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Posts posted by yarash2110

  1. for those who do not know, the Nox has an amazing amount of damage resistence on his entire body besides for his tiny head, my riven'd akbronco prime which dealt 400 damage per pellet to armored eximus units, only dealt 21 damage to a non armored Nox, seriously? why?

    this makes no sense, it encourages us to break his helmet, which deals toxin damage if we do, and it's really annoying for any weapon that isn't precise, even at point blank range i was barrely able to remove a tiny amount of health with a full magazine of shots, because, as i said, i was using the akbronco prime, one of the most inaccurate shotguns in this game, why would i be punished for it? 

    i didn't test it but i wonder how explosive weapons apply damage, is it only headshots or no headshots? either a massive buff to explosive weapons or a massive nerf in grineer missions.

  2. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="pkaPmQ3"><a href="//imgur.com/pkaPmQ3"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 

    afuris, can be used for the dex furis as well.

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="DjK8p3A"><a href="//imgur.com/DjK8p3A"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 


    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="qeg6xXG"><a href="//imgur.com/qeg6xXG"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    quanta, can be used on the quanta vandal as well.

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="LtHsDsJ"><a href="//imgur.com/LtHsDsJ"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    burston, -puncture for less puncture procs and more slash and elemental procs.

  3. 11 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    I beg your pardon? Said Warframes were broken beyond comprehension. They literally broke the game with how much they could cheese through the content. Now, they are powerful, but not without something to balance it out.

    I have no problem with them being nerfed, they were broken, but they were nerfed to the ground, and some stayed that way, "now they are powerful"? In what universe is mag powerful? Were excalibur and trin powerful after the nerf? Not at all, they were terrible, only buffed to be decent after the communities outcry.

    Warframe's balance can be described as a tire violently rolling down a hill, with the community trying to stirr it by throwing tennis balls from either side. the more outcry a weapon or a frame causes the more likely it is to be changed. But DE don't seem to have any internal balancing factor. Only the community.


  4. afuris riven: 213% crit chance, 56% damage to infested, 18 rerolls, maxed.

    burston riven: 44% damage to grineer, 99% status chance, 95% toxin, -98.7 puncture damage 20 rerolls maxed.

    quanta riven: 132% critical chance, 88.2% status duration, 126% damage, -33% ammo max, 4 rerolls maxed.

    offers in the comments/ingame

  5. 21 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    1) I'll agree, there are multiple examples of power-creep in the game. I personally wouldn't state the Tigris Prime as one, though, as the Sancti is perfectly viable, and considering current content, just as usable.

    2) Nerfs exist for good reason. Some need to be looked at (like your beam weapon example), but all in all, most nerfs exist to put everything on a level playing field.

    3) Like? The only Warframe I can think of that got nerfed was Ash, and even that was rather minor. Every other rework I remember was a straight up buff to the Warframe in question.

    The thing about buffing weak weapons is this - there needs to be some level of progression in the game. Not every weapon needs a buff, because players need to have the sense of 'improvement.' Their should be a semi-clear progression of power in the weapons, in order for players to feel like they're actually getting somewhere.

    mag, excalibur, trinity, there are tons of frames that got nerfed throughout the years, mag got nerfed SO LONG AGO and was never useful again.

    i have no idea what you define a "level playing field", but your definition is wrong, there are at most 2 primaries/seconderies that are absolutly ridiculous in terms of usefulness, there is one melee weapon that absuloutly destroyes the rest of the game's weapons, every single one. and there are so many weapons that could be removed from the game and no one would bat an eye, because they are useless.

  6. 13 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    Oberon? Weak? Boy you must be crazy.

    Edit: In fact, this thread seems like it's got it's head where the sun don't shine. Come back when you've read about how the buffs and reworks are actually god send, and actually tried to build them to be useful instead of just slamming power strength and hoping it works.

    you got stuck on one part of the post, just replace oberon with hydroid, and it's still true about oberon, before the rework he was left useless for months.

    this post is not about oberon it's about the larger issue of the terrible balance in warframe, which you can't deny exists.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wgni said:

    Well, that is embarrassing. I've never really played Nyx, totally forgot about her 4.


    And his 3 is a buff. It doesn't stop you from using your weapon and it scales with the enemy damage, I wouldn't call it useless per-se

    i see, the damage is applied to your weapons? (from your 3) or directly to enemies? if it's applied to your weapons i really like it, different from link and shatter shield, original and scaling.

    and his 4 is not bad, just very much like nyx's 4.

  8. 2 hours ago, Casardis said:

    I think there's a bit of misunderstanding.

    What OP is talking about is how projectile weapons with punch-through deviates a bit from its path after going through the target, instead of keeping the straight line like a hitscan weapon would. This makes punch through on projectile weapons a bit finicky and unreliable.

    This is especially noticeable on projectile weapons that have slower projectile speed, such as the Boltor. You can try it in Captura to have a really close look in slow motion, even more if you shoot through glass surface (like in the Corpus tile, or in Corpus spy missions).

    I have to agree with OP's suggestion, since projectile weapons have enough downside compared to hitscan ones as it is. Either make the way OP suggested, or remove the deviation altogether from projectile punch through.

    only ever noticed that on bolting weapons that carry the corpses with them, but i think that it should be removed alltogather, thanks for explaining

  9. honestly the issue is not that the secondery is weak, if it was a stand alone secondery it would be amazing, but as a euphona user i very rarely find myself using the secondery fire, if it was also critical based but with more damage it would be much more interesting, and less of an odd weapon that you can only build in one way

  10. 8 hours ago, Serialkillerwhale said:

    Tell me, what reason is there for a machine gun to not be the top DPS? Be honest. Explain it. Why shouldn't the class of weapon whose only benefit is DPS be better at DPS?

    It has a massive clip, can get out dps for long amounts of times, and soma prime unlike other smg's is also good at single target damage because of accuracy and crit headshots.

  11. 29 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

    or use parkour mods to increase your agility and dodge them. Kela only gave me problems the first few times. After that you see the patterns and should be able to do it without going down once. I enjoy her boss battle because to me it seems built around a traditional 3rd person action game phase based fight. Once you know her patterns she is easy as cake.


    How am I arguing against myself? I didn't say you wanted the game to be easier I said you wanted to remove content and choice/modifiable options. Which you do. Swap speed is good as it is and if you want it quicker the tools are there for you to make that happen. If you feel the current mods don't increase the speed to your liking then ask for them to be buffed again not removed.

    I swap back and forth between my primary and full on melee multiple times per run with no issue but rarely use my secondary. It has nothing to do with swap speed and a faster/instant swap speed would not encourage me to use my secondary more often. The only thing that would do that is fully running out of ammo on my primary more often as that currently hardly ever happens. On the other hand though if DE went crazy and decided that not enough people use their secondaries and changed it so that primaries had less ammo I'd probably just use one or more of the many ammo drop mods to compensate.

    If you didn't invent arguments to fight against you wouldn't need to explain my own argument in your comments, "you wanted to remove content and choice" no i didn't, and you wouldn't need to explain my own argument if you were actually arguing against my original argument, just like you did with your previous comment, "

    He sees how useful it could be but just doesn't want to give up a mod slot to take advantage of it" 

    You are literally dedicating your entire comment to redefine my argument to whatever you feel like.

    "All you want is for the game to be slower because your reaction time just isn't as fast as other players so you want the game to be as slow as you"

    Probably your argument if you were on my side.

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