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Posts posted by yeti_fan

  1. The 5 stages of TWW

    1 Sounds cool

    2 It's just a delay not a big deal

    3 Splitting it up? ok... I guess you can do that 

    4 what the hell is happening at DE? did they accidentally delete the whole game and have to start from scratch?

    5 I don't care, just feel sorry for the devs now. Rather them just scrap it then continue to beat the horse beyond recognition. 

  2. I feel like just raising the crit to even a modest 15% would be an incredibly easy way to make this weapons passives have any sort of logic.

    The base damage actually isn't that low. considering cl can be equipped.

    Do you realize how absurd it is to ask a player to proc an enemy with a specific status using a range-less, low damage, clunky stanced, no crit dagger, before perfoming a one-shot finisher just to get some useless shileds?

  3. I originally posted this in the 18.13 trinity feedback thread, but after I read it again I realized that it is not so much feedback to the update, as an independent Idea I've had for a long time now.


    I think trinity needs a full blown rework, healing is not, and will probably never be, useful as a PRIMARY ability focus warframe. she should focus more (not exclusively) on reviving, preventing damage, and buffing allies (maybe a version of link that affects allies in a self-sacrificial way), because restoring health falls of at like lvl 40 unless your ally is Chroma, mesa, or, some other defensive frames who slowly lose health even in high levels. anyone who thought blessing was useful for healing probably never fought against enemies strong enough to benefit from a support frame. It would be interesting if energy vampire only affects trinity if you are linked to allies, where trinities energy would be siphoned to teammates she is linked with

    *increase max Health

    *Increase Power max

    *Increase armor

    (keep in mind these stat increases are counteracted by the ability reworks, and are not necessarily a buff)

    1 Well of Life: basically old Energy vampire for health, but does not benefit from low duration. Casting on allies creates a link to them

    (augment) Healing while at full health fills a gauge that instantly revives Trinity when she is downed, 30 sec cooldown.

    2 Energy Vampire:(toggle) While active, trinity drains energy from Enemies within a 15 meter field briefly staggering them. Drains health based on number of enemies(max of 10), deactivates if Trinities health reaches 1.

    (augment) Energy Vampire drastically decreases affected enemies awareness of trinity

    (Alt augment) Affected enemies Restore energy to all allies in an aoe  (Like scarab swarm) lowers effectiveness to 25% 

    3 Link: (Toggle) affect on enemies is the same as current. Linked allies take your energy while ev is active. linked allies channel fatal incoming damage to you and a max of 75% of that damage (+all Status procs) transfer to linked enemies. deactivates if Trinities health reaches 1

    *Out of everything I wrote, the option of linking to allies is the one thing that I believe to be a legitimately good idea.

    (augment) Same

    4 Blessing: Consumes 300 max health for 20 seconds to fully heal, and grant allies +300 max health, and +150 bonus armor for 20 seconds within 40 meters. downed allies who are linked will be revived with the amount of health you consume but will afflict you with an additional 100 energy and 100 health cost

    *I really couldn't think of anything good for blessing.

    Changes like this would keep trinities Role as a health/DR/Energy giving support frame, while drastically increasing build diversity, teamwork,interactivity, and her theme as a beacon of hope.

    DE, Please stop wasting your time with nerfs, and buffs that will not actually affect the game, take you're time and deliver actual changes to the mechanics of really, painfully, outdated frames, Like you did well with excal, rhino, volt, and... kinda Mag (I've blocked out the memory of mag and her utterly useless 1,3 and 4.)

    The point here isn't to say that my ideas are the best by any means, but that you shouldn't be afraid to update really outdated, clunky mechanics. Just because some will cry nerfs. I also don't think the changes I proposed are any more extreme than other reworks, IE the heap of game design garbage that is Mag. 


    *Since update 18.13 Trinities blessing has been capped to a 75% flat damage reduction regardless of amount healed. Still jaw droppingly simplistic for the only dedicated support frame in the game. Punish players who like to help the team a little more please


    *Note: Many changes to this post have been made on 8/27 as many errors have come to my attention

  4. I think trinity needs a full blown rework, healing is not, and will never be, useful in warframe. she should focus more on reviving, preventing damage, or sacrificing your own health/energy to buff allies (maybe a version of link that affects allies in a self-sacrificial way), because restoring health falls of at like lvl 40 unless your ally is chroma, mesa, or, some other defensive frames who slowly lose health even in high levels. anyone who thought blessing was useful for healing probably never fought against enemies strong enough to benefit from a support frame. It would be interesting if energy vampire only affects trinity unless you are linked to allies, where trinities energy would be siphoned to teamates she is linked with

    *Drastically increase max Health

    *Increase Power max

    *somewhat Increase armor

    (keep in mind these stat increases are counteracted by the ability reworks, and are not necessarily a buff)

    Well of Life: basically old Energy vampire but for health, while link is active casting on allies creates a link to them

    Energy Vampire:(toggle) While active, trinity drains energy from All surrounding Enemies,  Drains your health based on number of enemies, deactivates if health reaches 1.

    Link: (Toggle) same as current. Linked allies and enemies take your energy. linked allies channel a max of 70% incoming health damage to you, then to linked enemies. 

    Blessing: Consumes 300 max health for 20 seconds to fully heal, and grant allies +300 max health, and +150 bonus armor for 20 seconds. downed allies who are linked will be revived with the amount of health you consume in exchange for a 120 second debuff to your max health (capped at 100), and armor (capped at 0), and will consme 50% current max health, this can bring you down, but will still revive allies with what health you had.

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