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Posts posted by Tamagosci

  1. Personal opinions:

    • Force labels for prime, weapon and warframe parts
    • For the end of mission screen: merge items and mods (same grid but one after the other) and keep credits/resources separated
    • Comparing two or more items now takes an excessive amount of clicks, especially if not in the arsenal
    • Weapons in the shop should always show stats without hovering
    • In the shop add a "Craft" button if you already own the blueprint (don't remove the buy blueprint button)
    • Converting prompts to hold the button seems a good idea for the less important prompts
    • Please change the "Select quantity" prompt: currently it takes a "long" time to open and forces your mouse back once it opens and the buttons to increase/decrease should be much closer (and preferably closer to the confirm/cancel buttons)
    • Make it more obvious that the icon in the top left is a button
    • Make loading tips availabe somewhere else too

    Have you considered adding a complexity rating or "gameplay style" tags to warframes? (Damage, Tank, Control, Buffer, ecc...)

    Ending with what i think would be an incredibly important thing to add: an in game poll system for the devs, with minor but useful rewards to entice players in filling it (like 3h boosters)

    This system would add a way to collect feedback and filter it by account data like mastery rank or hours played in the last month, giving even more value to the answers.


    Edit: i wanted to edit my post after reading what everyone else thinks, but after spending some time i noticed that 80% or more replies share the same thoughts and almost if not all replies think differently than the UI team about the approach to the new player experience so, in the hope that the replies are going to be read, i'm going to leave this untouched and let you guys think how much you value feedback (But seriously tho, add a poll system in-game)

    • Like 2
  2. After doing bounty 1 and 2 of the profit taker the elevator didn't work as an extraction point, so we thought to speed fail a bounty to fix it.

    The npc next to fortuna didn't have the interact option so i went to the corpus base the bounty forces you to capture, talked to the guy there and he showed me an empty bounty screen.

    After pressing Esc the UI bugged and no input worked, not even T to open chat. (I was still able to see what the other players were writing and game didn't freeze)

    UI: https://imgur.com/a/muLMZLm

    Log: I have the log but, since it contains personal data, i won't share it here

  3. As the title says, acid shells (sobek's mod dropped by khela) effect is neither spherical or cylindrical, it instead seems to hit in a plus(?) shape, thus not hitting some enemies that are in the 15m radius.

    The shape didn't seem consistent in the time i used it, but i can't confirm on that.


  4. Will you ever implement an in-game poll system?

    I think that would be a MASSIVE improvement on Dev-Player communication.

    Even better if you can make a "targeted" poll, like asking MR 0-5 players what they think of the game so far or asking players who completed x number of quests which one was their favourite.

  5. First of all i want to say sorry for any error as english isn't my main language.

    This is inconsistent but is very frustrating. Since update 21.0 after i click play in the launcher the game has a chance to completely freeze the pc, rarely audio keeps playing.

    If it freezes there's a very high chance that it would happen again after manual reboot.

    I tried to find a cause, like high disc usage, without luck. At first it seemed to affect every fullscreen app, but it slowly stopped happening with everything else.

    My only idea would be a driver issue but then i should have been able to find someone else with the same problem.

    I've tried to verify and optimize download cache, i won't try to verify cache through steam as everytime i did it i had to re-download the whole game and didn't fix the issue i was trying to solve.

    I would like any suggestion thanks ^_^

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