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Posts posted by ViciousCeph

  1. I thought staticor is like throwing knives of stug. So i was watching a vbideo of staticor, where guy was shooting staticor and then said "that was normal type of firing, now let's try charge". So i thought that primary fire is semi auto or auto, and secondary is charge so it would shoot when i press the button, not when i release it. And im very disappointed that it's a charge weapon instead with insane charge time.

    So please make it shoot like stug, primary fire is semi auto (or even auto) and secondary fire is charge. So i wont regret spending plat on it (atm i regret).

    Or please refund my plat at least.

  2. With the same colors, Hek looks very good and Vaykor Hek looks like a plastic toy gun, and is the worst looking weapon in the game.



    I swapped colors to show the difference.

    Vaykor Hek needs PBR treatment.


    Thanks for the game.

  3. Inaros is great, but the way he bleeds out just freaks me out, i tried him in solo t4s, he was very good, but when he falls, he bleeds, oxygen runs out and there's no way to revive until he bleeds out completely, he can't self revive when enemies are high level.

    DE, please let us using revive during bleedout or just let inaros die when he falls, like the other frames, this is unbearable.

    Thanks for such a great game, thanks for inaros, thanks for quanta vandal.

    Love, Wystan



  4. Heavy caliber on rank 9 claims that it reduces accuracy by 50% but it reduces Dera Vandal's accuracy from 100 to 8.3. So heavy caliber totally ruins this gun instead of making it better at a small cost.



  5. Yeah, but a player can get mastery rank with weapons without making a single shot/swing. And im qualified for the next mastery ranks. And still players think i'm a noob and that guy of rank 14 who doesnt think what is forma is not. To find out that player has low skill, you need to let him show how he handle hard things, but people just won't let some players do it.

  6. Hek with syndicate mod is better than vaykor hek on which you can't install this mod. Telos boltor is just worse than boltor prime, synoid simulor... not even top tier, secura penta.... okay but there's tonkor. rakta cernos... okay, except i don't like bows, sancti tigris, yes, that's a good gun but still i don't wanna rank up just for this.


    Also mastery rank doestnt mean you're strong, it means, that you just level many weapons and you can level many weapons without even having one with maxed stats.




    Guys, you made me mad. Idea is great, you're so confident about yourselves that you don't even pay enough attention to the point.


    I have a friend of MR 14. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT FORMA IS!

  7. Yes it doesnt. But maximum number of formas is 8 and it won't affect ui much, just put maximum 8 dots near the weapon's level.


    And i dont use mk1 braton, i use pretty good high rank weapons because i'm rank 8. It's completely diffirent if a rank 2 player uses just a boltor prime or boltor prime with 6 stars.

  8. What the hell? I said i dont care about my rank. I've been playing for a relatively long time, i taught people how to play warframe and some of them already are mr18+. I am rank8, just enough to have access to all relays. I have enough points for the next rank. I have best weapons in game.


    OKAY Why the hell not show the freaking full loadout then?

  9. People think i'm a noob while i just dont care about my rank. My gear is very strong and formaed.


    My friend bought boltor prime and i need to ask him each time, how many formas has he already installed.


    Weapon's rank is not as important as formas put to it, but rank is shown for some reason.


    I use pretty good high rank weapons because i'm rank 8. It's completely diffirent if a rank 2 player uses just a boltor prime or boltor prime with 6 stars.


    I have a friend of MR 14. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT FORMA IS!


    Please show how many formas are put to player's gear like weapon's rank. Please make it so.

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