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Posts posted by CaptainMorganFreeman

  1. 15 minutes ago, Raniu said:

    Yay. Some Oberon buff!!!

    Nuh. Still no Volt/Mag reworks >_<

    Thanks for the update tho, keep up the good work, DE <3


    Still no fix for missing antiserum count on Jordas Verdict.


    Also, Red Text saying "Bansee":


    reworks wouldnt be issued in a hotfix, but a full update, likely u19, so just hold your horses


  2. 53 minutes ago, DirtyBerd said:

    The FPS Window has nothing to do with ping Capn, it's exclusive to video card performance. The closes thing we have to knowing the latency of a connection to the host is the message we get when attempting to connect over the ping limit set in the "Match Making Ping Limit" option in the options/gameplay menu. (That message popup was added in update 8.5 or sometime after.) Even then, there is no truly accurate ping/latency number associated with it. The way this game processes internet data would probably never allow you to get an accurate ping reading, but that's a whole different topic.   

    thanks for the clarification. with that being said, seeing as how i have a fiber optic connection with over 100MB/s data speed, closer to 45MB/s real world, im sure my latency is pretty damn low. lol

  3. considering your math doesnt add up to what my frametime/ms ratio is, seeing as how my framerate drops, when my ping will stay the same, witnessed in game with framerates of sometimes under 10 fps, thanks to my pc overheating at times with my graphics settings. considering I'm the son of a computer programmer, and am a network administrator and security and networking assistant for a torrenting website, im preeetty sure i know how networking and ping works. now if the game decides that they want to make ping mean something else in this game, thats on them, not on me


  4. On 3/14/2016 at 4:13 AM, F-Minus said:

    He understands that, but in a peer 2 peer scenario, where the player is the host, he has virtually 0 ping to his localhost game, and the pings to other people will vary very much, could be anywhere from >0ms to >999ms. The game itself doesn't show you your ping, so his 32ms was pulled out of the butt too. 

    That box at the bottom that pops up when you enable "show FPS" is not showing you ping milliseconds, but Frame Time in milliseconds, which at 60FPS is around 16.666ms (1000ms/sec / 60FPS = 16,666ms), in the case of 32ms, means the guy is playing at around 30FPS (1000ms/sec / 30FPS =  33,333ms).

    the game very much shows your ping. it is a setting in the options menu. learn the game before just trash talking. it shows your memory usage, ping, and current fps



  5. with all these lag issues since the inaros quest was added, aka, the ddos attacks, i was forced to find a solution to host migration myself. I lowered my ping limit wayy down. which makes it appear like there are no squads to join, and just pops you into the "play now" mode of starting the mission, which i do. then i chill for a couple seconds and wait for a squad to appear, with me and my 32ms ping as host. obvi, this only is a solution on missions with constant squads, like sorties, alerts, tac alerts, and draco, hieracon, etc. but they tend to be the missions i have trouble squadding up on anyway


  6. On 3/8/2016 at 8:35 PM, Bobtm said:

    Considering that we've got enough CC to permanently lockdown existence itself, yes snipers have viability.  Will you be killing fodder as fast as someone with an automatic rifle?  No, of course not, but that doesn't mean there's not room for someone with a sniper to get some work done.  It's about having a wider swathe of tools.

    As it stands now the only weapon in the entire game that can pretend to hold a candle to the short term/bursty damage of a sniper is the Tonkor, and it only does so because it (via a bug) deals free headshots for boosted damage.  Basically speaking, if you've got a sniper you can nix a heavy target while focusing more on an overall supportive role as part of a squad.  Considering that players can solo most content on their own, it's not detrimental at all to have someone running about with a sniper rifle to take out the heavy things more swiftly.

    The big misconception folks tend to have here is that they believe a player with a sniper has to sit still in some loft or corner, carefully taking time and picking out shots.  That, well, is precisely the reason people do poorly with snipers.  Dart around, constantly change up your position, fire off shots fast and move on.  In many types of endless you'll get mob conga lines, and a single well-placed sniper round can instantly down a number of them.  Use a sniper rifle like it's more of a heavy semi-auto rifle, take risks, and stay in the thick of things.

    Beyond that, we're not restricted to one tool among our loadouts only.  Have a sniper and go plow through foes, then launch into melee attacks when there are enemies not in a line nearby to take them out.  While weapon swap speed is laborious and far too slow, it's still there.  Keep a Secondary weapon at the ready to pop foes with as additional variation, don't just fixate onto one solid thing and block out other options.  A sniper rifle adds a distinct tool to your loadout that is absolutely great for something like a Bursa.  Stun that thing then evaporate its healthbar, etc.

    So what I'm getting at is merely this;  There's not a place for "sniping" ie. sitting up in some hidey hole and slowly popping targets, in Warframe.  Doing that route isn't very viable since you will absolutely have to leave to actually get any loot, and you'll be adding little to the team dynamic.  However there is absolutely a place for sniper rifles in Warframe.  They're the big, mean, and burly semi-autos and they add a distinct degree of variation to a loadout.

    As far as any possible changes are concerned.  The inaccuracy on hip-firing that they suffer from needs to go the way of the dinosaur.  The scope bonuses alone are enough to incentivize/reward aiming, there's no need to force unreliability onto them for hip-firing.  And triple, if not quadruple weapon swap speed.  We're space ninjas, we can do so many things so fast, but we change out weaponry like we're handling dainty teacups.

    probably the best comment and most well written post ive seen on threads in a long time. +1


  7. 2 hours ago, Dewbew said:
    3 minutes ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

    seems the threads about the DDoS attack have been deleted... what purpose does that serve?

    as a forum moderator on a different website, for torrenting, the answer is simple, DE doesnt want 57 threads about the same topic, no sense in clogging the forum feeds with piles of identical threads with three comments each. just send them all here, where there is the closest thing to real information and updates about the issue. instead of threads with nothing but specualtion.

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