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Posts posted by (PSN)blueflameskY

  1. Great build. Nice to see someone else prioritizing efficiency.

    IMO quick thinking and flow are only useful if you plan on face tanking, which Loki isn't built for, so I'd stay away from those unless thats your playstyle.

    I would swap your r4 streamline and fleeting for a max streamline and r3 fleeting to exchange a little efficiency for duration, and maybe swap vitality or stretch for an augment.

  2. This is very similar to the Loki build I use for stealth missions.

    IMO flow is unnecessary when you have 170% efficency (and not using quick thinking), and neither is stretch for this build. I use hushed invisibility and rush instead, with armored agility or a parkour mod in the exilus slot. No need for defensive mods.

  3. Excal only auto-parry attacks from the front when in EB, so that rocket may have snuck around to your side or back. Or splash damage.

    You should take a screen shot at like 5 minute intervals next time so you at least have a record of it.

  4. Ya Phorid is definitely the easiest way.

    When he's not around though, you can try dark sector missions on Ceres. I usually run survival (5 and out) with hydroid or Nekros for credits which occasionally drops cells. You could stay longer if you wanna farm.

    Lephantis is another option.

  5. Cold does extra damage to shields and ignores 25% of alloy armor while increasing damage to alloy armor by 25% (bombards). Additionally, 3 90% mods does more damage than 2 90% mods and a 60% dual stat mod in order to keep corrosive only.


    Sure, but shielded enemies are usually less dangerous than ones with ferrite armor (ancients, heavy gunners), so more corrosive damage will generally be more effective.


    Judging by your numbers (120% corrosive, 150% cold) I assume you're using High Voltage, Malignant Force, Rime Rounds, and Cryo Rounds. I would suggest swapping Cryo Rounds for Stormbringer (210% corrosive, 60% cold) and give that a try. You will do reduced damage to shielded enemies and Bombards, but you can just bring a secondary or melee modded for those enemies instead.

  6. Variation is your saving grace in a world of farming to prevent boredom. And extreme farming and grinding has no variation. THAT, is the issue people have.

    This is my opinion as well. Anybody would burnout if they just play void missions nonstop. Switch it up once in a while so you can experience everything Warframe has to offer.

    Also, trading is a big part of the game, and choosing not to participate in it will only hinder your progression and enjoyment. Sure there are some $&*^s/scammers in trade chat, but really they aren't very common and are usually easy to spot. Most people in trade are just regular players looking for stuff they would rather not grind for, not sharks or hustlers. The pros for trading outweigh the cons IMO, so spending a little time to learn how to trade is definitely worth it.

  7. Ya I agree the prices for most items in the market are just plain unreasonable, they definitely need to be looked at. The only time I ever bought something other than a necessity/cosmetic was when Darvo had a 90% off sale for the Hek, which worked to be like 30 plat, so maybe Darvo could be a temporary fix. He could offer sales on multiple items at the same time, or a bigger discount the more items you buy, similar to login rewards. More limited time sales events, like the one currently on the PS4, could work as well.


    Better yet, allow players to buy his items with their own items (exchange or trade them, in other words) for a low price, maybe 20 plat. Like he could offer the Braton for whatever plat, or 20 plat and your Kunai. I dunno. Maybe this is a little off topic.

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