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(XBOX)Hitome Meisner

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Hitome Meisner

  1. Just an idea but can we get a spider warframe that its first ability is a melee buff for the squad her second ability could be a invisiblity like thing her 3rd ability could be a web wall that captures enemies and behaves like vauban's Bastille and her fourth ability could be a toggle able drain that she goes from 2 to 8 legs gets infinite wall latch and gets a movement speed boost.


  2. I personally think it would be better if the in game market's blueprint only categorie had only purchase blueprint option instead of both. I just got back on warframe for the harrow update and put blueprint only so I can buy the knell with credits, but I spent the plat instead by accident and that's a bit unfortunate to spend 190 plat on something you can buy with credits. It might be for the best to sort it.

  3. I like how Limbo burns all who talked about him both supporting and dislike sides.

    DE should put up a real time warframe popularity chart on their site lol.

    they had polls once on a Dev stream and tbh banshee and zephyr are the least used/ least liked. At the end of the day this is a game about preference but people take it to seriously and created a meta in a pve game.
  4. In all fairness no disrespect towards anybody but on average it was calculated that 50% of America can't read past an 8th grade level and is ranked 14 in the world for education. Again no disrespect but that's a lot of people who need help so just complaining about incompetent people on a forum doesn't help for the fact that the people your ranting about aren't even going to read this.

  5. And yet when all people have to judge your gear by is a number and go "Nah, your 300 points too low scrub!!!" and stuff like that (which did happen back when conclave was visible to squads, and it happened in 80% of all recruiting back then so it wasn't a small problem) you have to find ways to inflate your score to meet their arbitrary number.

    If you don't then you're insulted and the party is disbanded with everyone else re-invited and you left out for no real reason.

    So you're left with inflating your score with utterly useless mods just so that you can get invites.

    That is what happened in the past, and I really don't want to have that happen all over again.

    if quick thinking or other mods are detrimental or counterproductive to your build but you still add them for cc rating to reach 1200 it shows you didn't work enough on other aspects like weapons and kubrow/sentinel
  6. And I can comfortably solo T4S to 40 minutes as most frames with an 1100 to 1200 conclave all things considered.

    So what do those numbers show in any way at all?

    How would it be useful for you to see that I have 1100 conclave while you have 1600 when those numbers are completely useless?

    How would it benefit you to see "Oh he only has 1100 conclave?" besides allowing you to exclude me from your missions for no purpose even though that 1100 conclave build can handle most anything that the game throws at me.

    And you're missing a point here:

    The only thing people would see and gauge you on is the number.

    Meaning that if that number isn't arbitrarily high good luck getting into missions or anything.

    Even if you can handle it just as easily as everyone else with a much lower conclave.

    Back when conclave was visible in squads I kept on trouncing players with 1500+ conclave with a low as 1000, even though they kept insisting that my builds weren't good enough because my conclave rating was lower than theirs. Yet I kept coming up as the highest for damage dealt and kills and low for damage taken.

    I can, and do, build a "proper killing machine" with sub 1200 conclave for pretty much everything in the game.

    So again, what purpose would it serve for you to see the conclave in my gear?

    We don't need an arbitrary stick that people will judge you by when it means literally nothing in game.

    the reason why it gets so outta hand with people's demand of conclave is because the community is already toxic to the brim across all platforms trading and recruiting, that's just the pure elitist taking it to far granted but why stop at 1100 or 1200 when you can go hire try new builds and you never know you might just want to keep going hire and hire I can hit 2k on a few of my frames but that's not my line if going for late game I personally would be fine with 1200 because most 1200 I've seen can kill level 130 and above enemies. I like to think of high conclave builds like body building, it takes effort and a smart mind to amass body built on muscle mass and not have it break down or cramp up and fail. Like in warframe to achieve such high conclave and making it work properly like a well oiled machine is an accomplishment and monument to your work
  7. Conclave is far more useless than MR is for gauging player readiness.

    Because lets just point a few big problems:

    Steel Fiber: Nearly useless on most frames, yet provides 40 conclave rating.

    Flow (primed variant included): Useful on a ton of casters, yet only provides a 20 conclave rating.

    Flows damaged version also offers a 20 conclave rating even though its objectively worse.

    Or for example Vitality is only has a 10 conclave rating.

    Redirection has a 40.

    Yet one is objectively better than others on some frames.

    But if you wanted high conclave I could slap a Redirection on my Valkyr for 30 extra rating. Sure it would be pointless, but hey its a higher conclave rating that you want to see and nothing else...

    And this holds true for a lot of mods.

    Their conclave is in no way indicative of how good they are.

    Because with just seeing conclave I could slap on a horrible modset with a decently high conclave of over 1200 that is completely useless, or I could use a far leaner set of mods that gets me to under 1000 and can still get me to 40 to 60 minutes in T4S solo.

    All this would do is return the old "MUST HAVE 1400 CONCLAVE MINIMUM!!!!" recruiters and all the epeen toxicness that would result from that and wouldn't offer anything in return.

    There is absolutely no valid info that you can gather from someones conclave rating.

    And don't say that wouldn't happen, because that is what happened and it only stopped once DE decided to hide the conclave. People were demanding overly high conclave ratings for everything and belittling everyone that didn't meet their arbitrary standard and it made finding groups more annoying when everyone demanded a certain conclave level.

    Later if you want proof I can show you two different builds for a Zephyr.

    One would be completely useless and have a high conclave.

    The other would be much more useful and would have a much lower conclave (and I'm talking about 300 points lower).

    So conclave shows quite literally nothing and would just bring back the epeen measuring contest that it used to be. And we really don't need to go back to that.

    true but if you slapped on such high conclave mods and still fail it's because you just slapped on mods a build requires balance which is what the difference between slapping on mods blindly and building a proper killing machine. Also as an example all my builds get my weapon and frame combinations past 1600 easy but I don't struggle late game and it's because there modded properly, with there powers and what weapons suit them in mind.
  8. But auto-install spits out the highest possible conclave rating, which usually gives you very dumb builds as you've pointed out.

    I'm against such measures of skill, but for us to even consider using the conclave system again, all the values would have to be completely revamped. Just look at all Primed mods, all their values are exactly the same as their regular counterparts. There are countless of other examples such as this.

    If you want a skill measurement system, basing it off a very broken value system is not the tool we should be using.

    I also forgot to mention I don't want conclave back to measure skill I want it back so I can see if someone is trying to leech or not because if your bringing in a few weapons that can't kill things efficiently what's your worth to the team.
  9. But auto-install spits out the highest possible conclave rating, which usually gives you very dumb builds as you've pointed out.

    I'm against such measures of skill, but for us to even consider using the conclave system again, all the values would have to be completely revamped. Just look at all Primed mods, all their values are exactly the same as their regular counterparts. There are countless of other examples such as this.

    If you want a skill measurement system, basing it off a very broken value system is not the tool we should be using.

    this also true I don't agree that natural talent should be 10 but coming with other even more flawed ideas as a quick patch or leaving this system the way it is would be detrimental. We should get conclave rating back but revamped as you suggested
  10. Might I also add nearly every mod in this game adds 20 to 50 conclave points when maxed out only a select few don't and even adding these mods don't bring you down that much.

  11. Pointless. Replacing one near useless metric with another, nothing more. Conclave rating was always especially bad, since it included all weapons in the total, even when players frequently don't use two out of three even if they have them equipped.

    It's every bit as flawed as mastery rank, and neither tell you jack about player skill or readiness.

    this is true but if your doing a raid or pushing high tier endless missions you wouldn't bring under-developed gear, you would bring your a-game I.e forma'd gear that you worked on.
  12. Auto installing doesn't give you results or creates a proper build it just slaps on mods of a certain criteria. Second of it isn't so restricting to use mods with high conclave to reach a certain point nearly every weapon and frame combination can get you past 1200 conclave if the mods you put on your weapons are upgraded.

  13. I think we should see a return in conclave rating because the way people judge readiness off of mastery rank is flawed. Sure conclave rating isn't perfect either but Mastery 18 or higher literally only means you ran through an leveled everything you obtained at least once to 30, we're as conclave rating shows that someone took the time to farm up the credits and fusion cores to rank up there mods and forma'd there frames and weapons enough to fit these mods.

  14. I'm currently leveling Perrin sequence and new Loka but Perrin sequence is 5,000/5,000 and I can't rank them up I have the credits and detonite ampules but it won't let me rank. also I could have sworn red veil and new Loka were enemies maybe I'm tripping.

  15. They should make rift surge summon the beast instead of having them out by default for limbo also they should make it that if limbo banishes a teammate they don't get energy but they get health regen increase, while changing his haven Aug mod to giving 25% health on banish to 25% energy on banish so it's like I'm giving you my energy to use so it requires me to take the cost of banish to give a player 25% of there base energy so it's not as spammable. Also limbo should be the only one to benefit from energy per tick as he's adept to the rift dimension pretty much his own edo-tensei or tsukyiomi world if your into anime. You should also be able to pick up stuff at least if it's in the cataclysm because by that logic the items are in the area that's distorted by the rift opening. As a limbo player I think these changes are necessary to take limbo out of this one trick pony problem of being a battery for Mesa/Excalibur.

  16. Limbo's 3 is the only skill I see that needs a rework his ultimate basically pauses a battle in a certain area or protect an object for 80+ seconds. His banish is his survivability and allows him to be useful in survival an capture missions. On consoles it used to be that he can hit a capture target with his 1 while in his 2 and secure a 1 on 1 fight not to mention he can save lives with 1 ie. Squishy frames.

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