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Posts posted by (XBOX)SylvEmily

  1. Hi, I have gotten the platinum discount login reward more times than xp rewards, and it is 100% useless to me, as I have no intention to buy platinum, I would rather get something useful, like a blueprint, or credits, or SOMETHING.


    An opt out would be great, cause over the past 6 days, I have gotten three of these, and would have preferred to get something I can use, maybe the platinum opt out people can get 1-5 platinum when they would normally get a discount, or at least remove the choice from the opt out reward lineup.

    These aren't console either, DE, why?

  2. u mean it is your level/rank in warframe. that high a full rank u said is confusing


    Mastery is an in-game method of tracking a player's relative skill level and how much of the game's content they have experienced. Mastery points are earned by leveling up unique weapons, companions and Warframes, the successful completion of uncompleted mission nodes. Weapons and Warframes are leveled up with Affinity.


    Mastery ranks unlock level capped weapons and Warframes and raise the number of times a player can trade per day. You will also be able to deploy more Extractors at higher levels.

    In-game, players can view their profile and statistics (Go to the main menu and select "Show Profile" at the top left of the screen) and take a closer look at their mastery progression.


    In order to be promoted to the next mastery rank, a player must pass a test which differs from rank to rank with difficulty increasing with Mastery Rank. If the test is failed, the Tenno will not be able to try again for 24 hours. Even if a test is passed, a new test cannot be started for 24 hours.


    To prevent from failing the tests, you may practice them in the corridor to the right of Cephalon Simaris' room in any Relay.

    Tenno will enter the test equipped with whatever equipment is currently active in the arsenal. A Tenno cannot be in a party when qualifying itself, meaning they must complete the trial by solo.


    Powers can be used normally, so it is recommended to bring Team Energy Restores to keep a supply of energy on demand to ease the completion of the test.

    Gee, Professor Buzzkill...I was going off a starter perspective, not 900000 hours

  3. Can we trust the Lotus? She is only giving us orders and we don't even know if she exists! She may be a projection to brainwash the Tenno sent out by.. anyone really, Grineer, Corpus etc. Just assisting Corpus and Grineer is not enough I propose to let us switch sides completely. The Lotus is evil!... possibly. Personally I sympathize more with the Corpus!


    She's more of a Guide, you just listen.

  4. if you were to start a dojo from scratch and start building weapons the first day, it would take 18 days


    infested lab is the worst because every darn weapon in there has a prerequisite weapon that takes another 3 days of waiting before you can start the next research


    that is also compiled by the fact that every connecting room takes 12 to 24 hours to build and then once you have all that done, you have to do most of the pigments and then scale up the clan size, which scaling up would make research contributions a big headache


    if it comes down to it, there should be a way to rush researched weapons with platinum..you can rush everything else in the dojo

    Bump up to Meg, Drew, & Rebecca

  5. Promoting a Junior Guide to the position of Senior takes some time and dedication. I know exactly how you feel because theclinton is the only XB1 Senior Guide and he is not able to get on all the time. As a Junior Guide myself, I know the frustration that can be caused by trolls and others of the sort. It just takes time. DE needs to be careful who they pick, and to make sure that the person in mind to be a Senior Guide is the right choice, as they will be practically representing DE. If they chose someone who completely just destroyed the protocol and guidelines after becoming a Senior Guide, it could be devastating to the folks at DE.

    Hey Strife!

  6. Hello Tenno! I decided to toss this guide for the newborn Tenno fresh from their pods!


    Mastery Rank, is your account's level in warframe. To level this, you have to level weapons/frames/companions NOT maxed yet. (Not LVL 30)


    Every rank up requires testing, Tenno, and they increase. To test your rank tests before ranking, head to a relay, and head upstairs to Cephalon Simaris. He allows you to practice.


    Certain items & relays require a specific node, Oro Earth, and the Leonov Relay, are prime examples, requiring Rank 5.


    To Rank Up, head to the pause menu, select Profile, then press,"Rank Up". (NOTE: The Blue Bar below your name MUST be full to have the option)


    You may try a test once every 24 earth hours, and failing means you must requalify.


    I have shown you how, now will you put this knowledge to the test?

  7. Hey there gorgeous tenno :*


    Probably someone already asked this, so in fear of being trolled and noob-ed i'm asking again, cuz the search results always direct to wiki, which is not of great help at this point.

    What void keys provide highest drop rate of forma BP from the player/experience perspective?


    much love :* <3 , and be gentle ;)



    A lot of T3 deals straight give you one. T3 Sab is my Forma Spot when low.

  8. .5: Say, Ahh start, Heh mid, yes last.

    One: Kidnap Mag

    One.5: Betray Corpus Board - Forum Contributor

    Two: Become Infested

    Three: ???

    Four: False Profit

    Five: Lose to Fusing Item

    Six: Be annoying AF

    Seven: DE Plz nerf anyo

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