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Posts posted by Galiath25

  1. Floating mods is definitely the way to go. Anything can be disassembled, so why should a mod be permanently fused to the gun?

    They could make it so that when you take a mod out of a gun, you have to wait a certain amount of time to get it back based on the usefullness of the mod. Some people may really not go for that because I've seen complaints with the foundry crafting, but I think it would still allow mods to come out of the guns/frames while forcing you to carefully decide where you put them.

    This would also help with the insane speed players gain strength. Find a few good mods and now the levels that were getting harder are now all easy. If you can only upgrade stuff once in a while because it takes a bit for mods to be removed, people will push a little bit further with the same gear, slowing down this progression.

    Of course, if people are having trouble WITH the op mods, well.....I got nothin. xD


    Edit: Obviously, if this was the case you wouldn't be able to upgrade mods that are in a gun/frame anymore.

            Hell, maybe it should take time to upgrade mods as well. Seriously, we get powerful waaaaay too fast.

  2. Well, this topic will go on forever, so I guess my final statement is this.


    The 3 factions are great as they are, and I would even like to see the infested get buffed (except the disruptor). The real issue here is gear. In an earlier post I stated that once I got my raw dmg mod for my rifle, pluto became a joke. The progression of the players strength is waaaaay off balance. I shouldn't be able to walk through pluto like it's nothing when I haven't even seen 60% of the content before it. Most of you are probably having trouble with this because of a lack of skill or gear. If it's a lack of skill? If the creators want to make an easy mode where people who aren't good at shooters can still enjoy the game but not mix with the normal game, then power to ya. A monster power multiplier like Diablo 3 would be great to that end. All I've seen here is bad players saying it's OP, good players telling them to stop crying, and some inbetween.


    The only time I ever die to infest now is just when I have 4 revives, I don't care about dying, and the poison ancients in a long level eventually wear down my health. When I first encountered the infested, i would get stunlocked to death just like you guys, and it was frustrating as S#&$. As soon as I had a little better gear? Now they can be ~permastunning me and I can still kill them all without having to resort to a cheap lol abillity nuke. I put the ~ there because I have never ACTUALLY been permastunned. There is always a window for you to do something, even if it is small.


    Devs, please don't turn infest into corpus/grineer. Because that's basically what people are asking for. They want ALL 3 factions to have pretty much the same mechanics, with a different look. Sorry guys, but that's just stupid.


    Just because the infested can kill people with what you all consider to be "cheap and simple" mechanics doesn't mean it's bad. I think some people are just frustrated over the fact that they can kill grineer/corpus who are intelligent and diverse, but you can't overcome the mindless zombies that are simple and just rush at you. I can understand that, but I still disagree with it.


    I don't fully disagree that some of the suggested changes might make them a bit more interesting, but again, we have corpus/grineer. We don't need another faction just like them. AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

  3. I only have the level 2 electric mod in my sword. Do you know what would happen if I took it out?

    I would still one shot everything. The extra dmg is entirely unnecessary. And the enemies that I 3-4 shot? Ancients?

    Now they get stunned. I don't know about you but I love that.


    Of course, power hits permastun them anyways, which REALLY needs to be removed.

    Ancients are the big boys, the tiny little ninja that is you should not be able to overwhelm them with brute force.

    Maybe certain suits (Rhino) could have a chance to stun. But permastun against enemies is lame.


    Edit: Also...


    "Basically, you get the choice of killing your enemy in one hit, or stunning them so you can attack them 2-3 more times."


    Why does everyone want the game to hold their hand? What fun is a game where you go around lol one shotting everything.

    That's like the gibfest mutation on L4D2 where everyone gets to run around with infinite ammo m60's.


    Is that really fun for you? If you want to lol pwn the game then do the work to get the gear to do it. Don't complain that you don't do enough dmg. And again, COOKIE CUTTER.

  4. I have noticed that while the character is quick turning (while you are running around and changing the camera angle a lot) you won't shoot where you are aiming for a short moment (which is nice). I know for sure this was not the case as I was standing still, not moving my aim at all, and it kept hitting the hill 3 times before I decided to move.

  5. Except that with other mods offering multiple times the damage to points efficiency, you could just flat out kill them.

    Yes, you could. Some people like to run in with raw dmg and LOLPWNITALL!

    Some people like more utility. Both are acceptable ways of killing the enemy.

    It's nice to have variety, yeah? No one likes a cookie cutter.


    In my opinion, melee does enough dmg as it is.

  6. This is not underpowered at all. It can stun the enemy you are hitting. In a melee situation, that means you can just sit there and get a free kill. That is a VERY good thing. It's just fine as it is. The dmg may be low, but the dmg you WON'T take is what makes it good.

  7. I've only seen it once so far myself. Was in an open field headshotting a corpus off in the distance, and my shots kept hitting the hill aboooouuuuut 20ft to the left.

  8. Even the Zerg have abilities, lots of it. They can attack en mass with Zergling, shoot spike with Hydralisk, blow themselves up with Banling, shoot spore/infect base with Queen, shoot AOE spore with Devourer, etc.

    As the above poster mentioned, the number of mechanic in Infrst is low compared to Grineer/Corpus which turn them into one-trick pony. All of their tactic can be countered by standing on box or high place.

    They need more mechanics to be interesting. It's not about being hard or difficult.


    I probably should have been a bit more specific. They wouldn't be turned INTO zerg, they would become zergERS.


    I just meant the term in it's use of -> assuring ones victory using overwhelming numbers / greatly outnumbering the enemy, and swarming them.


    Like the post above, the corpus and grineer have intelligence and diversity covered, so why not have a few levels that are all just about good ol' shoot and kill? I guess a better comparison instead of zerg would be the flood. You've got things that jump, explode, everything rushes at you. Of course, giving these things guns WOULD NOT BE A GOOD IDEA! xD


    Even though it would annoy the hell out of all the exploiters, give all infested the ability to jump at people who do that (edit: by that I mean jumping on boxes). So if the infected haven't been able to attack for X amount of time even though they have been trying to path to you and you haven't been moving much (or w/e conditions you want to make). They will start jumping at you if you are within a certain distance (so infected trying to run at you from say, a balcony far away, won't just randomly jump a 100ft gap and pwn you) and knock you off down into the crowd of death below.

  9. Not harder, more mechanics should be added in order to make Infest on par with the other two.


    If it's not on par with the others, to me that sounds like the definition of it being easier.

    If you have less mechanics to worry about, you will have less to focus on during combat.

    In the end that makes it easier.


    I certainly agree, though. There should be much more to the infested.

    Unfortunately, if people are having so much trouble with what they already are,

    I doubt adding more will be recieved with open arms.


    Hell, maybe infest will be turned into zerg. No abilities, just LOTS of them running at you

    REALLY FAST! We already have grineer and corpus, and I would say they are very well done/diverse.

    The only problem I have with them is the lack of intelligent AI in combat. Sticking their heads out for easy

    headshots. Not chasing you and finishing you off when you're CLEARLY cornered and #*($%%@. Etc.


    I don't think it could hurt to have an enemy that isn't about strategy, but raw power and quick reflexes.

    Or if you don't have a lot of power, more running and dodging xD. We are ninjas after all.

    But, this is more my personal preference than anything.

  10. You missed the entire point. During update 6 the best way to deal with infested was to kill everything before they blew up. When they nerfed shields, the best way to fight them was to avoid it entirely. You see how the most effecient method shifted? It's because getting stunlocked isn't fun. People complained about it even when they were nigh-invincible. It isn't about people being bad at positioning or anything. It's about the mechanic being so unfun that people avoid it entirely.


    Of course being stunlocked isn't fun...I hate it just as much as the next person. It's infuriating as S#&$.

    I came in here after the shield nerf, so I didn't get to enjoy this invincibility you speak of, yet I still find myself pretty much unkillable. And of course people complained about it earlier, and no matter how many buffs or nerfs happen, someone is ALWAYS going to complain.

    The mechanic is unfun, so people avoid it. So you're saying that because you don't like dying in games, you try to avoid that by staying alive?

    So basically, you are every person ever.


    Last time I checked avoiding things that killed you is how you stay alive. The fact that it's something people have issues with isn't the game's fault, it's the player's. Now if 90% of the people playing this game could never progress and a vote was called and every says nerf it...then fine, so be it. I don't believe at all that this is as big of an issue as people say. I think people are just being careless in their play and are dying because of it. Don't blame the game because you don't learn from your mistakes. To me that's no different than saying the mechanic of being shot and killed is annoying so you avoid it. Let's make it so the enemies don't have guns (lol)! All I see is people having troubles, and they want their hand held. Well I say TOUGH NUGGETS! xD


    Buck up and take this challenge HEAD ON PEOPLE!

  11. You realize almost every ultimate skill is a get away free card and do tons of damage? The problem with ancients is that they stunlock you so that you get no chance to use it, and ancients just drain your energy and stunlock you some more. Are you really trying to say the best way to combat infect is to stand on a box? Because that's literally the most efficient way to fighting them.


    And getting stunlocked by infected doesn't have anything to do with skill. The moment you're hit near a mob it's game. How is sitting there for another 20 seconds waiting to die any challenge or fun?

    People may make a comparison of this games punishing deaths to hardcore games like Dark Souls or Monster hunter, but in those games you're punished for not using mechanics not given to you. In Warframe you're punished for not doing a specific action AKA exploiting the AI.


    When did I ever say I use boxes? Or that's it's a good option? I don't exploit a thing, I don't stand on a box and break the game...the enemy can always reach me. Seriously...what fun is it if I just stand on a box and shoot things. Until reading this thread, I didn't even know you could lol break pathing on the boxes. I won't do it now that I know, because that's stupid.


    And the stuns don't get thrown down the INSTANT enemies see you, it's not like the door starts opening and BAM YOU'RE STUNNED AND YOU HAVE NO ENERGY...OMG! Also, there's nothing wrong with the ultimates being a get out of jail free card. The issue is how often energy orbs drop pretty much giving you "lol ima kill this whole group with a button" way more then you should be able to. Most of the time, I don't even use my warframe abilities on challenging levels, because it takes away.....the challenge. Also, MAG's pull is great for disabling an enemy (like a disruptor) while I slay the rest of the pack, and now it's just 1v1...which I'm sure you can handle.


    Edit: Also, this game is nothing compared to dark souls. Dark souls killed me hundreds of times. This game? A few.


    "People may make a comparison of this games punishing deaths to hardcore games like Dark Souls or Monster hunter, but in those games you're punished for not using mechanics not given to you. In Warframe you're punished for not doing a specific action AKA exploiting the AI."


    So...dark souls punishes me for not using things that AREN'T in dark souls? And warframe punishes me for NOT exploiting?

    Just making sure I'm reading that correctly. I don't even know what that means. I mean.....I know what the words mean, but stringing them together like that just sounds like gibberish.  :(


    Every game punishes you for not doing a specific action. In a shooter, you have to shoot things and not get shot too much. Those are specific actions. In super ghouls and ghosts, if you just sit there and let the zombies run into you...you will die.

    I'm not trying to be obnoxious (even though I'm sure people think I am) I guess I'm just not getting what your trying to convey.

  12. I'm with everyone that thinks this is an issue of people not learning from their mistakes. I've only been stunlocked to death twice, and the second time was coming out of an elevator. Was I enraged? Oh god yes. OH GOD YES! Buuuuuut instead of coming on the forums and whining about "INFECTED OP, INFECTED OP" I took a deep breath and thought what I could do to avoid the same situation. I have yet to have any issues since then. Why? Believe it or not...I can remember the past xD, which means I can plan for the future! Don't go down an elevator if you don't have your ultimate ready (or having both your guns at 10% clip). Spend more time running away and shooting. Use the jump+melee slam atk. I don't know about your melee weapons, but I have yet to come across a pack of anything but ancients that won't all get one shot by the slam.


    I do understand that some people just aren't very good at games, but there are plenty of options. Perhaps consider that the mission is just a bit out of reach? Maybe you need to go level? Join someone else doing that one mission so you can get through and be about your business? Go find some mods? Grind some credits and buy a new gun? You'd be surprised what finding the right mod can do. Once I found the +dmg mod for my rifle, pluto became a cake walk.


    Still having troubles? Well, maybe you just aren't very good at shooters. It happens. Some games I'm a pro, some games I'm a monkey with downs syndrome. It happens. Games are supposed to be challenging. What fun is a game that doesn't make you think, or push yourself to improve? Sounds like a boring &#! game to me.

  13. It does seem that energy drops way too often. I always have full energy and only use my crush ability on MAG in a pinch.

    I'll crush like 5-6 enemies and almost always get 2-3 orbs, and 1-2 more finishing the other mobs that weren't crushed.

    I haven't really played enough variety to say abilities are OP or unbalanced, but I think there's way too much energy available.

    Also, the progression of the game seems to be a biiiiit off. By the time I was done with the first 2 systems I was already able to go into pluto and survive just fine.

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