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Posts posted by StiviRibar

  1. As a fist weapon user, the Brutal Tide stance was always a bit difficult to use. But now it is kinda unplayable and full on works against the player.

    The leg swipe that knocks enemies down is just ragdolling enemies all over the place. So much so that I cant even get of a ground finisher coz they just slide away from me.

    It takes me a ridiculous amount of time to kill lvl 100 bombards with my Umbral + God riven Hirudo and half the time I am just chasing enemies around the floor.

    PLEASE! Either make it so that it just knocks down enemies (no ragdoll) or remove the ragdoll feature completely.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Stormdragon said:

    Opinions, man. I personally find it way more fun than PvE and know of others in a similar situation, so i start off disagreeing with you.

    I do.

    Of course I expected to step on a few toes with those statements. And of course I realize there are people who enjoy Warframes PvP.

    But you cannot deny that the MAJORITY of the player base doesn't and considers it a failure. If they didn't, all the top youtubers would be making guides and videos about warframe PvP.

    Also, for all the statements above, about warframe being a PvE game and that if we want PvP we can go play other games. OBVIOUSLY DE wants PvP to be a part of this game so why would we go play other games when we love Warframe.

  3. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)FarCript said:

    Operators would probably be even more chaotic.

    •dash in a blink of an eye(thats 6+ players dashing all over the place non stop).

    •Intant death(Operators have low health).

    •Walking/running big mistake.

    I get where you are coming from but DE is no stranger to revamping things for PvP ( case and point, conclave stances)

    - Dashing all over the place? Solution = Limit the amount of dashing you can do in a set amount of time. That way you would have to be strategic with your dashing.

    - Instant death? Solution = Already have one. We have many ways of increasing our survivability via focus schools and arcanes. (Or, if focus and arcanes wouldnt be allowed in conclave, just make the amps deal less dmg to operators)

    - Walking/ running? I thing this would be the number one reason why it WOULD work, since warframe combat is chaotic due to TO MUCH movement.

  4. Lets just start off by agreeing that the current pvp is NOT fun.

    Nobody logs in into Warframe with the mindset of "Boy oh boy I can't wait to play some PvP".

    Part of the reason is, at least for me, is that it is to bloody chaotic. Not to mention the nightmare of balance, since we have so many damn weapons in the game.

    The lack of good PvP is also part of the reason why Warframe has bad or no endgame! Lets be real, what do you do in any MMORPG once you finish all the raids and max your builds with legendary weapons and armor? You go PvP of course, that's how you pass the time and have fun while you wait for new PvE content to drop.

    So how to make PvP worthy of this game?

    Make the conclave OPERATOR only!

    Now the first thing that might come to mind would be the balance issue with void mode. But this wouldn't be the case as you can think of void mode like Limbos plane. When both operators are in the void mode they can still see each other and void blast each other out of it.

    Operator PvP ! Simple, easy to balance, FUN!

    What do you guys think?


  5. Ok no need to talk about the current state of Ember as we all know how that is going.

    In my opinion her World on fire and her passive are the weak links in her kit.

    The passive is irrelevant and almost impossible to proc, I don't know why passives like that are still allowed to exist. And her ult while having awesome thematic visuals is very boring.

    Now, Ember lacks ability Synergy, Survivability and Scalingand that can be fixed. Here is my suggestion:

    New Passive- Rising Pheonix

    Every time ember kills an enemy affected by a heat proc, the enemy drops Embers. Upon pickup they grant health and energy regeneration per second which can be stacked up to x times.

    Effect- Solves ember survivability issues and plays into the new ultimate changes which will make it more interactive. Also plays into her theme of being a Pheonix, I mean chicken.

    New effect for World on Fire - Supernova

    Ember essentially does the same thing she does now, except. Ember will take longer to reach 100%, and the damage and energy drain will be more severe.

    When the heat reaches the 100% amount Ember will reach Supernova and all heat procs applied by her will cause True Damage. But, Supernova's energy drain is almost impossible to maintain and the only way to keep it going is to keep the amount of Ember stacks at max all the time. Even then you will need the help of energy orbs to keep it from dropping to 0.

    Effect- Solves her scaling problem by adding some True damage into the mix and adds synergy with the rest of her kit and especially her passive.

    How does it look?



  6. Look guys, I get it. None of us like self-damage.

    But you cannot deny that Staticor was a boring ass weapon. Just aim down at the floor and everything around you dies. Aiming? Not even once.

    Yeah it was a STRONG weapon, but a boring one. The new Staticor fixed everything that was wrong with the old one and only added that one downside of self-damage.

    And is this rly a downside? Id say it is just another case of GIT GUD SCRUB. Because nobody is forcing you to use that secondary fire when you have primary that is just as good.

    And am I the only one who felt like the old secondary fire was very underwhelming? I mean there was no real purpose of using it other than the fun aspect of running next to the projectile. All that kamehameha charging only to unleash a slow ass sperm that deals S#&$ damage and has the impact of a balloon poping. The new one has much more impact and better effects. 


    Now I might sound like that one guy who supports DE no matter what they do but that is not the case. Staticor was one of my main weapons, but I only used it when I was doing mindless farming or ESO. It was so damn boring I was falling asleep while using it. Currently it is my favorite secondary in the game. It is strong, needs skill and has that wow factor.

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  7. Since the patch Brutal Tide has been bugged. The low kick that usually swipes enemies off their feet and opens them up for ground finishers now just sends them glitching all over the room and puts a yellow aura on them (not a status effect). This is extremely difficult to play with and it makes killing high lvl armored enemies a pain, as you cant just keep hitting hitting them. I didnt experience this before the patch so it is definitely a bug.

  8. Furax and ankyros are not the best weapons to begin with but the stance that should do crowd control and give those weapons a push is Seismic Palm. But it doesnt do what its supposed to. The animations present huge shock waves but they dont affect enemies.


    The end shock wave of echoing hands combo only affects enemies that are connected with the hands and deals trollish 1-2 dmg to enemies out of hands reach without even staggering them or knocking them back.


    The same goes for the first shock wave on sudden rockfall combo , with only the ground slam having some aoe dmg and knockback but not as nearly as the animations imply it to be.


    I dont use Furax that much but its a damn shame that we arent able to blow our enemies away with fists.

  9. ... why do you keep Depth Of Field on then?


    The way it works is pretty much how it's supposed to, and it's far easier to disable it than to convince DE to tweak it to YOUR standards, which will not be the same as the next person standards anyway.


    Not that simple....you see the map scenery looks a lot worse with it off and at the have time embers flames wreck my eyes.

  10. There are a few things wrong with this (might just be my AMD card)


    1. Abillities are to damn blurred on some frames,mostly Ember


    2. When scoping,everything gets blurred except a VERY small radius where you are targeting (i know what they were trying to accomplish with this but its just to damn blurred)


    3. Wather in the void and on other maps is sometimes blurred to the point it looks like gas (the worst is the orokin derelict wather)


    4. And this is a small issue.When activating the star map,the upper hald of my screen gets kinda blurred


    I rly wish i could post the pictures but i rly cant find the option to do so

  11. The Seimeni mission map on Ceres has a rain problem.This should also apply to the missions that use the same map.


    It only rains in front of the doors.Every single door has some rain pouring in front of it for about 1 meter but there is no rain anywhere else on the map.


    I dont know if it was meant for the map to have rain or not....but its so wierd this way.Slobbering doors!


    EDIT: It also rains down form platforms,and the rain local reflections are only in a few spots of the map.(not sure if they are rain local reflections,but they sure look like it)

  12. I dont know if this happens on other frames,but on my Chroma,the sigil i put on him (and change) always returns to default options when i enter a match or restart the game.I also cant change its alpha,it is always on max and wont go down ( the slider works but the transparency doesnt change).

    Some things like its colour and rotation stay the same,but the width,hight and the offsets go b to default.


    EDIT: I found out that this happens only to my Chroma.My other frames dont have this problem.

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