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Posts posted by xEGxStatic

  1. so why is it that the AKbronco prime has less damage per shot, 6 rounds not 8?

    doesn't it say: used together, these orokin pistols feed off each other, inflicting greater damage, with an enhanced chance for inducing elemental effects on targets.

    how does it inflict greater damage if its damage per shot is reduced from the single Bronco prime? also, why is it missing 2 rounds per clip

  2. As of right now, i have had the materials, credits and the conclave to build the phase specter, however, i have not been able to build it, it sounds like some kind of game glitching, but i've restarted my game and i still can't build it

  3. honestly I feel that the drop rates for clan research materials is too high for certain bosses. other than the infested, I have gotten more clan research materials than I feel are even needed than the actual boss specific resources that I've been hunting

    regarding the infested though, I feel that the bosses are the only real viable way to get the mutagen samples


    would it be possible to change the drop tables?

  4. will we see more rewards for those who choose the stealth route, be that a multiplier to XP, an increase in chances of dropping mods and resources, or even just bonus XP if the ship is still not alerted by the end of the mission


    also, can we expect some more ranged weapons with stealth capabilities? something other than a bow or kunai?


    are we going to see a section on stealth added to the tutorial? will it just be about stealth in general or weapon specific stealth


    finally, will there be a room in the dojo where we can practice our stealth similar to the parkour room and the range/simulator?

  5. so vauban is a unique warframe as it is more built for ambushes and quick fights, that said, if you take a vauban and any other frame that has a bit of speed, you can come up with one of the funnest ways to kill stuff


    get vauban to throw 5ish tesla nades onto your buddies back, then set him loose and have him run around, certain to be worth a laugh and good for speed runs


    have fun

  6. first off, stretch only affects the distance of your frames powers, nothing else

    secondly, reach is for melee weapons, but reach affects how wide the damage radius is

    third, the glaive is the only thrown melee weapon so unless they create another specific mod for weapons like thunderbolt, its probably not gonna happen

  7. can we get compensated in some way or form atleast, people are really annoyed that after waiting 5 minutes, getting mods and such, people lost their progress. i dont think people are  going to look appon this nicely, how bout a potato (reactor or catalyst) alert?

  8. Unable to reset, haven't contributed since hotfix, and im getting the following message on the website,


    Notice: Undefined variable: msg in _mod_warframe_auth_reset_account_form_submit() (line 3717 of /var/www/live/sites/all/modules/mod_warframe_auth/mod_warframe_auth.module).


    please note, warframe was closed when this happened

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