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Posts posted by KaJuPe

  1. Hello! It's bug time!

    So a little while back (when the Octavia Deluxe skin was released) I was running around and just doin' my Octavia thing, when I suddenly realized that "Oh, when I press 3 the ability is broken". It would still drain my energy and start a timer, but there were no rings on the floor and no sound. Just a slight shimmer at my feet, like the three captura lights overlapping eachother. I thought that this would get fixed soon enough and went back to playing Mesa.

    Back to the present, and it's still broken. I can't seem to find anything else on it but it's kinda preventing me from using a lot of Octavia's kit and gimmicks.
    That's pretty much it.

  2. 20 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

    How would it keep track of this though?

    One way to keep track of time spent in chat that seems to be the most common way of doing it is to do something like "One point per message, once every minute" to keep track of how much you participate in conversations. Of course this has flaws, but keep in mind that these are just rough suggestions. I don't develop games, I'm letting the pros that know what they're doing decide if this is worth taking a look at and polishing.

    And it would be toggleable / manageable from some control panel somewhere. The 'Clan Management'  page I'd assume. Maybe a UI overhaul would be best, depending on how big the clan change will be.

  3. Hello!

    I'm making this post to give my feedback on what could be done with the Clan Reworks I've heard people mentioning here and there. If others want to leave their own ideas in the comments of this thread, then please, go ahead!

    Now, onto the feature I would like to see added.

    I was sitting there moderating a clan one day (yesterday) and thought to myself "Man, havin' to click three times to kick one person for inactivity sure takes a lot of time. If only there was some way to make this easier. There's like thirty people here." (Well ok, I didn't actually think that, I'm just trying to make this sound more dramatic.)
    Anyways, I then tried coming up with some features and improvements to make moderation easier for bigger clans, and this is what I came up with:



    This would be something like a tab you open where you can then decide "I'd like to kick everyone with 30 or more days of inactivity and who are in these ranks." The rank filter is required because an admin might not wanna kick an inactive mod or whatever the reason may be, but mostly because a lot of clans with inactivity kicks are using the lowest tier rank as a "I'm allowed to be inactive don't kick me"-role. That way you can filter that role out from the mass-kicking.



    Let's be honest, looking for names in huge clans is a mess. The best way to do it is to set your list to "Sort by Name" and then start scrolling. And a little bit further.... Just a little more... Eh I'll just use the scroll bar, that's faster and AH S#&$ I went too far. A name search would be a nice QoL (Quality of Life) change.
    If this search method could also go after "general names" (Ex. Searching for DeathLord or something woud bring up someone named xXDeathLordXx_, or even a D31tHL0rd if you wanna go crazy with it) then that would be AMAZING!



    Warframe currently has three lists in the clan menu. "Online", "Pending" and "Offline". This also makes it weird when finding people cause you need to check both the Online and Offline pages for players. An "All members" list would help in name searching within a list.



    Yes, I know there are activity logs. You know, the one saying "Hema Research requires more mutagen samples" or whatever. I'd like a cleaner verision of this, showing things like bans, kicks, promotions, demotions.... all that good stuff. Now speaking of promotions...



    When promoting or demoting you can only do it one role at a time. I'd like it to be so you press a button, a menu with all the ranks pop up, and you pick their new rank. That would also make it so that (if it was added) the moderator log wouldn't be flooded when pro/de-moting people further than one rank. This promotion system could also involve an automated system, letting users be promoted up to a specific rank if they get enough time online while in the clan, missions with clanmates, materials offered to research, time spend chatting with clanmates and stuff like that. Keeping track of who deserves a promotion is a large clan is tricky. An automated system or a system that suggests who should be promoted could help out a lot! Although, this feature should be toggleable. Not every clan would want this.



    That's all my ideas for now. If I come up with any other things I'll make sure to edit this post.

  4. I think it's pretty easy to tell teammates from (in lack of better words) 'enemies', and that the only thing that is hard to tell is when you have the ball or not. And that stadium will get booring quickly. What happened to the dojo-arena from the teaser?

    Anyways, It's a really fun gamemode!

  5. This is what I came up with!

    Top Left = Frost Prime, King

    Top Right = Saryn Prime, Queen

    Bottom Left = Nekros, Jack

    Bottom Right = Nezha, Joker


    Everything in this picture was painted on by me, and the pictures i looked at were my own screenshots! The only edits with a computer was the text to the left!

  6. So I TRIED to make a clem-face on the wall. Didn't work out so I went ahead and made this New Loka emblem instead. Turned out allright I guess. Thanks to Katherine0852 for donating to all dem bushes! This would not have been possible without you!


    If I was not allowed to edit the picture, here's the original:




  7. 2d27tys.png

    Why draw one hat, WHEN YOU CAN DRAW 5 (+ The Diriga). And since Mirage uses light with her powers I went with this!

    Hat number 1: A Lightbulb hat.

    Number 2(Top Right): A hat from a Swedish tradition called Lucia! It had candles so I just put it there!

    Number 3: A headlight

    Number 4: A tophat for Diriga, because his head reminds me of octodad!

    Number 5: Some glowsticks put together in a ring

    Number 6: A pumpkin with a candle in it!

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