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Posts posted by Soul-scar

  1. A faint riven disposition is a riven that requires a perfect roll to out perform a dual stat mod. They take a mod slot so as something that has 18 drain they must at least offer stats worthy of that drain. I have a bunch of 1/5 rivens that I will probably dissolve because after 30 rolls they still don't offer stats I cant get with a normal mod, bar a miracle rolled staticor and only because it replaced a projectile flight speed mod. If these mods added utility like + 30 meters or whatever to a atomos even a 1/5 could be useful, at the minute not really.

    I don't go for the most powerful weapon, I go for the weapons I like using IF said weapon is viable. I hear a lot of talk about meta weapons but to me meta weapon are for sheep. If you go for these meta weapons then what? You cant get better than meta so then...... A friend of mine did exactly that. Started reading builders and reading up on the meta, just about got to MR 11 and quit because he had, in his eyes done everything warframe has to offer. He only wanted prime warframes and saw no point in grinding for normal ones and to be honest primes are easier in some cases.

    My point is it is a PvE game. Weapon power is immaterial as long as it doesn't end the fun for everyone else on the map. Make an opticor 10/10 disposition it wont matter it kills anything with one shot without a riven. Its mechanics prevent it from being OP with its charge and low magazine. People want super powerful weapons, they are fun. Many weapons fall into this category. Aksilletto prime could have a 5/5 riven, wouldn't make a difference you still shoot one guy at a time and run out of ammo in 45 seconds. Weapon like the ignis with a flame that punches though walls ends fun for others same as 25 meter wall penetrating whips. Still these weapons are not game breaking because they have good riven dispositions. Maybe the scoliac but I have no issue with people using them with super rivens if they have fun doing it.  

    Because of the weapon buffs and MR changes I feel dispositions should be removed and set at a standard. Many vets said from the start that DE should balance weapons but they introduced rivens first. The disposition system seemed like a temp measure but they have opened a can of worms. Even if disposition is linked to the MR level of the riven it would be better than it is now. I know this would be adding RNG to the RNG to the RNG but it would also give player reason to get the MR to use rivens of a HIGHER MR therefore disposition. MR 9 riven with the same stats as a MR 18 riven never made sense to me anyway.  

  2. Not touched the Amprex in like 3 years just tested it with no riven, 6 mod corrosive/crit build with hunter munitions and melted 4 heavy gunner 2 bombards at lv 135 with 1 mag. It used to run out of ammo before killing a lv 100 bombard before so yeah its pretty solid with just a spud. Add 6 forma and a riven and yeah it would decimate anything the game has to offer in terms of none boss.

    Every single weapon in warframe will require investment to max out its capabilities. Some require 1 forma others require 7. Critical based weapons generally require at least 3 while high base damage status weapons require at least 1. Amprex at least 3 but probably 5 no riven 6 with riven.

  3. On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 7:25 PM, RacerDelux said:

    Absolutely not. I just finished explaining how dispositions are assigned on another thread. Here it is again for you all.

    Disposition is initially set by the average use of a weapon. When a primed version comes out, it is NOT adjusted. Riven Disposition is only adjusted when a weapon is buffed or nerfed.

    Think of it this way - if a weapon becomes popular because of a good riven disposition, lowering it would probably just make that weapon unusable again. Right now there are a good number of weapons that are worth using right now thanks to rivens. We don't want them to touch these values. For the first time in a long time shotguns are not king of the world - but they are not terrible either.

    The Tibberon is NOT the end all be all of weapons. It is good, and some people will like it. Believe it or not, there are many other weapons most of you probably don't even know about that are just as good, if not better.

    Dispositions need to be static. Making them variable on a daily/weekly basis will destroy the min max community in this game, which is pretty much entirely vets. It is the only reason I play this game currently - nothing else to do.

    Very much agree with this sentiment. If riven disposition is widely altered at this point there will be a backlash due to the effort, platinum and time invested into them. The tiberon prime is still pretty meh with a top rolled riven. I also agree the riven disposition needs to be "fixed" but I will agree some riven dispositions are laughable or nonsensical.

    A riven with a 0.5 or faint disposition for any weapon is basically unusable as you need a god roll to make it comparable to a dual stat mod. The riven system needs updating from its original conception and tweaked as necessary. It doesn't need massive buff/nerfs to the entire system.   

  4. Day and night cycle times suck harder than a 95 year old porn star with no teeth.

    What puts me off Cooperative is you will end up paired with a host with a 2 second ping, someone AFK until its time to collect and mini-Hitler who will be on transmit from the start saying "why that frame"? "you noob", "do it this way", "why not do this", I am carrying you all", "you need a riven mod sniper why that gun"?. Same reason I avoided raids, they were cancerously bugged and always had 2 "know it all" gob shytes talking crap though the entire mission.

    I solo them but it takes significantly longer since they nerfed Chroma's damage. Good nerf as it doesn't matter which frame you use. They are very solo-able is what I am saying and really fun to use different frames. People are farming them with specific setups and sometimes forget you are meant to be having fun, also soooooo many sheep. Besides what do you need arcanes for other than revives, they suck anyway?  

    How DE want us to play the game has never been close to how people actually do. In my opinion the nature of WF is its a game and is supposed to be fun. People for the most part aren't. Nothing preventing you going solo and becoming super awesome and running the odd co-op with a zero forma Vauban, unrivened aklato and a mk-1 Braton. Don't forget to record the chat and make a new post if you do that would be hilarious.

    The only thing stopping solo for most players is the god awful day and nigh cycle which I think the entire player base is in agreement.

  5. People ask for many thousands of plat but few actually sell. I see peeps trying to sell absolute garbage rolled rivens for mid to late hundreds for weapons that I have seen used twice in 3-4 years even then they were probably levelling them.

    You see a lot of,

    WTB your god roll riven for 10p, WTS "my garbage" 200k plat.

    People will pay good plat for very specific stats on a riven due to the rarity and effort it normally takes. Many don't buy plat and gain it over time selling the odd set, mod or whatever. At some point, usually after years you will have a stock of plat burning a hole in your wallet.

    I think most of the time people overvalue their garbage and see people selling stuff for thousands and think "hey my garbage must be worth half that", it isn't. Rivens for meta weapons and newly introduced ones will sell for a high price. Others, even god rolls you will be lucky to get low hundreds.

    I wouldn't worry personally about the cash value of the plat anyway as like you said if you don't have it there isn't a chance in hell I would buy £$200 for a single mod. There isn't content available yet to test these uber mods anyway AND DE will revisit the dispositions of rivens sometime and make your god rolled gem into meh or even trash. The scoliac without such a strong disposition would be garbage for example.    

  6. On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:27 PM, (XB1)scrylite said:

    Banshee's resonating quake is killing all the mobs on defense missions before I can even attack them. When will something be done about this because it's really ruining my player experience.

    Defence missions ruin my player experience but unfortunately they are essential to forma stuff quickly. As such the quicker they end the better. You will find most players use frames that expedite this tedium with complementary frames.

    Speed Nova + Saryn + banshee + whatever = I can do fun stuff soon.

    For a number of newer players I can imagine this makes WF boring so I can sympathise. About 3/4 of warframes can cheese defence missions without anyone else seeing an enemy, it is not limited to banshee.  

  7. So I was playing around with frames and weapons since the weapon buffs/WF-nerfs to solo eidolons. I used to use Chroma for obvious reasons but have changed to Harrow. I am not a fan of snipers vs eidolons as the lightshow makes me nauseous when trying to aim and generally impossible to see anything. I used a strun wrath with a MS/damage/projectile speed riven with chroma and it wrecked but now is impractical. Having tried most non-snipers and many warframes I settled on Harrow for his invulnerability/fire-rate/heal/reload. I settled on the following build.

    Harrow - 3 forma - build with -ve range-Max duration-139 PS. Hunter adren + quick thinking, works amazing with penance heal. No arcane but aegis/barrier combo would probably work.  

    Buzlok - 6 forma - 300%ish crit chance/145% elect - stat duration riven crit build.

    Pyrana - 7 forma - Crit build (obv) with pure damage riven for when the terrain is restricting.

    Average take down time without gathering lures is 6-8 mins.

    The buzlok with harrow works great with penance. If you are firing and taking damage then get staggered by quick thinking, as you have locked on a limb with buzlock homing thingy, the travel time works in your favor as you heal and gain energy increasing survivability. I don't know how well the buzlok compares on other builds but it kills a limb (teryalist) in about 1 and 3/4 mags. Damage is very consistent and you can run around without getting eye cancer trying to aim though a mess of terrain and rave strobes.

    This setup is just as effective at taking them down than my Chroma build. Unsure why they "balanced" him personally but hey it is what it is. I haven't done the new eidolons so this build maybe ineffective vs the other ones.

    If you solo the eidolons can you share your builds? Also curious how much more difficult the new eidolons are will know soon enough however.



  8. They have to absolutely scale otherwise it would indeed be a pointless addition. Players aren't going to spend more time gathering less kuva. They are not going to spend 60-120 minutes in an endless mission before said scaling becomes worth it either. Unless of course it scales astronomically at a certain point. Players don't do kuva mission because they are super fun or challenging, they do them because they HAVE to do them, in many ways like taking a dump. Players don't want to poo every 4 minutes for 30 hours until said poo turns to gold in the form of a riven. Much better to squeeze an ever widening super poo out in an hour so you can do stuff with the rest of your day. Yes, kuva farming is even less pleasant than constipation.  

    I have a feeling it's not going to scale and will yield about 300 per life support similar to excavation missions. DE don't generally lessen the grind with new additions.



  9. Makes me giggle when people defend absurd and completely nonsense mechanics. I have all pets like many do and NEVER use them. Pets in mid level and above missions are a team liability as a players dog/s always dies and distract the team when they die pretty much instantly. Unless running a 4 smeeta group on Kuva missions or fishing for the extra chance of goodies they are an absolute waste of time and effort.

    The thing is the mods are LINKED! Armor link, Health link, shield link..... Well anyone using Nova or banshee is going to be at a significant disadvantage than say Nidus or Inaros. My sentinel resurrects me, heals me, vacuums, makes me invisible......My dog dies and requires resurrection every 2 seconds even with 7 forma. Add to the fact they require regular maintenance with DNA stabs etc.....derp. No, the effort and RNG required should make them insanely powerful and any "link" should directly benefit the warframe not the other way around.

    The removal of needy maintenance is one of many changes imo. I would find it interesting if the pet stats were randomised with each breed so there would be more than an aesthetic/cosmetic crossover on breeding. Tier breeding that with each generation has genetic problems removed and added traits to enable you to, in a way, customise your companion. An advantage that is profound enough a player would negate the need to use a sentinel and its utility. At the point pets are at now if my sentinel had only the vacuum I would still use it over a Kavat  or Kurby in 98% of mission types.  

  10. My "why" comments are risk vs reward orientated. Yes it is challenging trying to solo up to lv300 enemies on a survival with Hydroid but why would I attempt such an extended mission? Something is significantly more "fun" if by playing a mission for 2 hours 40 minutes if you gain something worthy of this investment. RNG makes the thought of doing sorties somewhat daunting simply because there is a finite chance of obtaining something good. I don't think anyone does a sortie thinking there is a real chance they will fail it. Do people find sorties challenging? I have guys in my Clan that have been soloing them since MR8. The sortie has become less "endgame" and more 30 minutes doing something simply for the chance to obtain something valuable.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    For the time being, I would suggest making alterations to what we currently have to get more out of it - Sorties.

    Scaling sorties is a great idea. Even if they only scaled 3 times and you could only receive a reward on the table once. Could even add arcane at the highest scale. 

    17 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    "Add something" What? What you want them to add? Another useless type of mission with bigger numbers? Another super weapon to increase powercreep?

    How many people have suggested game modes and mechanic changes over the years? There is absolutely nothing I can suggest that I haven't or someone else hasn't suggested in the many years I have played WF. When people do make suggestions they get the idea debunked by someone with 21000 posts and when they don't they get told they are not being constructive. Nobody asked for rivens and many protested but they were added regardless. My point is if the Devs want to add something they will add it regardless.

    If my suggestion is going to get undoubtedly debunked all I can ask for is more rewarding/challenging and REPEATABLE content at endgame. If DE want to retain more players they need to do/add/change something at endgame. Add more raids for solo play for people with less time to organise groups (been suggested 100 times). Player retention is top of the list on any F2P model and as such my suggestion of "add something of your choosing" to entice players thinking of leaving is constructive.   


  11. Here is the thing, levelled up untold number of weapons, got every warframe obtainable, got decent rivens for 45 weapons....

    Sadly after reaching this point there is no content that requires any of this. What is the point of power creep if there is nothing to creep towards? The object of the game is essentially obtain, level, chuck away, forma..... Strange how this repetitive grind cycle has literally no endpoint.

    1) Endless survival......Why?

    2) Endless defence.....Why?

    3) Endless interception.....Why?

    4) Sorties, cheezable with a zero forma start frame.

    5) LoR, absolute torture.

    6) Bounties......Why?

    There is no risk reward for pushing frames. No reason to obtain a powerful riven other than to have it. I get to this point in WF every time after 4-6 weeks of play before playing something else for a year and coming back.

    There needs to be something to do or grind towards. No way I am I investing years into focus. I have to kill teraylists for the shards and got bored after soloing 6 to avoid the cheese.

    Add something to do. Sorties are 20 minutes of tedium with RNG^3 chance of getting something. Set mods, or set bonuses are useless so why grind them? You cant customise warframes (in a complex and creative way) it is all meta. Not saying warframe isn't fun but it has no longevity, complexity or challenge. 

  12. I Understand riven disposition is to discourage weapons like the Tigris prime becoming ultra OP but some of the dispositions are hilarious. I am aware that player usage of the weapon is the determining factor on dispositions.

    That being said I see no point having riven mods that are so weak you need to roll one very specific set of stats to make said riven slightly more effective than a dual stat mod. It basically makes faint mods for the most part almost worthless in terms of utilisation. Because of the disposition determining factor, aka player usage, some weapons like the Atomos have weak dispositions and are only popular to clear garbage low level mobs. As such an amazing atomos riven will enable you to farm slightly higher level trash mobs more effectively. Hardly worth farming kuva for it. Weapons like the tonkor WERE popular but now see less use than the prisma tetra.

    On the other end of the spectrum some weapons are so bad a 300% damage 200% multishot riven wont make it usable further than mid star map. For any weapon type to scale at all they require a base status or critical that can be worked with without lowering the base damage to compensate. Weapons with low crit, low status and low base damage will not benefit much regardless of how amazing a roll you get.  

    When someone gets a riven they should go "yay ill try that out and invest some time in this" not "ugh 700 endo". Its frustrating enough getting 40 garbage rolls on a good weapon. I wont spend the time mind-numbingly grinding kuva missions for the infinitesimal chance to gain a slightly better dual stat mod with 3 times the drain. 

    Dispositions require regular tweaking and revising imo, like when new weapons/frames are introduced. 


  13. People going on about being with their families make me giggle. Seriously how much time do you spend with family at Christmas in real terms? All of Christmas eve, Christmas day AND all of boxing day? 72 hrs in the same room with candles?

    I sit down for Christmas dinner, watch Ben Her with a beer then do my own thing. The Kids disappear to play with their presents. The devote catholic side of the family go to church in the morning, that's it. We don't sit in a circle singing carols for 72 hrs to ward off Satan unable to leave each others company.

    Chances are more people will be off work and have more free time NOT less. So DE in fact gave more people the opportunity to take part in the event. If you didn't get the mods then too bad they are not essential and as someone else said "blood rush" is by far the most useful mod and is available all year round.

    All I am hearing is "I didn't get 10 maiming strikes to sell doing by killing 15 acolytes.... sniff" and "I didn't get a maiming strike so its OP and needs a nerf". Seriously, there are rivens that make all these mods somewhat laughable.

    My clan was very active so we did the event together and everyone got the mods. It was great timing and a successful event. Not once did I hear teary eyed clan mates, up to their necks in salt go on depressive rants about the plat cost of these mods or the OP-ness.


  14. Flight speed on the Buzlock is so low you can watch every round leave the barrel and make its way to the target. The target dies in 2-3 bullets after you spent half a clip. On the bright side I have seen unrolled buzlock rivens go for as little as 10p on trade chat and as mentioned its dps potential is staggering. I think the max flight speed buff on the buzlock riven is 189% which would seriously increase its viability on the plains.

  15. MR 10

    7 rolls

    V polarity

    Slide has 135.3% chance to crit

    146.4% critical damage

    -59.5 status chance.

    The status is negated by a single dual stat mod and is does not effect weeping wounds.

    If interested please PM in game or leave offer here and I will get back to you. I am on PC.


  16. 4 hours ago, Marthrym said:

    Focus gain overall is garbage. Nerfing the one way to get some in a slightly less than unbearable way to hell and barely making the worst possible way slightly less terrible than it was before is the single worst possible way to go. "All" the devs need to do is make the overal experience enjoyable instead of it being an enormous grindfest that effectively locks away this part of the game for a vast majority of players because they don't have the time nor the will (or simply don't care) to spend hours on end every day doing one single solitary, painfully tedious and boring thing for wildly varrying rewards.

    This in a nutshell.   


  17. There is no incentive to farm focus at all anyway. There are almost no missions that cant be soloed with an irradiated disarm vanilla loki and a ceramic dagger with covert lethality on it. If there were reasons to require the little emo guy maybe it would be incentive.

    If the schools allowed special mods to be equipped on your warframe specific to the lens installed and there were instances and missions this would be an essential advantage then sure. Like a permanent +4 energy/sec on your nova using a greater (insert lens) and a 3 part Naramon only mod set (Aura, Exilus normal mod) that give 1.3 energy per sec per mod. Whatever there are so many way to implement these into gameplay.

    Instead of introducing something fun and polished before persuading a player base to part with $$$$, DE went from how can we persuade the player base to part with $$$ and hashed a buggy unnecessary game mechanic together and hoped the $$$ would roll in. Not knocking the way DE earns a living, just saying something need to be ATTRACTIVE and FUN before people will be willing to shell out the green.

    I am aware you need to shoot the legs and arms of the eidolons with emo teen but it is hardly a compelling reason to care enough to spend money or spend time farming focus.

    This is my opinion anyway.   

  18. I cannot differentiate between trades during peak times. There are too many trades in chat for it to be of any use atm. This trade chat may have been usable before there were so many things to trade but it is absolutely ridiculous. 

    Single traders are listing half a page of rivens. By the time I speed read 20% of trade chat the buffer kicks it out.

    I don't want an auction house or anything that requires more than 5 minutes. Add another chat window called "RIVEN TRADING" pretty please.  

  19. I don't see MR as a means of progression in anyway. Levelling up garbage weapons endlessly and even being compelled to purchase the vandal/wrath/prisma versions of garbage weapons to gain WF's equivalent of player level isn't compelling or rewarding player progression, it was never designed to be. I lost count of how many weapons I levelled to 30 never actually firing a shot knowing full well the weapon was trash. How many can say the same? Everyone truth be told.

    MR is not an indication of anything other than "I have a bigger number therefore levelled more garbage". It does not indicate a players skill nor does it grant veteran status. I will never understand the compulsion to achieve something so menial never mind be actively upset about being denied it. 

    Four Embers team up and push (4). Run around in circles on a mid level survival/defence missions for 30 minutes = level 0-30 primary, secondary, melee, sentinel and sentinel weapons. Technically you could get to MR24 without firing a single shot or swinging a melee weapon. I level up new weapons on spy missions, test them with a basic setup without a potato in the test area, decide if they are worth investment, if not....trash can. Pretty sure that is standard procedure for many.

    I will admit the +1 to weapon/WF capacity is nice but I rarely max void traces and 1000+ syndicate standing is meh.

    Don't be upset about it, just carry on and maybe if enough time passes when you do eventually pass the test you can take the MR25 test right after :) . 

  20. 5 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

    ok not gonna argue with anything you just said all i can say is that the post you just made makes me think you're a genius like actually my highschool mind cannot comprehend your probability work. Also i agree something is worth the amount someone is willing to pay for it doesnt mean that many people have that kind of money (plat) to pay for it and if you say people sell so little then why do they keep trying is it because selling one is enough to see them up for a while?

    They don't need to sell many. If I sold any mod for 1000p it would keep me in potatoes, exilus, boosters and forma for a month+. If I farm for desirable mods like condition overload or corrupted mods it would take comparably more time to earn 1000p. Are these mods worth the price? Yes and no, to someone who has played the game many years and collected a pile of plat and cannot be bothered farming sorties and kuva for [riven mod], then yes. For someone who is MR10 and just purchased prime access for 130$ probably not because there are hundreds of other things you need before even considering "endgame" pushing weapon mods. Also spending cash on platinum makes it psychosocially more valuable, to me anyway :D. 

    This is my opinion for whatever it is worth.

  21. 9 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

    Read through all the new comments and can i just say how many players in the game do you think have over 1k in plat i have been playing over a year and i sure a hell dont and even if i did i have better things to spend it on than one mod like damn people wtf if you see anything more than like 150p for a mod as sane you have a problem (limited time mods are the exception like acolyte mods) if a weapon is already good it shouldn't need you to pay 1.5k for bigger numbers and if we're being honest rivens for already good weapons are a joke but at the same time they are the only thing you see in the market. The problem is rivens are ruining the games economy while players can still sell and buys stuff its alot harder to sell anything thats not a perfect riven for some already good weapon. Something i saw above was someone saying you can offer a price it wont hurt and to that i say most people dont reply if you dont have a price close to what they had in mind, Saying pmo is the equivalent  to saying tell me how much you think its worth and let me tell you how much you're going to pay for it. While i do feel the level of rng in rivens is stupid its warframe no complaints here get use to it, but if a weapon is already good i dont care how many times you roll it or how much work you put into the mod you shouldn't get god stats. The riven disposition system needs to be severely changed bad weapon rivens role for some of the most horrible stats around while good weapons which should have bad riven dispositions are getting like +200% crit chance. 


    People on the market ask for rivens with rolls like multishot, damage, critical damage and -zoom. Lets see the odds on rolling a perfect melee riven, (1/15) first stat (1/14) second stat (1/13) third stat and (1/15) curse stat. ((1/15)(1/14)(1/13)(1/15))^-1 = 1 in 40950. This is without other RNG in consideration like the odds of two stats rolling or two stats and a negative. If we assume there is an equal chance of each occurrence that would be 40950 x 4 making a whopping 160000 -1 chance of the perfect roll. Melee rivens have the least number of potential stat as well.

    I haven't done probability in a long time so correct me if I am wrong. If that is right then.

    2 stats perfect would be 840-1

    2 stats and a perfect negative 12600-1

    3 stats perfect 10920-1

    3 stats perfect negative 163800 -1 (277440-1 for rifles, shotguns and secondary)

    More RNG includes a one in god knows to get a riven from a sortie, then the type of riven ie. rifle, melee, secondary and shotgun. Then a 1 in however many potential weapons there are in each class.

    I have had about 60 rivens and have rolled every one on average 20 times and have gotten maybe 3 or 4 lucky rolls. None of which close to the specifics that would make that particular weapon "perfect" in a sense. If someone wants to order a specific riven with specific stats they will be paying thousands of plat, for good reason.

    I have rolled rivens 50-60 times and got garbage, the riven is only worth the sum of its stats. People seem to have unrealistic expectations in both senses. Someone isn't going to sell a top tier weapon riven for 90-100p with 2-3 good stats. Nor is someone going to buy a garbage tier weapon riven with perfect stats for 4000p. People that want to buy that perfect riven are in the most part wasting their time.

    Do I like the way rivens are? Not in the least. They require some of the RNG removing and the disposition changing for pretty much every weapon. Removing the negative stat would take a chunk of the RNG away.

    People pay 100p for a rank 0 primed mod regularly. Riven mods are significantly more useful AND cheaper to upgrade than primed mods. People can and will charge whatever they want for rivens simply because they are the best upgrade. I am not going to sell my better rivens for 100p because I disagree with riven pricing as someone would buy them in 10 seconds and be reselling them for 800-2000 before trade chat refreshed.

    The reason riven pricing on the market doesn't bother me is I have worked the market long enough to know people selling rivens upwards of 1000p don't sell many, if any. People asking for that perfect riven before offering 140p are likely the same people trying to sell semi garbage for 1200p.

    Advice? If you want a good riven trade it for another good riven in your collection. It is the only way I have found to get rivens for weapons I use.

    QUOTE: Something is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. 

    Fact of life.     



  22. On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:16 AM, Hypernaut1 said:

    I definitely think Warframe is better for them. Before Rivens, you would see the same few weapons in every mission. It's not so much like that these days. I see far more variety. It is killing the idea of must have meta weapons.

    I agree, however riven disposition is all over the place due to its determination in my opinion. I don't understand the addition of negative stat rolls personally.

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