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Posts posted by xxaaron5515xx

  1. So I'm really liking the look of the new starchart, even if it's only a cosmetic thing as it stands. I'd really like them to change more about how we go through the starchart, maybe make some proper progression, but the idea of Warframe things in a 1700's map is just too damn cool.

    Anyway, when Steve zoomed in on the Naramon Core in the center of the starchart, I noticed this region of space called the Goro Triplex, and I don't know what that is.

    What do you suppose the "Goro Triplex" is?

    I like it as well. It has a sense of progression if you noticed the groupings of the planets. Will make it alot easier to navigate and find where you want to go according to level. As for goro triplex xD no clue.

  2. I hate that everything new that comes out will either have no polarities or the d :c especially when the first mod a person has to put on is base damage which is always a v. Base damage is a must in all builds and without a v polarity it can take up almost half a guns drain just for 1 essential mod that no weapon can do without.


    I wish base damage just leveled with the gun level lol. Then id be excited about w/e polarity it may have.


    Edit: Also leaves room for raising the level cap of guns and harder content without having to add another base damage mod or more slots.




    Sorry for the messed up text sizes, copying and pasting on these forums is pretty broken.


    This is actually one of the first posts Ive seen and thoroughly read through regarding the issue and I found it very insightful.


    Damage is not capped in a way that would make enemies feels fair in relation to our max available survivability.

  4. Just throwing it out there that this game could really use it for the purpose of play retention. Going back and leveling a million weapons that you will most likely never use or farming to make things to level that you will never use seems to be all thats left for me. Theres raids and pvp but those dont have a good feel to them yet and need alot of refining imo (lack of balance, poor enemy scaling, bad spawn mechanics, excessive energy use). Those 2 would serve as great staple to build on if refined. Just my 2 cents on "late game"

  5. DE Made a great game when they created Warframe and yes it's been going through many changes but for the most part they have kept it damn balanced.


    The only issue I have is please stop nerfing weapons. It gets really annoying when you have put a lot of time and effort adding 6 or 7 Forma's to your weapon only to find out it's been Nerfed. Do you do this to encourage other people to buy newer weapons? Other than that I like the game. I like the balance, the game play, the response to which you guys respond to a problem, and the over all it's fun that way.

    Warframe most certainly is not balanced aside from a few features (maybe sentinels, archwing)


    Everything thing else feels all over the place (weapon dps, warframes, missions / rewards, pvp, enemy scaling, energy sources, im sure theres more I missed)

  6. Or any tank frame like frost it's just ridiculous really. I mean rhino even has a penalty on speed from his so called "armor" but in the current meta he has been nurfed into oblivion because of his old iron skin (all because of dueling xD). and now all the new frames and even the old squishy ones have more armor not just more but ALOT more. look at valkyr or chroma wtf really its funny if u think about how unbalanced that is for the "heaviest" frame to be one shot in late game content. so tell me what u think does rhino need a buff,rework,or nothing (just no :p)

    Edit: looks like all im gonna get is hate on Mr. rhino from rhino haters ; (

    I think those other frames may have been overtuned armor wise. Although rhino has 100 shields right?

  7. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Conclave



    -Frugal credit bundle(9000 credits)

    -Common fusion core




    I'm guessing this is why i'm having trouble finding a match at times?

    Why some matches have 2 people in them?

    Why most players don't give a hoot about pvp?


    Seriously... something needs to be done about these pitiful rewards...

    -Don't go handing out blue and golden potatoes like before

    -Don't force players into playing pvp



    Just make it at least partly worth our time to go killing other players for sport.


    Sure, pvp is sorta fun, but if i feel like i'm wasting time because of the lackluster rewards, something is wrong.

    Lol i dont think the rewards are the big reason people dont que. 1 word. Balance

  8. The one thing I want to add along the lines off balance is that as of lately DE has been attempting to use augment mods to balance certain skills or weapons that arent where they should be. Where this may give a skill some flavor the original is still tasteless and overall a person has to waste drain to fix something thats broken instead of it being adressed normally. IE nyx chaos and a few others. So basically overall the frame is still worse having to waste this drain on skills that should work as intended. A skill rework is way more ideal and hate to see it revised in other ways.


    One more thing I feel as though may need to be adressed is the enemy scaling torwards higher levels makes very little sense. Instead of enemy damage growing exponentially I think maybe in increased in TTK and plateauing dmg at a reasonable number might work a little better. thats just my 2 cents

  9. Im that player that kinda scopes out lfg to see if anyone is hosting t3 t4 keys when I run out after hosting mine. At that point especially in defense missions I get so bored from constantly sitting there while mesa is constantly sitting there nuking and everyone else is just sitting there.


    Idk if anyone else can relate but its like:

    Ok ill join a defense - long run of shooting very little. come out pretty bored

    Join Survival - tunnel camping. Come out extremely bored

    Realize Ive sat still getting loot pulled at me for 2 hours

    Log off

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