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Posts posted by Kaldo

  1. Warframe abilities, warframe and weapon arcane buffs, Grimoire effects, mod sets, mod procs, archon mods, environmental/mission modifiers, unique weapon effects, archon shards, focus schools, companion abilities... We have an increasingly large number of overlapping buffs and sources and it's become a mess. I don't want to get into whether this is a good or bad evolution of the game - I personally like it since it incentivizes a more dynamic gameplay. However, the UI can't keep up and it needs a big overhaul.

    I do like the satisfaction or managing 12 Merciless stacks for example, but the current UI makes it very hard to actually track it. I don't know how to solve it without either streamlining and standardizing buffs into similar categories, or opening the can of worms that is new unique UI elements for each type of them, but something needs to be done - this has become way too important part of the game to be just clumped into a mess of dozens of blue icons in the top right that keep shifting around.

    IMHO at the very least they should provide context based on their position or style so we can easily tell what kind of a buff it is at aglance. They should use different colors so we can tell if it's from an arcane, ability or mod. Their icons shouldn't be unique per effect but rather have a standardized symbolism, like a green plus indicating a HP buff, an up arrow indicating increased damage, a shield icon indicating increased defenses, etc.

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  2. Game is on high settings and working fine with >100 fps. In most cases it's sharp and clean as always, but sometimes it's extremely blurry like in the screenshot below. This happens in dojos, random missions for short intervals but most often in Orb Vallis, especially when I'm in archwing. I never noticed this until a month ago but ever since, it's really common and it's a big issue. It's not only for the first few seconds after loading either, it can last up to 5-10 seconds and re-appear during mission at random intervals for the same period.


    Anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it?

  3. Well it's a garuda feedback section so I thought it's clear. And on steam it says PEGI18 for violence, online gameplay, dunno which is the real one.

    As for no real gore in the game... Slashing damage does cut enemies in half, with their insides kinda visible. Stalker does carry a decapitated Loki's head in the cinematic for Second Dream. And doesn't Alad V cut off all the limbs of a captured warframe at one point, Mag IIRC?

    My point is, it wouldn't be unprecedented to have such elements in Warframe. I don't know if removing it from Garuda is intentional artistic choice, performance issue, maybe just an oversight or something else.

  4. Her #1 never lifts up and rips enemies in half any more, they kinda just ragdoll at your feet and die. Blood fountain isn't nearly as bloody as in the first livestream preview, doesn't have the "arterial" blood spray, it went from big floating blood clots to some red energy lines with little red particles. #4 went from a meatgrinder to some shadowbolts that cover your screen so you don't even see the impact really.

    She doesn't get bloody as she kills the enemies, just when she damages herself and it's not really as noticeable as I hoped it'd be.

    Warframe is a 18+ game. There should be some blood and gore, especially for a gore oriented frame that promised just that. I mean just look at the max solaris united rank twist, it's not like DE usually sacrifices the themes or art so it stays children friendly or something like that (assuming that some visual viscera would harm them). I don't see why they did the same to Garuda.

  5. So, a cool thing that was started in PoE was adding "Location: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus" text to the description of fish parts like Yogwun Stomach or Murkray Liver. This enables us to just type "fisher" or "hai" into the inventory search field and it would show all fish related resources.


    Suggestion: Add this description to Fish Oil, Fish Meat and Fish Scales as well, so it's included in the search! Also, Mortus Horn is missing that part of the text for some reason.

    Fortuna Suggestion: Make it work like that for Fortuna fish as well, add a "Location: Business in Fortuna" description to all Fortuna fish resources!


    This lets us easily search those materials and see how many we have in our inventory window.

  6. It's really weird jumping to a lvl 5 enemy and not damaging him at all just because he's at full hp. I know the ability is meant to serve as an execution but it should still have some baseline damage so it kills weak enemies as well. Especially since it's often really hard/impossible to get a weak enemy to <35% without killing him if it's a lower lvl mission or if we're carrying a well modded weapon.

    Also, not sure if it's a bug or not but it rarely ever rips them in half, the enemies most often just ragdoll at my feet... if there's a hidden chance of actual ripping happening, it should be upped to 100%.

  7. Yes! I hate having to remake these "modular" items from scratch every time. And it's not like people will craft them multiple times anyway, everyone makes one that's the best and the rest are made once just for mastery.

    And it doesn't even matter for k-drives that much since it seems all parts are purely cosmetic, at least according to the preview window the stats never change? So why not just let us unlock all parts and reuse and experiment with them all the time then, same as how mods for frames and weapons work? It's be so much more fun and user friendly. I don't even care if you increase the cost of them, I'll pay it as long as I can freely swap parts on my one k-drive, instead of constantly rebuilding it.

  8. Since her first 3 abilities are pretty focused and intense (require constant input and focus from the player), her 4 ability should be something that doesn't detract or inhibit the player from using them, since it's her her core combos that are important for both the damage output and survival. Which is why I don't think that a channel, which makes you slower and more vulnerable to ranged fire (since you can't really defend yourself or dodge it while using it), makes much sense for her. Especially since it seems she'll be really hard to play in high level missions, and entering a channel like this probably means you'll die a few seconds later.

    Instead it should be a semi-passive, buffing or environmental ability, that you only use occasionally and which synergizes with her core abilities. I have two ideas:

    - upon casting her ultimate, Garuda summons x levitating blades (not too many, 2-4 perhaps) around her that on a regular interval lash out and strike adjacent enemies. If she reactivates the ability again, she launches one of these blades in a target direction, penetrating through and impaling all enemies hit by it. Optionally create a smaller, weaker version of blood fountain from enemies that get killed by this projectile. Remember that scene from witcher 3 when Triss levitates a flaming sword and shoots it through a wild hunt warrior? Yeah, let us do that here

    - upon casting her ultimate, Garuda covers all the walls and floors with blood and gore. Body parts everywhere, blood waterfalling down the stairs, the whole package. Enemies standing in it are weakened (slowed, reduced dmg or sth like that) while Garuda gets some kind of unique additional effect on her abilities or on enemy kills. The issue with this ability is that while thematically cool (gore everywhere), it's kinda boring and seems identical to other similar "create environment" abilities on other frames like Nidus or Oberon. But it should be enough considering how much casting you'll be doing with first 3 abilities.

  9. I'm absolutely sure. The first time it happened I was on Hieracon Excavation. At first I thought it was "cold" damage, like on some other snow maps, but it was ticking even indoors, and after I downed and was revived, it stopped ticking even outside. 


    The second time was in an Orokin Derelict extermination today. I was scanning kavat DNA samples and suddenly I started constantly losing HP on my Ivara, even though I wasn't in combat or affected by any debuffs at all. It lasted until I died, at which point I revived and continued normally without any damage.


    edit: Your question actually prompted me to review a video of it, I've luckily had playstv running and it recorded the session. It seems the cause of the bug are small infestation crawlers that attach to you, but even after disappearing they continue to do damage. I didn't notice it the first time but it's obvious now in this clip. http://plays.tv/video/582b6b731985658770/warframe-bug Since both maps I mentioned have infestation as enemies, it seems this is in fact the cause of this bug.

    If the quality is low, wait a bit and it should improve after processing the video.

  10. I'm not sure why this happens, since the "debuff" icon is gone by then, but I've experienced this bug twice so far, and heard the same happening from a teammate too, and it's kinda gamebreaking.

    Basically, the player continually receives small amounts of damage every second or so, even when he's not affected by a damage proc like slashing or toxic. While not a big amount of damage, it is just enough to stop the shield from regenerating and so eventually it will surely kill you. I'm guessing that the damage-over-time debuffs don't properly get removed after they expire, and damage keeps ticking afterwards, since I think I've always been affected by slashing or toxic procs before this happens.

    Jumping into holes, entering void form / kid mode doesn't stop the damage. Getting downed and revived does however, but that is hardly any consolation when you're by yourself in a mission.

  11. "Wow, players really like the Vacuum, it seems the vast majority of our playerbase uses it!"

    Normal person: "They probably use it for good reason, and everyone is saying it should be made universal to warframes because it makes the game more fun - it lets the players focus on gameplay instead of looking at ground, collecting scrap materials. We should probably make it baseline then!"

    DE: "Let's make it universal but also nerf its range by 60%. Actually not universal, make it so it only still works on sentinels. And remove the mods so players can increase the range in any way, even on the Carrier. This will definitely be a popular decision, exactly what players wanted! It will make the game so much better!"


  12. 32 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    Blind them to the number keys, have the bindings show up along the top when you open the menu, allow them to be used anywhere. I think that would work pretty well really, only problem would be if you're typing something you might switch windows or whatever.

    But if they add a keybind, they need to speed up segment switching. I don't mind if the camera jumps as long as I don't have to watch it float between segments, wait for every menu to open and close, and wait for the mod menu to flip around.

    Good idea. A more manageable option might be to just put the shortcut you chose next to that particular menu item, like for example: Navigation [N], Foundry [3], etc. So they don't have to work on new UI elements and windows, I imagine it's a huge design workload.

    As for it being on number keys, there are more segments than numbers, right? Or at least there could be one day, so I think it's better if they just let us manually choose a keybind, and players can decide if they want it on numbers themselves later.

    UI animations could be faster but that's a wholly different story now, at the moment I'd be happy if they at least heard this suggestion so we don't have to go through so many clicks to open a segment window =)

  13. On 9/28/2016 at 5:47 AM, R34LM said:

    Surprising, a shotgun that can't be use for long ranges.

    You do know shotguns actually have great range? They are used for hunting after all, which means they'd be shooting at ranges far greater than 8m. So this is either a balancing thing, or a bug... lore or realism has nothing to do with it.

  14. What do you think about letting players bind keyboard shortcuts for instant interactions with consoles / workshops on our ships?

    For example, pressing F to immediately bring up Foundry, N to bring up Navigation, M to bring up Mod screen, R to open the Relic Refinement window, etc.

    Pretty much the identical thing happens when we choose their entries in the Esc main menu, so it shouldn't be that difficult to just let us access that functionality through a keyboard shortcut, right? :) And let us customize it in the keybinds options screen, of course.

  15. I would very much like if we could somehow "bind" loadout and appearance slots together - changing a loadout slot would also switch to the respective appearance slot. Basically, we could have separate appearance slots for our magnetic or corrosive loadout, and it would switch automatically.

    That way we'd at least have a way of knowing which loadout is selected at the moment, without having to go into a 3 layers deep menu to check it out manually.

  16. Quick suggestion: it would be great if we could merge multiple chat channels into one. It would be much more convenient to have, for example, squad, clan, alliance and private chat in one window, with each channel having a distinctively colored text so we can tell them apart. We could select to whom we're responding by simply starting the text with /squad (/s), /reply (/r), /alliance (/a) or /clan (/c)... or just have a small icon to the left of the chatbox so we can switch the destination for our message with the mouse.


    It's the system that most MMOs and multiplayer games use, and for a good reason - you can keep track of all messages in one window rather than having to constantly switch tabs with your mouse.

  17. Small bump just so people still remember this is an issue :P

    I started using my VHek again, I just can't get over the "new" sound. Such an awesome weapon, such weak ridiculous sound, like shaking a bag of cereal. I've read the dev post at the start of this thread and I'd say we've given it enough time to properly, objectively say that the new sound, while similar, is not nearly as good and immersive as the original one.

  18. Planet: Europa Valefor, steel meridian mission for today. I was in Loki Prime and my buddy was in Rhino Prime. 


    We opened the sabotage target with hacking but when it opened it was empty. Nothing to shoot at but the mission objective was still showing at it. We were forced to abort.


    I think my Justice on Hek triggered and destroyed the capsules before they were supposed to be destroyed. Dunno what other info could be helpful.

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