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Posts posted by TauMaxim

  1. Thanks for making excavation not fun anymore. Good job DE. Roll back the excavation changes, because now it's not hard at all. With a good team, you could run 3 extractors no problem, now getting 3 to spawn is impossible. 

  2. I really enjoyed excavation, but now. The grind just got too much for me. I'm a strange kind of person, and warframe has a special spot with me. Hitting my head against a wall over and over again, and then have something to show for it really made this game from me. The game is farm and nothing but farm. If you take farming out of the equation, you have literally nothing left. Now, now I lost all will to play the game. You can't level rank 10 mods anymore. It's just too painful. I would understand this "buff" a lot more, if they added to the shop a pack of 10 r5 cores for 10 plat. Then I'd get it. But this... I'm sorry, but seems like I'm going to be putting warframe down for a while now. It's just not worth it anymore.



    Hieracon was actually fun. It was a fun mission. Especially above 2k cryotic when you had 3 excavators active. It had challenge, it required a decent about of skill - when playing vauban or another CC frame of course. I used to be able to reach 3k without losing an excavator with randoms. Which 99% of the time meant there was no trinity for power. We had to rely on energy drops, and don't get me started when the energy leech enemies started being common. Now, I don't even dare to think of doing 3k excavation. Even the standard 2 excavators then extract strategy is too boring and drawn out to play.


    A friend of mine just started playing. And heneeds r5 cores. And I just can't be bothered to help him with it, which is sad. Revert the changes, make excavation fun again. DE just lost 2 players, because the only reason my friend started playing, was that we could play and have some fun TOGETHER. Now, there's no fun in it anymore. Sorties are... crap to put it lightly. LoR is now as simple as Earth missions for me, Nightmare LoR I have not completed yet because people don't realize that the electricity is instafail in that mode. There is no endgame for me personally anymore

  3. I can't even count how many times my internet died while at the very end of a levelling mission. And what did I get out of the whole thing? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. No XP, no money, no loot.


    If there was a way to fix this, at least for the XP, it would be really really great.


    P.S.: I know it simply puts you into single player, but when you're on a levelling run, you face little chance at actually finishing what you've started with a full levelling team.


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