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Posts posted by (XBOX)DaBoogieMan2741

    To me vauban should be the "you shall not pass - gandalf" of warframe, id honestly rather his abilities be:
    1: change tesla rollers into an drone or something that works like chroma 4th ability, that highlights enemies but doesnt damage them, instead enemies highlighted will take additional damage from either other players or traps, can be destroyed. affected by duration and range mods.
    2: take the osprey mine abilities and there you go, 1 that damage health, 1 damage armor, 1 damage shields or better yet have each mine do either radiation, corrosive, viral, or gas in an small area, not affected by stretch mods but damage and duration mods.
    3: take the "bounce pad" of old but make it maybe similar to octavia metronome ability where you see pulses, and that when enemies walk over they are blasted off. affected by stretch and strength mods.
    4: keep the new bastille, i like it.
  2. Heres another nonsense warframe i thought of using the power of photons.

    1st ability "after image": when cast, as you move you leave behind an hologram that would move for a very short amount of time moving, used to draw away fire. 

    essentially an combination of mirage hall of mirrors and loki decoy.

    mod: blinding image: when the image expires it explodes in an aoe of light temporarily blinding enemies.

    2nd ability "bend light":  when cast, a disk like object is released making an bubble that bends light around either around the caster, other player, or an set location. causing the target or location to be invisible for the duration. enemies can still hear if the target or location is shooting so to avoid being rediscovered use silence weapons or dont use loud weapons.

    mod: havent decided. 

    3rd ability "hard light": when cast, becomes stationary and shields flare around self drawing enemy aggro. while active it draws on energy, more damage more energy drain.

    mod: photon ricochet, upon casting again the condensed photon particles will blast off in ricocheting beads piercing enemies in an aoe determined by how much damage shields take

    4th ability "photon overdrive": when cast, shields explode out then absorbed, increased attack speed with enemys attacks phasing through you. duration is set with shield power. 

    mod: havent decided

    the warframe would have medium health, low armor, high shields.

    the passive "photon sheilding" when in light or near light source has small energy regain, when attacked shield flares slightly drawing enemy attention. 

  3. so, in my nightquill induced dazed i thought of an cute little warframe.

    focused primarily on cc, having acess to radiation, magnetic, and corrosive abilities.

    1st ability: sacrifice armor, gathers armor into an condensed ball and explodes in an 45 degree angle to strip an single enemy of armor, deals corrosive damage

    2nd ability: sacrifice shields, blasts out in a 180 degree wave to remove enemy of shields and weapons for a period of time, deals magnetic damage.

    3rd ability: sacrifice health,  an 360 degree area of effect to induce an effect similar to rhino stomp in which enemies are momentarily stunned, deals radiation damage. 

    4th ability: saving sacrifice, takes all damage meant for team mates for a set period of time. or something along those lines. 

  4. so, with the new update and such it got me more thinking about the warframe themselves, and just wanted to put my thoughts out. i think that the warframe are something of bio-mechanical in nature much like other orokin creation in which they combine machine and biology. the original “warframe” or the “primes” were the beginning, in which they literally were just suits designed to harness the power of the tenno. one suit created specifically for one tenno. as time passed and the originals die out, the orokin in a way cloned the primes to mass produce their abilities, and the “new” warframe are cloned flesh of the original primes mixed with technology to allow a form of link in between the tenno and the frames. thus allowing any tenno to utilize the power of old warframe/tenno.


    so whatcha think. sounds reasonable or just tootin my own horn.

  5. 2 hours ago, Ninja22678 said:

    Most combined weapons take some logic behind why they use they prerequisite weapon parts. 

    The Akstiletto is used in the Sarpa to make the gun part.

    The Dual Skana are the blades and the Vasto is the gun of the Redeemer.

    The Drakgoon is used to make the Zaar because they're of similar design, just one is altered to shoot explosives as well.

    The Bo is the staff and the Kunai are the blades for the Tipedo.

    The Kogake and Lesion are used in the creation of the Hirudo and Lesion respectively because the infestation took over the original weapons.


    The Knux already uses the Furax to make into something larger, why would you take it and make it smaller again. Might as well just use the Furax for the crafting receipe. 

    oh i truly did not know that, haven't made the knux yet since i haven't even fully leveled up my base arch wing stuff. archwing makes me nauseous so i stay away from it unless nitain pops up. i only thought of the knux and ack and brunt due to the tyl regime boss fight 

  6. so, my love of all things grineer has sparked again. and i thought, valkyr is essentially a warframe that was a corpus like warframe, with it being all messed with by the zanuka project and with nidus being the new "infested" warframe. so why not have a warframe that underwent grineer indoctrination by dr. tengus. a warframe thats half caster half cqc. just throwing a thought out, maybe have him/her have abilities that a few other grineer have since the warframe was essentially broken down and rebuilt to fit grineer theme.

    so back story, warframe was captured by the grustrag 3 and was brought to dr. tengus. while under the care of tengus the tenno/warframe? was essentially beaten, brainwashed, and remade into the grineer equivalent of. To dr. tengus this was his latest masterpiece following the grustrag 3, a soldier he believed to be completely loyal to the grineer queens, a fighter equivalent or greater than the grustrag as well as something to lead the grineer forces against the tenno or anyone that challenges them. tho before the manipulation was set in stone the tenno assaulted the facility and rescued their own. some time after recuperating the tenno realized that what has been done cannot be undone and instead use the abilities and skills that were suppose to help the grineer now are turned against them.

    looks: in the way of appearance i say give him/her an appearance similar to proto excalibur yet the build of rhino with tactical pouches and such.

    passive: im thinking have a passive like carrier ammo case, with all the pouches and what not attached suppose to be able to carry more ammo into battle for longer fights 


    1. after image: creates an after image with every move that draws enemies fire

    source: executioner harkonar, except instead of a clone that runs around on its own a clone that has a set period of "lifespan"

    combine saryn molt and miraige eclipse, every time you move a after image forms that lasts for a short amount of time that enemies attack instead of you. all after image have a one time hit before disperse so must keep moving if want to not be hit.

    2. immolation: drunk on adrenaline you wildly charge into battle blindly with no regard for ones own safety  

    source: manic

    give the ability similar to a combined rhino roar and volt speed with only self being buffed. purpose is to move fast and hit hard and get out for a timed duration but at the downside of being more susceptible to damage.

    3. seismic quake: with all your strength you slam the ground to cause a large enough disturbance to knock your foes down and send their weapons flying

    source: almost any grineer unit with a ground slam ability/ drak master 

    give the ability like a loki radial disarm and rhino's stomp, knocks enemies down and loses weapons. either have minor or no damage to enemies but enemies will be "stunned" and open to finishers

    4. rally cry: lets out an loud call that bolsters your allies energy and health beyond base level for a duration

    source: grineer eximus? 

    essentially its like chroma's elemental ward and perhaps trinities abilities combined

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ninja22678 said:

    That's kind of my point. He says to use the Knux for part of the sparring weapon. I'm saying that that would look and be rather unpractical.

    im not so much as saying use the entire giant &#! model of the knux, but like a scaled down version. you cant expect it to be the exact size, heck look at other combined weapons. example the twin basolk, do you see anything on it at all that looks like that bong of a flame thrower? no of course not. same concept. there are several weapons in warframes that uses items that dont have any appearance or look of the one of the components minus the aks or duals. 

  8. ive always been fairly fascinated with the sparring weapons but never really got into it. also with my love of all things grineer i thought, why doesnt grineer have a sparring melee? so, i propose a sparring weapon perhaps built from the knux and the ack & brunt, have the hand/feet part be the knux and the forearm/shin be the brunt when closed/inactive form (as in just the middle part of the shield, not the part that extends), as well, perhaps to make it unique give it a weapons traits ae the brunts ability to absorb damage well when blocking and and maybe the general grineer shockwave when a ground attack is performed. please and thank you 

  9. ive been farming brakk for over a solid month when not at work. doing invasion after invasion using desecrate like no tomorrow. this is the only weapon that i really wanted to get and dedicated so much time for. as well so many credits and ducats and farming for prime just to get ducats just to buy the beacon. but after over 10 beacons and not the single part i want... some not dropping anything at all, but im sorry thats just total bs. i can say im tired now of warframe. ive farmed my brains out and this one weapon has become an obsession... i cant take it anymore. as well, before anyone says the raid i cant. no one nowadays accepts randoms and the teams ive been with just arent good enough or not enough people. doesnt help that warframe has been so buggy these past few days for me. as well, i live on guam, so time zone is harsh when connecting with people who speak english. well, i guess its goodbye warframe. 

  10. ive been farming for the brakk hard mostly solo due to internet connection at times and time zone but its pretty harsh trying to get it solo. i can handle the the grustrag 3 no problem but the wait for the invasion or just waiting for them to spawn at times is getting pretty depressing... ive gotten multiple multishot mods, and a couple parts for the spaceship but the one part i want is so annoying. i wish there was another way to have them spawn in. cant do raid due to lack of people or no one letting me join. sigh

  11. could we get a melee and primary set for the twin gremlins 


    maybe the primary something similar to boltor but with stats similar to twin gremlin and a melee spiked club that uses machete stance called the hob-goblin 

  12. so... i managed to get detron set twice when i cant even get one part of the brakk... even after killing them over 7 times with nekros desecrate 


    im not asking to just get it but the invasion missions arent frequent or fast enough to get a new mark and their spawn rate is atrocious yet zanuka hunter shows up for me almost immediately when i get the mark


    would it be possible to increase the spawn rate or have them be like corrupted vor and show up in a survival defense mission or something in rotation c? 

  13. They CAN release it right now as an extra side option prime accessory you can buy at the warframe store for cash of course...

    Just saying... They made sure they worded it so they technically CAN release it unlike how they worded Excalibur prime and the founder's gear.

    They most likely won't. They just didn't wanna corner themselves the way they did with the wording of Excalibur prime. That's my opinion on how it looks anyway. I could be wrong and we may all be pleasantly surprised one day, I hope.

    it sucks console wont have that option yet...

  14. me and my clan go to uranus either cupid or bianca and stay 15 min runs if low to mid level gear 30+ if high level. bringing nekros helps too

    we usually get in the 15 min run over 800 plastids/ polymer bundle 2-4 gallium and a good number of mods... had thunderbolt drop twice in one run and a lot of fusion cores. also more fun if bringing tonkor

  15. i have zero primed mods and doubt ill every use them. if trader actually sells it sure why not. if not meh continue playing and going about my tenno life


    same thing as saying why does that person have a fancier car with more horsepower than me? its not fair.

    meh as long as my car takes me to work and back zero ducks... yes i meant ducks... given

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