kubrow Update all over again. People kept questioning "Will Warframe ever fix its major issues and not waste their time on pointless Kubrow"? We all know Warframe is a constant updating game, more so than many other games out their so just give them time they also go back to problems that need fixing.


    Not to mention Kubrows look awful no offense. 


    DE! I want walking Shark Dogs, make it happen! 


    But on the serious side yes, It's kind of like they keep distracting you from real issues with:




    Your eyes slowly look over to the pile of human corpses in the corner. You try to point it out:





    NOW YOU GET IT! :D and now the game is ruined for you, to bad, for you, i love the lore of dark sector and warframe, and i think they are making something awesome



    I hope you realise sometime soon, this is not a good thing. Go read reviews, do some research. Please. 

  7. http://darksector.wikia.com/wiki/Robert_Mezner


    he in fact was working in the technocyte virus, but he didn't invented the virus, he discovered the virus from the creature comming from a dark sector, which the americans found first, but later in the intro of dark sector, the russians found the creature that already was infected the submarine, then they called mezmer, and then mezner is infected and then you have the story of why the infection in the dark sector game, and you ask, what creature? well..




    Yargo describes the Stalker as "very old", so, someone can assume this is the original creature found by the americans, then found by the russians, then studied by mezner.


    the next thing, nemesis.




    it has a variation of the original virus, and you can say has the first prototype warframe developed by mezner, with this, you can assume, hayden is infected by a more stable version of the virus (we can call it the response A to the virus), so thats why he has the glaive and stuff, so this variation of the virus is the one the tenno have;


    the original virus can create mindless zombies (we can call it response B), or, can create humans like nemesis and hayden (response A), and it has the distinction that the ones affected by this virus have metallic skin.


    another hint to that can be the first tenno in hibernation model, a.k.a. "naked nick":




    now the technocyte virus from the infested




    long story short, they are a failed experiment, a modified version of the virus, made by the orokin in an attempt to control them, after the Great plague implied in the description of the mire weapon




    Toppien, again. This is from Dark Sector, not Warframe. Read the dialogue and lore from the Orokin Derelict Missions and you'll see that. Also read the guy who posted above you, he has a clearer idea on what the Technocyte virus actually is in the context of "WARFRAME" not Dark sector. I mentioned the technocyte virus because it really really bothers me that they couldn't just call it another name, but had to recycle an idea from an old game rather than 'upcycle' it or revise it, where they couldn't explain THAT properly either. 


    Also, naked nick is a placeholder? So. There's that. 


    Also are you trying to say Dark Sector and Warframe share the same universe? If so that would blow my mind, and ruin this game for me. Dark Sector's story was awful, and Warframe is kind of heading that same direction, 


    "They added new stories, which just makes more loose ends, that DE seem very reluctant on cleaning/tying up."



    ^ this describes it perfectly.


    There are so many.... how do I say... potential lore fragments being "started". But they are never really being worked on.

    Instead they seem to throw in more and more fragments - the issue is - every fragment is it's own story.

    What about infested Alad V?

    What about Frohd Bek (we wrecked his fire hyenas... remember?)?

    just 2 examples..


    And instead of building up on this, something like the cryotic event happened - which had fun gameplay- no doubt about that- but....0 lore value. Nothing.


    Exactly! It's like writing a bunch of letters and then no clearing it up. Imagine i handed you an essay paper that was entirely composed of this:


    A  an w  k d i  o a  ar an  th n s o  hi s lf. 


    ^ This is basically Warframe lore. There is the syntax for proper lore and good potential ideas, but without a paradigm, they fall apart just like the English language. 


    And they never explain anything, the game itself is fine, (I won't say great because I have gripes) The art design is fantastic and fresh, now give us reasons or a plot to tie everything together! 


    Please DE please! Stop making new rubbish plots and go back and revise your original ideas! 

  8. The technocyte virus from the infested is not the same virus the tenno have, in fact the infested have a modified version of the technocyte virus made by the orokin, the tenno have the original virus, which its the same as the one in dark sector, because in dark sector, the virus was not invented, it was discovered from a creature that was from a dark sector, and tenno are people who was mutated like hayden tenno, but in the void, tho by that same virus, so.

    Infested technocyte virus =/= tenno/dark sector/hayden tenno virus


    Uh. Where is any evidence for this. I'm pretty sure it's established that we are not infected by a virus, but simply warped by the void, and then given frames built by the Orokins. Also in Dark Sector i'm not sure what creature you are referring to but they never explained an origin, I'm pretty sure one of the antagonists had something to do with its creation as well? 


    Where is all of this information coming from? Or is this just speculation as well, because if it is it leads back to my original point, I want DE to explain themselves! (I kid of course, but please, the lore.) 

  9. I am the type of gamer that generally plays games for their story and lore, and usually Stick only in campaign mode even though said games have a multiplayer option as well. I believe that the story, even for a Coop game like Warframe, can have a big impact on the game/world immersion and can atract a lot of people into playing it. 


    As many people said before me, I support the idea of a Future Update, focusing solely on the lore, tying up loose ends, and adding proper quests with a strong story, that will leave you with an expression like "SOOOOOOOO THAT'S WHY ALL THIS HAPPENED. Why couldn't I figure it out sooner that this small detail was actually the trigger for everything"; I want to learn more about the stalker's history, and maybe even some cutscenes with the scene: "When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever." -always gives me the chills.


    However this poses a bigger challenge for DE (that I hope they can overcome it), and that is how to add a strong story and long quests with big immersion, in a COOP-based game, where you want to see the cutscene or listen to the enemy's chatter when they haven't detected you yet (like "Me and Steve went for a drink last night at this new pub back on the cruiser" ) but your team just skips it, or goes full berserk mode and kills everything before you had the chance of listening to those "small details" as they are called that more and more people start to hunt for.


    Only time will tell..


    Exactly! The Evolution Engine doesn't look half bad, show us some nice cutscenes, we know they have the animators for it! I'd love to have a reason to play Warframe simply for the story! Like a comic book that releases chapter after chapter you know? 


    The grineer excerpts in the ship are a way of this happening too! The little conversations, can barely hear it but it is there! 


    Have to agree with the OP, it's been my major gripe with the game. There's a very interesting world with lots of hints about it but no actual explanations.


    Honestly I feel like a fair amount of the lack of lore is DE struggling to adapt the original lore ideas they had for the game with the new gameplay elements and design choices they have made since the original lore was written. The issue of Tenno gender is one of these I believe. Originally warframes were going to have gender choice (hence the original teaser trailer showing a female excalibur that would become Nyx). With warframes having a gender choice it would be a no brainer that your account is one tenno who merely changes suits because they could all be male or all female. When gender choice got thrown out it suddenly made the "one tenno per account" a lot more difficult to answer, especially since they didn't also scrap that idea along with gender choice.


    I get the feeling that a lot of our lack of lore is a series of things like this where some design/gameplay element changes and shoots the old lore in the foot so they can't use it. Maybe they're waiting until the majority of their feature updates are in place before rewriting the lore, lest they continue their pattern of accidentally messing it up for the sake of gameplay.


    It does however not lead to a satisfied playerbase, the gameplay can be great fun and you can make as "immersive" a feel as you want but if there's nothing to immerse oneself in it won't be satisfying.


    I don't mind the gender-locked frames, as I said earlier. I think it makes it unique, i just wish DE could explain what we are, And yes, they are really trying to pull ideas from their old game (Dark Sector) and concepts, and I don't think they should. It's like trying to use your old mathbook from the 7th grade to study calculus. It just won't work and you've grown so much now, you can do a lot better.


    I hope DE is listening, I felt the same with Dark Sector, great gameplay but awful, awful, abysmal story,


    Am I the only one who would stop playing this game if DE ended up botching the story?...

    I love RPGs, and I especially love spacey-RPGs, and ninjas of course. But if I learn that

    the universe my character exists in makes no sense then what's the point? 


    I'm not saying DE can ever pull off a Mass Effect-esque story at all, not because of skill but because of the type of platform this game currently on. But they developed a story with a universe I cared for, and so I kept coming back. In Warframe my only real motivation to play is "Hey, I like those pants" and then I get them and then the motivation is basically gone.


    I like these new events, my problem is that the attach lore that; frankly no one cares about. Gravidus Di-what? Who cares free stuff. (Yes I've read the codex several times, I could care less about the cryopods, I'm not personally involved at all.) A story should tell a journey of oneself, at the moment there is none. 


    We don't know anything.  

  10. Yeah, its so simple, or just alter the models a bit and give us a choice for gender, tenno dont have voice acting, it would just be a little texture and modeling work to give us both genders availible. I am someone who really always likes to play "me" in a game, and I cant identify with a female character because I'm male, so, same as you, I only play male frames because I want to believe my tenno is male.


    But still this


    I don't exactly agree with different genders for a frame because I love that they all have their own look and personality, but I'd just like some story behind them. 

  11. Guys, remember, TECHNICALLY, it still IS in Beta, just Open Beta, not Closed Beta, so they can do all they want up until they make the game "official" or er, "out of Beta".  By the "Out of Beta" stage, warframe could cost money? I have no idea.


    Actually i think they had a soft opening as "full" release sometime in update 11 right? 


    Oh and, another thing, you guys are saying stuff like "How do I go from a female to a male in a blink of an eye?" but, if you listened and did the starter quest... which I did for funsies, Vor says "A tenno is like a lightning rod, each frame you possess fills with that energy of a like-mind" And Void Vor also said that in T4 missions.  So basically, every time we switch frames, our intelligence, our mind, through some sort of energy, is being transported into the frame.  The Tenno could be an empty husk for all we know, when we get into the frame, we fill out into its shape.  Maybe there is a body in the frame, except preserved... not like a rotting corpse, ew, but if there was, our consciousness is being transported from one to the other, like a reincarnation of sorts.


    I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant... If you read the lore for Ember for example, what Vor means is that we are Tenno who gain their power from the void, and the frame itself is a casing for that. 


    But even if I am wrong, we don't know for sure because back to the point, DE hasn't explained it to us. 

  12. Haha, ok. We can complain on the story, which is kinda scarce to tell the truth. But (and it may be a little bit off topic) I just experiences the "story" of Destiny, and boy, I can tell you that Warframe at least has some "short stories".


    So, yeah, I am both hands with you on more story, but still - let us not forget about the budget and workforce of DE. For now, let's just finger cross for Archwings to succeed and DE to develop more coherent content.


    Forgot about you there. But now that DE has been uh...bought out...well bought out isn't the right word. They should have a much larger budget. 


    Well, chalk that one up to graphics quality and executive meddling. 


    Edit: from what we've heard, this game wasn't intended to be played longer than an hour. When it took off the devs had to reevaluate what they were doing, which also means piecing together the somewhat haphazard lore they created. Apparently we're going to be getting some serious lore in U15, which seems to mean they've finally figured out what they want to do.


    With every update I feel a bit of hope, but after 15 updates and like, 2 codex entries, I'm wondering what their word per minute rate is. 


    You're a mighty-gender-morphin Tenno Ranger

    No but I do wish DE would elaborate on something as simple as this. This is why lately I have stuck with mostly female frames, I like to BELIEVE my Tenno is female that way I'm not confused logic wise after switching from Nyx to Rhino. (But then I get confused again)

    I feel like we asked this question before and at least twice it came up on devstreams but with no real answer. And I'm beginning to see some huge plot holes in our lore, its only a matter of time before it falls apart.


    This is what really scares me too. The absence of lore as well as being mighty gender morphin Tenno Ranger. ( GO GO GENDER-MORPHIN-TENNOOO RAAANGERR) That DE is leaving a huge plot hole. In the beginning it was really easy to feel...mystified by the absence of any real story in the beginning but now it's getting really old. I really don't want it to fall apart ): 

  13. I agree with you, normally you do a concept for a game, then you do the lore and then you craft both things at once, but its gonna get hard for DE to unite all those loose ends to something that isnt enirely ridiculous if they dotn bring anything soon.



    We dont even know what we are playing. Steve said focus system levels my "Tenno", my player, but why does my tenno have boobs when I play saryn and male proportions when I play loki? What am I? And what the hell is a Tenno? A ghost that changes its physical form?




    Technocyte is still pretty much the same as it is in Dark Sector, though it's more organic and less metallic here. It's basically a zombie virus of unknown origin, except the zombies it creates have magic powers.


    But it's not though! In Dark Sector it was metallic and basically made Exacalibur (C'mon we all know.) But now it's all gross. 


    What gives. 

  14. There's a thing called "Work in progress"

    The lore/story is going through this.


    I know it's work in progress, but work on that and not new stuff that ALSO doesn't make any sense?


    Syndicates are coming. New quests are coming. Chill the F*** out.


    Wow, Okay. I'm sorry if my post is aggressive at all? But I'm not mad at all, and why are you swearing at me? I have stayed in Warframe for so long, i'm just bringing something up.

  15. So to begin my story, I shall first state that I have been here since Beta. DE was extremely nice to me and gave me a comfy little seat in beta and allowed me to play a fetal version of what the game has become today. (That sounded way less gross in my head.) 


    The absence of any REAL lore is something quite special to Warframe and it always has been, DE has pulled so many ideas out from their PS3 game Dark Sector (or I guess, pulled old ideas of Dark Sector) that in terms of lore, Warframe looks like a weird lump of multi-coloured goo. No real form, no real direction, just a lump of text and 'lore' (hur) thrown in. 


    Then came so many updates and it seemed like everything was getting better, the codex entries! Woo! The tutorial woo! The events that have some sort of story woo! 


    But then you start to realise: They added new stories, which just makes more loose ends, that DE seem very reluctant on cleaning/tying up.


    Who are the Sentients? What is the technocyte virus really? (Besides a copied name from Dark Sector, which by the way doesn't really apply to the lore anymore since Technocyte made the infested yes? And there's nothing Techno about them at all really, even if they followed the Dark Sector version of the virus, it doesn't make any sense.) Why are the Tennos fighting each other? Hell why are the Grineer fighting us? What does the Janus key do? 


    I feel like DE throws around a lot of Lore mumbo jumbo that doesn't make any real sense. And frankly it's getting a bit tiring. I love this universe you've crafted DE, I want to learn about it. 


    But it's like learning Mandarin in braille. 

  16. I agree with that. In space, because of a lack of outside forces (not really a lack per se, but small enough that it doesnt have a very strong affect on you) once you start moving...  you keep moving.  now this would be interesting if you had a "coast" mode where the thrusters were used soley for acceleration and you kept moving in the given direction, and a "stationary" mode where your archwing automatically used thrusters to keep you from drifting once you stoped presing buttons (as the OP suggested)


    Another aspect of this is weapons fire.  lets say you're at a complete stop, and not in "stationary" mode.  when you fire your weapon in zero g without some form of stabilization, you would end up either being propelled backwards, being spun in a backwards somersault, or a mixture of both.  I know it would be a lot of work, but it would be awesome.


    I didn't even think of that! Yes! It opens up so many possibilities! Imagine as you're flying, you turn off your thrusters but you're still in motion. You can turn around and fire at the enemies chasing behind you while still flying backwards from previous momentum! And the gun fire would just help propel you! I hope the devs really take some of this into an account, to make it more like 'space warfare' rather than just warframes but with bigger weapons and free vertical movement. 

  17. So after watching the devstream showing in-game footage of the new Archwing gamemode, I was wondering. 


    It looks great, the whole exterior thing is something so new to Warframe, even if limited to a skybox (or in this case, space box) my only concern while watching the video was that as the frames moved forwards and backwards, it looked like they were basically walking. As if there were an imaginary platform below their feet, I feel like the lack of a 'drifting' motion after your intended movement makes space feel a bit...lackluster?


    It is a bit too much to ask for 'Newtonian' physics, as I'm sure that complicates the game-mode way too much, but it would be great if the Archwings had some sort of front thrusters that could stop us as we slowly decelerate? A 'slowing to a stop' - feeling that would give us the impression of really being in a zero-G environment?


    I know that the dev-stream showed a dev-build and there's still a lot of work we haven't even seen yet, but it'd be great to feel like we're actually in space, and not simply playing a flying animation on invisible ground.  


    Thanks for all your hard work DE, Warframe has come such a long way since Beta! 


    Good day, Ladies and GentleTenno!

    If I may disclose my feelings regarding moustaches...


    How I wish to grow a moustache

    A majestic mold of fur
    And proudly wear it, unabashed
    Along with a monocle, like any noble sir.
    Having found like-minded gentlepersons
    My elated interest, I wish to express
    To join this jolly band of noble ones
    And explore these planets with class and finesse.


    Oh dear good chap, how very exquisite. 


    I waggle my moustache at you sir. 

    Take my hand, let us, the Monocle, show you a galaxy of refined tastes and well groomed facial hair. 

    Gentlemen, Huzzah! 

  19. A guy asks me to help him with Jackal, fine. I'm running a Nova, playing with some new melee weaps and a boltor. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. 


    I join in, the guy immediately runs out, copters ahead on his own and downs within the first 3 minutes. 


    I sigh, run over. Soak up some bullets as i rez him and the game goes on.


    Same thing happens, copters ahead like crazy, 'Excalibro yolo' apparently. Guess what happens,


    Downs again. I rez him again, maybe he's new. I'm not used to rezzing teammates so often, not even on t4 void.


    He then trips every single door trip laser before dying again. Christ. 


    I shrug it off, I've played with reckless players who want to be some sort of invincible space ninja so whatever. 


    Immediately runs off to solo Jackal. I run in just in time to assist with some antimatter drops. Jackal is downed quickly


    After Jackal dies he runs off again and then the door shuts as it locks and i have to do the silly little bypass minigame. 


    He downs, this time his guardian angel (Me) can't get to him in time because for some reason he ran through every single enemy rather than taking the time to at least clear it out a bit. He dies because of course I can't get to him in time. 


    Right before he quits, yells in all caps. 



    I can't help but laugh. 

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