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Posts posted by zz_tophat

  1. How about instead we have a feature that shows the player's mission success rate, and average deaths per mission.


    Asking to see number of downs/deaths per mission may not be very accurate, as that may be as much due to choice of frame as skill. I mean of course a bad player would have a bad ratio yes, but a good player could have a lower ratio than another equally good player just because their primary frame is not blessed with tons of armor and invulnerability skills.


    For example I rarely get downed when using ash, as my usual response to suddenly losing shields is mashing 4 or 2, in fact it happens so rarely it's happened once this week and I am still mad about it. On the other hand I was doing a no-shields nightmare run in nyx and was instantly killed from full health by a heavy gunner when I opened a door and the gunner was directly on the other side, in the middle of a ground slam animation that killed me before I could react, by comparison the same thing happened later while i was using Oberon and it didn't even remove half my health (steel fiber + vitality + vigor).


    This seems to be a pattern, where my squishier frames with no survival skills can get murdered by a stiff breeze in particularly high level areas where as my tankier/stealthier frames do not have that problem.


    It could also be effected by the choice of mission, someone that only plays on Mercury would have a low down rate while someone that spends most of their time on Ceres is going to have more downs.


    So you could have someone that, for example favors Vabaun, getting downed in 20% of their missions on pluto looking like crap next to someone that mostly just plays rhino on saturn going down 5% of the time.

  2. I've been using the Detron for a while and I love it, easily one of my favorite weapons and it does not feel overpowered.


    One of the reasons I like it so much is that it uses pistol mods, which IMO: are often much better than the shotgun mods (Hell's chamber cost 15 points maxed vs 11 points maxed for barrel diffusion, hmm...)


    I think the thing I like most about it is that feeling of spraying shot everywhere, I have have magnum force on it and due to the complete lack of ranged drop-off it's still good despite the wider grouping. What is more I can fire wildly to my heart's content because it's very ammo efficient.


    I think looking at why the Detron is good, is a good place to start when deciding how to make shotguns more fun to use.

  3. I run vitality, vigor and steel fiber on my Oberon with no redirection and I don't even notice the lack of shields because his health pool is so resilient.


    The 900-ish health I have on my ash feels like nothing compared to the 900-ish I have on frost with steel fiber.

  4. Warframes can't swim because they were never taught how, they were taken and turned in to tenno when they were kids and before they learned how to swim.




    Also hydroid's lore is mostly a joke, as he was a well-known bed wetter.

  5. Would have been more impressed if you used a non-tank-easymode frame and the Skana against level 30-40's, instead of a Rhino and Galatine against mostly level 10-15 enemies.


    Good thing I'm not out to impress anyone and I just jumped on whatever alerts popped up and maps I hadn't done yet so...

  6. I didn't know where else to post this so, here:


    I was trying to do it on every tile set I had access too (or at least 10 of them) but I completely forgot the void, bah! oh well.



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