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Posts posted by Forzafonz

  1. Disagree completely. 

    All these ideas to store focus points for a month or week put in a huge disadvantage those who play each day The reason for that is because you can easily buy a booster at the end of the month to gain FP or syndicate standing really quickly (at double speed). Get used to a fact that you cannot have all the advantages as people who play each day have. 

    One change i would make to a cap, is to tight it to MR as well as syndicate standing. Let's say 30 000 basic standing + 3 000 per MR. 

  2. I don't understand why people so mad about it. DE doing its best to do constant updates and all content is till absolutely free, but most people expect that this content will be available for them instantly after a new release. Well, if you are MR 14+ there will be no hard time to farm and get this resource (and tbh, this frame is not game changing one, so one can wait). And i can see reaction of people if it was "quest" frame, or "boss drop" frame. And i see that it would be the same - because more people want all stuff for free, NOW. This game is still free, and it is much better that Destiny (which you have to pay $100 just to start to play). 
    Well, of course i have 10 000+ resources that i don't need, but in terms of the game mechanic this is probably the best call from DE. 

    So, yeah, thanks DE, i am sure you understand that there will be haters regardless what you will do next.

  3. Just did two attempts of JV raid. Both times we were bugged at the first nerve. Once we had destroed it, no countdown started and no purge happened. So, at this moment, JV is not playable guys, from my point of view...  
    Plus please increase spawn rate during elevator section.  

    P.S. there are so many people spend so much time on exploring new bugs in a new Raid - no one will be compensated for any of failure attempt by even a common core (how many times my team had to abort mission due to different bags with Jordas' nerves). While so many people got legendary cores just for their luck.... It is not fair, unfortunately...

  4. Just did two attempts of JV raid. Both times we were bugged at the first nerve. Once we had destroed it, no countdown started and no purge happened. So, at this moment, JV is not playable guys, from my point of view...  
    Plus please increase spawn rate during elevator section.  

    P.S. there are so many people spend so much time on exploring new bugs in a new Raid - no one will be compensated for any of failure attempt by even a common core (how many times my team had to abort mission due to different bags with Jordas' nerves). While so many people got legendary cores just for their luck.... It is not fair, unfortunately...

  5. Calm down guys, i don't think that it was intentionally, because there is too much negative reaction on it, and not so many people who can know and benefit from this event. I would say that there is just too much code to maintain, so sometimes in case of some unique occasions, some hidden bugs pops up. And because it is Friday, there can be no actions till Monday morning to change something. 

    P.S. Saw reports that a new raids now bugged and not possible to complete. be aware.

  6. Don't understand shell rush placement, since archwing exterminations did not, and apparently still do not give rewards.

    What do you mean by that? It gives you a mod, or an archwing part every time..

  7. well, legendary core is now selling for 800p. And you will probably be ably to sell it for 1500 in a month. Why not replace it with 100 gold cores? Seems unfair, as i run this alert, got nothing but common cores from cashes..

    Seems like now the best solution will be to give everyone who participated in this alert a legendary core, and make it untradable. Otherwise, it will be a little bit unfair to be honest.

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