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Posts posted by Lord_LongFace

  1. Are two rivens (not entirely unrolled) a good offer for one of these?

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=962646152 ico_external_link.gif

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=962646069 ico_external_link.gif

    There not that good, but maybe you can find use for them? I have played a little with them ,but sadly, I just don't like both of these weapons.

    I don't really care which one I get to be honest, I am probably going to reroll them for some +status chance at least :P


    I would prefer the MR16 one, because I have seen some kind of a trent that higher MR riven give higher rolls.

    Ofcourse, this could be utter bollocks too xD

  2. Get ready for all the Riven mods rage... from other ppl. I am just here to give feedback ;). 

    My biggest problem is that there are only rifle riven mod? I mainly use shotguns and melee, so why am I left in the dust with this new mod system?

    Second, why do I have absolutely no control over the weapon choice of the Riven mod? I am fine with the randomized stats (you can reroll those), but up until now I have had three Riven mods for weapons that I would never use, even if they were top-tier.

    Third, why are some ways to unlock the Riven mods just... practically impossible? The worst offender of this is the one where you have to do; Scan a symaris target, while not using traps, while not using powers, while wearing a Hobbled Dragon Key, while not getting hit in the mission, while SOLO?! I mean, I would instantly dissolve that Riven mod; I am never going to be able to do that!

    Last, the way to get them is extremely painfull if your luck is lacking. Again, I am fine with randomized stats, as you can reroll those, but why lock the mod itself behind a RNG wall? Comebine this problem with the first; make a resorce you only get from sorties, and that are used to buy types of Riven mods. For each bought Riven mod of that type, the next is going to be more expensive, up until ofcourse the 15 limit, then you can't buy anymore at all. Hell, make it so you need at least the amount of resorces from three sorties, and then the sertainty of the "drops" are balanced out.


    I thought of this in five minutes, and I am not even getting paid for this sh!t so please Digital Extreme, take this in consideration.


    Loved the quest BTW :D


  3. My BIGGEST problems with Riven mods are, in order of anger:

    1: impossible unlock requirments. Like the Symaris target not getting hit while having hobbled key while not using abilities while solo. Yeah, that.

    2: The weapon specifics. Just sort the weaponlist into smaller sub-catagories, like aussalt rifles, sub-machine guns, light-machine guns, bows, snipers, launchers, beam et., and make these riven mods class specific.


    Me myself uses secondaries and melee's and even shotguns a hell of a lot more than any rifle, with Bows maybe getting in there sometimes, and some special beam/gimicky weapons. But still, this just SHIIIIIIIITS in anyone's face that does not like the way that rifles play. THIS IS EXTREMELY TOXIC FOR THE GAME DE! GET YOUR S#&$ TOGETHER!


    G'NYGHT! No really, I need to go to bed xD. 

  4. I have only one issue with most passives:

    They do not really complement their warframes playstyle.

    I would like to see passives that actually interact with abilities, or that just give more incentive to use sertain abilities.

    My biggest issue though:




    Her passive is the most dangerous of them all for HER. She is incredibly squishy, and will die if she tried to get enemies at mid/high level. 

    I get that DE wants it to be that you have to damage yourself to get the huge buff that is Embers passive, but you need consistenty.


    Easy, just make it that Fireball (her first ability) can damage herself (for a little less than enemies, like, 75% of the damage to enemies or something) and thus can proc a fire status on yourself. This way you have a way to predictably trigger the buff, while still having this ''Cause me pain, and I will cause more'' style of play which is something I really like.

    The fact that I would have liked Ember to become this glass cannon who burns herself constently while turning everything to ash around her is what has made me to reply in this thread at all. I see a huge missed opportunity in this kind of playstyle.

  5. 1 hour ago, Karav said:

    It's an interesting concept. It sounds a bit like "speak softly and carry a big stick". The focus on heavy melee weapons makes me think of a viking rather than an enforcer.

    That also could be an interesting style to throw into the mix, and pretty fitting, as the concept of Baldaath's name I used Baldr, a norse god.

  6. 3 hours ago, blazeac said:

    hey, your concept is pretty cool, i can bring it to life if you want, heres my price sheet ^^


    Heh, that is not so bad at all, I mean, sure why not? Maybe one male and one female clean sketch would be nice, a little bit of reference to go along the concept.

    I have one question though; how can I donate? ;)


    Things like further concept idea's instead of ''rhino with a pope-robe and knight armor'' and ''female crusader D3 in warframe'' will follow, but right now, it is 00:10 for me and I will be getting up at 07:00 so yeah, I need to go xD. 

  7. Why:

    OK, to start of, I would like anyone who reads this to get why I came up with this concept to begin with. Alright.

    I am a player that loves to swing around big and heavy weapons into my enemies' face, and I was thinking. 

    Why is there not a warframe who specializes in slow but hard hitting things in general?

    I mean, I know, Warframe is a game that is meant to be fast paced, and haveing a ''class'' that moves and plays relatively slow in comparison to every other ''class'' in a fast paced game is indeed not always optimal.

    But this is Warframe we are talking about! DE has such a good way of makeing any playstyle at least semi-viable and make up fun and interesting warframe concepts out of the air! I mean, why not have an actually slow warframe that can deal and take a lot of punishment? It would sertainly fill that niche that no other warframe can fill up right now. Not even Rhino the ''heaviest warframe'' can do that, because he can actually dart around the map with his Charge, and he is more of a CC heavy tank than a strait up Crusader like warframe. 

    Now then, here is my concept of Baldaath, The Enforcer.


    Stats, passive and abilities:

    So, I wanted to focus on heavy melee's from the start, but that ment discarting a key component of his theme, so I have broken his passive into two parts, instead of one, so people still can pick whatever weapon they want.

    Passive: Arm of the Law

    1. Pick, your, PUNISHMEEEEENT

    Baldaath's abilities resonate with his melee weapon of choice, granting them different physical damage types for different weapon types:

    Slash: Heavy Blade, Swords, Dual Swords, Sword and Shield, Nikana's, Whips, Polearms and Glaives.

    Puncture: Scythes, Daggers, Dual Daggers, Blade-Whips, Rapiers, Gunblades, Claws and Tonfa's.

    Impact: Hammers, Sparring, Fists, Staff, Nunchaku and Machette's.

         2. Long Arm of the Law.

    When useing melee charge attacks, Baldaath gains an additional 25% range for his melee weapon. 

    When wielding either Heavy Blades, Hammers or Scythes, this bonus is passive.


    Alright, I still want people to be aware that this warframe is meant to be played with heavy melee weapons in mind, but I don't like for playstyles to be... enforced... as I would say. So, I made the second part of his passive into something that one-handed melee weapons can enjoy too, but not as much. 

    And yes, this passive is basically Chroma's passive but then with your melee weapon, and thus I think that a second part of his passive wouldn't be to much, as Chroma can still equip any weapon he wants after getting his prefered elemental. 


    Now then, for the abilities.


    1. Virtue: Tolerance / Virtue: Justice

     This ability would be a sort-of second passive, if you use it enough.

    Basically, how this would work, is just like Equinox' first ability Metamorphosis. You pop it, and you gain the other Virtue after. Simple as that. 

    Virtue: Tolerance

    Virtue: Tolerance would be Baldaath's primary defencive ability. Once he switches to Tolerance, he will gain a flat damage reduction buff, and when he gets damaged by enemies, he heals himself and allies in a radius for a slight ammount of health based on the damage he gets AFTER every damage reduction has been applied, including armor and damage reduction buffs from other warframes. This heal is spread across all alies healed, so no big free healing for every ally or yourself, but only for anyone brave enough to fight alongside Baldaath in the thick of battle.

    Baldaath accepts the sins of his adversaries, forgiving them for their insulting of his Laws.


    Virtue: Justice

    Virtue: Justice would be the exact opposite of Virtue: Tolerance. Once he switches to Justice, Baaldaath gets a ''buff'' that increases the damage he gets from enemy attacks, but then unleashes sweat justice upon them, returning the damage he recieved, and more. This also has different side effects based on his melee weapon.

    Slash: every enemy that gets hit has a 33% chance of getting inflicted by a slash proc based on the damage recieved.

    Puncture: every enemy that gets hit has a 40% chance of being inflicted by a puncture proc.

    Impact: every enemy that gets hit has a 50% chance of being inflicted by an impact proc.

    Basically, huge damage done to every enemy that is focused on you, while inflicting either even more damage, of debuffs.

    Baldaath finds the faith of those who stand before him to be lacking, and decides than their sins must be punished.


    Energy cost: 50

    Duration: indefenetly


    Damage reduction: +20%

    Heal on damage taken: 10% of all damage taken AFTER reductions, across all allies in radius.

    Heal Radius: 10 meters.


    Damage taken increase: +50%

    Damage return: 200% of all damage taken, to the enemy who has inflicted the damage in the first place.


    Efficientcy: reduces energy cost.

    Duration: ---

    Strenght: the heal amount and the amount of damage returned.

    Range: the heal range


    2. Virtue: Patience (channeled)

    Virtue: Patience is Baldaath's bread and butter melee buff what would really define his playstyle of slow but extremely hard hitting melee attacks. He slams his melee weapon on the ground, imbues it with the virtue of patience, and then smites his enemies with the virtue itself.

    Virtue: Patience's buff consists of a few stat altering properties (ofcourse) which will grant Baldaath an extreme boost in melee damage, even more when doing charge attacks, and additional range on his melee attacks. The catch? His melee attack speed gets a debuff, which is why it is called Patience. Baldaath will need to carefully consider when to use this ability and when not, because an attack speed debuff can mean a death if you can't Lifestrike fast enough, or an enormous cleaning sweep that clears all your problems.

    Baldaath does not care about time; in the end, the long arm of the Law will reach his adversaries and smite them appropriatly.


    Energy cost: 30 initial, 10 per second during channel.

    Duration: ---

    Damage Boosts: +50% base, +75% for charge attacks.

    Range Boost: +50% base, +75% for charge attacks.

    Attack speed decrease: -35%



    Efficientcy: reduces energy cost, both initial and channel.

    Duration: reduces the energy tick.

    Power: increases the base damage boost, but the charge attack boost will always stay at 150% of the base value. This, however, will also affect the attack speed decrease. (example: +10% power strenght gives: 55% base damage and range, 77,5% for charge attacks, but also -38,5% attack speed decrease) 

    Range: increases the base range boost, but the charge attack boost will always stay at 150% of the base value. 
    The attack speed debuff never chances.


    3. Virtue: Unity (channeled)

    Virtue: Unity is a mix of an offensive and crowd controling spell. Virtue: Unity causes Baldaath to channel in place, slowly draging nearby enemies in while stripping them minorly of health and armor. Enemies' attack speed is slowed and enemies sometimes get knocked down while being pulled. During this channel, Baldaath has an increased agro level, and once being pulled, an enemy can not switch agro to any other unit than the Baldaath who has damaged them last while dragging. After cancelling the channel, cause an effect based on the melee weapon of Baldaath:

    Slash: slashes brutally at the limbs of the enemies hit, giving a movement slow of 33% and a 25% chance to disarm enemies.

    Puncture: pins enemies to the ground, causing them to be rooted in place. Enemies are still able to act while rooted, only, they can not move.

     Impact: smashes enemies' spines, causeing them to be knocked down in your direction and opening them up for a ground finisher. 

    Baldaath's enforcement of his Law knows no limits, and sees through your petty attempts to hide your sins.


    Energy cost: 50 initial, 30 per second.

    Duration: movement slow: 10 seconds. Root: 5 seconds. Knock-down: 2,5 seconds.

    Damage: 100-150-200-250 per second.

    Armor strip: 7,5% per second.

    Range: 25 meters.



    Efficienty: reduces energy cost, initial and per second.

    Duration: reduces energy tick, increases debuff duration, except the knock-down.

    Power: increases damage and armor strip.

    Range: increases radius.


    4. Judgement

    Judgement is Baldaath's ultimate. On its own, it is a nuke in a radius that summons holy shades of ether a Hammer, Sword or Spear that strike their targets. It would be able to be buffed by any melee mod equipt, and by Virtue: Patience and Virtue: Unity;

    1. Melee mods who increase base damage and elemental damage will be the only ones that affect Judgement, because it's cast speed is not affected by melee attack speed and it cannot crit.
    2. Virtue: Patience will give Judgement an extra animation during casting, thus increasing it's cast speed, but once it hits, it's damage will be affected by Patience's charge attack damage boost, and every enemy hit by Judgement will also deal a small amount of the damage they recieved in a radius around them.
    3. Every enemy hit by Virtue: Unity in the last 2,5 seconds will trigger Judgement's special effect based on the melee weapon equiped by Baldaath when they get hit by Judgement:

    Slash: slices the targets physical being, causing immens bleeding.

    Puncture: pierces the targets base judgement, causing it to act in unpredictable ways (a.k.a., doing random coded behaviors, inclueding friendly fire and fleeing).

    Impact: slams the targets sins, causing the damage of Judgement to be calculated as Finisher damage, and flings the remains of the target away from Baldaath.


    Baldaath enforces his judgement upon every living being, and punishes their wicked ways in quistionable ways...


    Energy cost: 100 energy

    Duration: bleed: 10 seconds. Pierced judgement: 20 seconds.

    Base damage (before melee mods and Virtue: Patience): 150-200-250-300

    Damage spread (with Virtue: Patience): 15% of damage recieved.

    Radius: 20 meters.

    Splash radius (with Virtue: Patience): 5 meters.



    Efficienty: reduces energy cost.

    Duration: increases debuff duration.

    Power: increases base damage.

    Range: increases radius of both the intial cast and the splash radius.



    Since the theme of Baldaath is a heavy armored and slow Crusader, it should be obvious that he gets a little bit more armor than normal, but also a slow sprint speed. Since he needs to be in the thick of battle while switching between retaliating damage, and healing, he needs a little bit more health than normal, and since he is a holy-Crusader-like warframe, he also gets a minor boost in his shields. He also needs a little bit more power, since his quest to enforce the law needs quitte the energy. So this is my final base stat outcome:

    Health: 150

    Shields: 125

    Armor: 475

    Speed: 0,75

    Power: 110

    So yeah, slow but very tanky.



    I have to be honest here; I can't draw for shiiiiiiiiit xD

    Personally, I do not care about the gender, I just said he because I envisioned a sertain look for Baldaath; basically...

    Rhino in a pope-robe with knight armor pieces in top...

    Yeah kinda like that xS. If it would be a woman though, I would like it to be still quitte the broad build for her body, just to get some variants into this game. Like the woman version of Nezha; a very masculine female frame, based on something like the female Crusader of Diablo 3.

    In any case, DE has jet to dissapoint me with an art piece, so it'll be fiiiiiiiine :D.


    The Tenno under the name of Balzeac has made a pretty good representation on the looks of the male form of Baldaath. Here it is:




    I will leave his table right here: Balzeac Arts Shop

    He is a pretty cool guy, and keeps you very close to your project. I suggest anyone who wants to make a warframe concept with an art piece who can not draw themselfs to check him out.


    Wether or not if Baldaath will ever be a thing, I do like the idea of a tanky, slow and heavy melee focussed warframe. This is just my attempt to make a really engaging and fun warframe who feels like it just dominates anything that is unworthy of it's pressence. If you make the wrong choices in the battle, you will be dead in no time, but if you make the right ones, you will absolutely feel like the true Enforcer of the Law.


    Anyway, if anyone even reads this, please leave an upvote if you also like an idea like this, and comment if you have anything to say! :D




    Edit: Alternate abilities:

    First abilities:


    Baldaath punches the ground and imbues the area in front of him. Enemies standing in a cone before Baldaath get damaged and knocked up. After they land, causes different effects based on the melee weapon of Baldaath:

    1. slash: Enemies are sliced by the ground, causing a movemend slow.

    2. puncture: Enemies are pierced as they are flinged up, causing a puncture proc.

    3. impact: enemies are slammed back down, reduceing the knock-up time, but adding a knock-down after, enableing a ground finisher.

    Basicly adding a much more simple ability, and more of a CC focussed one too.


    Second abilities:

    Virtue: Bravery

    Baldaath accepts his fate as the Enforcer, and redirects the attention of all enemies to him in an area and getting an armor buff. Once having damaged Baldaath, enemies suffer damage and an additional effect based on the melee weapon of Baldaath:

    1. slash: Slices at the targets hands, giveing a 15% chance to disarm the enemy. Can only roll once per second. 

    2. puncture: pierces the targets armor, causeing its armor to be stripped by 30%. Can trigger on every attack, but does not stack.

    3. Impact: gives a 33,33% chance to proc an impact proc on the target that hit you. Can trigger on every attack.


    Third abilities:

    Virtue: Patience

    Just redirect this ability to his third slot, if it is too powerfull. This is, for ne at least, his playstyle making ability. Ofcourse by adding more agro related abilities you can change Baldaath into a serious RPG-Tank like warframe, but I don't think DE wants the Holy Trinity to be Meta in their game though.


    Fourth abilities:






  8. Wait... I thought that Embers passive was that she got energy and power strenght if she DEALT a fire proc... it is not...?


    :                                                                                                     ^)


  9. Wait... where the F*CK did i say that ?

    I do enjoy when a frame has a lot of synergy between its abilities, but this is just f*cking hard to implement, and considering the fact they already have trouble making augments, doing something like this would take them forever.

    Also, I would prefer them working on stuff like focus rather than something non important like this.

    That's just my opinion.

    Yeah, if focus finally CAN become a thing, I would like to see augment mods go away and that you can alter your abilities with the focus. However, If focus never comes out, then i think this is second best.

    Thought that you ment that some abilities get TO much synegry with this, like, in OP CC and DPS range. Synergy is good, but if a frame becomes to good, then the game isnt fun anymore.

    Thats also why the sentients are coming back i think.

  10. Pretty much sure this has been discussed before though the combo.. might be too op for now

    For early game, some combos are indeed very strong. Yet for late game, even when Rhino is getting buffed with his new skin, and even with the wombo combo AOE armor steal thing, he will still die. Others might give TO much control, but then again, its more about the concept. What kind of combos DE could make, that is in their choice.

    Devs already have trouble making enough augment, planning every combo would be even harder and would never appear in game.

    And anyway, bad idea to me.

    Having an augment slot would be great but, not vital imo.

    Bad idea because there can be more synergy between powers?

    True we need reworks for that, but honestly, some frames are fun to play but dont do nearly enough with their powers.

  11. Plus the fact that they intend to remove augments with the Focus system... But well this will come only in a distant future.

    Omg is there more info about the Focus system? Might like to see these kind of effects in it IMO. Some extra effects could turn a normal boring power like mind control and make it a more utility based power. (I already like the mind control augment. It casts the question; who is the pet?)

    Anyway, if focus keeps canabalising itself, it would be nice to get that slot anyway, even if there are not going to be combos.

  12. I was thinking about my mod setup for saryn, and found out that my regenative mold just barely could fit into the build. Then I began questioning the idea of an augment mod slot. Told that to a friend of mine, and while discussing the OP-ness of this, we came across a fun concept:

    You get not one, but TWO augment slots, and each combo of augments put in gives a thirt, unique effect.

    This could include combos the like of:

    Rhino's ironclad charge with his shrapnel iron skin combining to detonate the iron skin at the end of a charge, amd everyone hit gives the armor rating buff.

    Excaliburs slash dash plus his radial javelin combining to combo counters for melee when hitting with javelin.

    Nyxs chaos bubble and mind control, making your minion a chaos totem.

    Zephyrs tornados and slipstream augment combining so that your tornadoes give the movementspeed buff.

    Frosts ice path slow and frost globe freeze to a ice path that slowly freezes enemys, like atlas' pertify.

    Embers firestorm and fireball augments so that the fire pires stay longer, and when you walk through them you get a fire aura for low damage but moderate status chance.

    And MANY more!

    I thought that this concept could make the game that more customiseable, and making some builds even more versitile and fun

    Ofcourse there need to be some extra augments to flesh this more out, and carefull planing on what combo does what to not make things OP, but as a concept I am really liking this idea!

    Any feedback?

  13. Here's something funny to consider.

    Currently, ash prime is equally tanky to rhino prime possesing higher shields and higher health at level 0.

    Equip a steel fiber and you can suprass rhino.

    I know right?! Rhino is supposed to be the posterboy for tanks, yet a ninja can outclass him in this role? BS

  14. Finishers/stealth "kills" (which often aren't) need to be on a separate button, such as the use key.

    Yes, this is actually the best way I think. Even with fury on that animation was around 2.3 seconds, without spoiled strike. Haveing it in the use key is the best conclusion, because SOMETIMES, I do want to do that finisher, and not ALL the time :)
  15. Three points to make this perfect:


    1) up her tankyness


    Atm, if I go in melee range of enemys with my corrosive nikondi, if I dont spam my molt or if the enemys are lower than 45, I will die in 3 seconds.

    Her health is in a good spot, but up her armor. Then she is the bruiser female frame she used to be.


    2) make her abilities cheaper.


    If you keep the costs of her abilities how they are now, she will never be able to cast all of them for the wombo-combo you so desperatly desire for her frame. Honestly, if the damage from miasma is going up, and it gets an upgrade in damage for every toxic-kin proc, she has insane damage. No need in upping the damage of her other abilities.... although...


    3) contagion is STILL boring AF


    Just a melee buff, but explodes venom and has a 100% toxic chance. I am fine with the toxic, for that increases miasmas damage, but make it more interesting in a way. Make it so that you emmit a gas cloud for gas procs and another dmg upgrade for your ult, make it so that you get some defensive boost while it is active, heck, maybe even change it altogether. Make it a hydrooit wave of toxic sludge, who leaves a gas traill, knocking enemys back. That way she has an option for CC. The range needs to be broad though, but if you still want her to be melee orientated, make the range like 12 M or so. 

    Just... do something more with contagion.


    All in all, I like the synergy in her kit. With all the procs, and the damage upgrade of her ult, Saryn seems to become the combat-mage of the late game.

  16. I just got my nikondi, leveled it up to the point I got around 100% status chance, and put blast on it. 


    Then I nearly died at least five times in the same mission after that, against level 35 grineer with a saryn.


    My question is, can we get an option to toggle mandatory finishers off? It is really a dissapointment to finally be that CC monster tank I always wanted to be, only to be killed because of an animation I didnt intent to do.


    No mandatory finishers please.

  17. energy leaching should be nightmare only xD or when killing a unit it restores 15 energy or it will Always drop a 25 or 50 energy orb


    also how is it possible to drain such high amount of energy when or shield are full sometimes?

    That is actually a good way to kinda balance them, only, make it like 80% energy return from what they drained. That way, if they drain all your energy because theyre to tanky, it still is worth killing them.

  18. At the moment, if you consider going into the LATE game (LvL 65+ and beyond) you HAVE to consider every tactic you are going to need to survive; including how much energy this costs. Why? Because with their 300%+ Hp/Shields and their 50% dmg reduction, Energy Leach Eximusses WILL take as many energy or more than there are orbs on the ground. 


    This is because every enemy that strong an high LvLed isnt going to die in at least 3 seconds, which means that they already drained 15 energy, because every E. leach eximus has a drain of 5E/s. (THANK GOD THIS DOESNT STACK BTW) Considering that the spawn rate of eximusses go up drastically in the late game, this means that you might have another 3 seconds before the next energy leach unit comes along.


    If you dont have a trinity, valkyr, or any other warframe that can restore energy and/or has a channeld ability so that that drain takes priority, this means that you wont be useing any powers for the rest of the mission. For many warframes, this means instant death or makes you completly useless. ANY mage frame will suffer immensly from this, and for EVERYONE, this means that you have a limited pool of options to play with.


    This is why I put this topic in the WF&AB page; this issue makes ALL warframes less fun to play, except ofc LobsterQueen, for even if you play Valkyr, Excalabro, etc. who have channeled ults in which they can put out a fair amount of DPS or have decent CC, it will make these abilities MANDATORY to have on all the time, or at least once you are surrounded by these eximusses. The only WF I can think of now that has all his/her option still open after he/she has this ability on is Eqiunox, but having TWO warframes who can fully do all they like in the late game is BS.


    I dont have a good way to balance this, because it is inherently broken. This function should not be in the game, or ONLY reserved for the upmost thing in this game's ''foodchain'', the Centient, because this mechanic is altering my playstyle a LOT. THEY are supposed to be special, not the common factions!


    All in all, if warframes would have energy to work with in the late game, a few more warframes would become usefull. Right now, just a handfull are able to use powers in the late game, and that should not be a thing.

  19. Enemies getting stronger and stronger in endless modes is pretty common, the issue is just how much stronger they get. In Warframe, it just highlights the game's glaring issues with various enemy scaling mechanics (eHP, armor, accuracy, damage and damage multipliers) while other games you can still survive by not getting hit. Only real way to do that in Warframe is to strip them of all their damage and CC them so they become irrelevant as accuracy scales so high that moves that decrease accuracy do nothing so you just end up getting one shot anyway. We have a bunch of things that are scaled for endgame content and some that clearly aren't so you just end up with a huge mess. 


    Just make it that Armor has a cap. That way, Chroma also gets a little bit nerfed, because the cap I think of would be around 3000 armor, which gives 90% dmg reduction. Chroma can easily get over this cap. 


    Anyway, the HP-scalling of enemys I do not have a clue of how to cap this without giving up the chalenge of the late game. I would like to see a ramp up after lvl 100, to make the trials a little bit easier, because those things do have a lot of issues, all related to the scalling of the enemys.

  20. Yes, but the thing with trin and all them, with my proposal to apply it to his armor/shields/health, would allow him to be tankier in that his shields would also be affected by the armor reduction. 


    So, while trinity might have 99% reduction, her shields still get shot off very quickly, her armor is nill.  Trin is not inherently tanky, she has to use abilties and the like in order to obtain that defense.  Then, hers is situational based on the skill you cast and its short duration anyway.


    Rhino, atleast with my proposal, his tankiness would be a passive.  He woudl always have it active and it would be applying to all portions of health all the time.  So, while trin and them need to work to get it, Rhino would just have it.



    I also drummed up another idea to replace some of his abilities to be a little more defensive minded overall, while giving him a sort of offensive abilities as well.


    1: Counter Attack: 75energy (could maybe be his #4)


    When active will reflect


    20/35/60/85% of unmitigated damage outward in a blast of energy, putting all hit into stasis for

    2/3/4/5 seconds with a

    10/20/30/40% chance for each time hes hit

    When activated it lasts for

    10/15/25/35 seconds

    Radius is 2/4/7/10m


    Basically, while he is taking massively reduced damage, when this ability activates, it will return a % of the full damage he would have taken back at the enemy.  So, for example, a 100 point hit, he reduces it to like 20 points.  He takes the 20, but when active, this ability would return 85 dmg back to all enemies in the radius.    This could buy him time to regen shields, should he be getting low, a sort of "oh S#&$" spell.


    2: Channelled Rage<<I cant think of something else


    When active, Rhino will transfer energy into shields at a rate of


    1 energy for 4/8/12/16 shields per second for

    20/25/30/35 seconds


    Pretty much this is a sort of aid to help Rhino recover quickly mid fight, so he does not need to hide and regen, while he might still, this can aid him, or help him reduce damage further. 


    Affected by +duration and efficiency, where 30% eff would reduce the 1 energy for x shields into 0.7energy for X shields.  Power str would improve the shield regen amount. 


    3: Fearsome Roar: 75 energy


    When activated all hostiles within


    2/4/6/8m will have thier damage and accuracy reduced by

    10/12/15/20% for



    Upon activation, all hostiles affected are hit by a

    1/2/3/4s stun.  


    4: Unbreakable Wall: 100% energy cost, cannot regain energy while active. *yes, im sure this one is waaayyyyy to fking OP*


    When activated, for


    10/12/15/20s, when Rhino would receive Lethal damage, he instead is instantly restored of

    15/20/25/30% of his health and shields

    Yes to all you are saying, these ideas are in the right direction.


    The only problem is, that if shields indeed are affected by armor, my instinct is to put on ALL HP and shield mods I have in Rhino. This is not a bad thing however. There is just one word needed to fix your ideas with the modding.


    Make everything CHANNELD.


    That way, the only thing Rhino need is Fleeting Expertise and he can actually work with his skills, for Rhino only has 100 energy. 


    Ofc your numbers on the skills are WAAAAAAAAAY to strong if he gets channeld skills, but only the roar doesnt work in a channeld way. I would REALLY want to try this monster of a tank. Pair his 3rd and 4th (the OP last stand and the dmg return) with the Rage mod and be like a 99% dmg reduction trinity, until your energy runs completely dry xD.

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