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(XBOX)Orokin Guard

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Orokin Guard

  1. I find often that i have to go through my members lists and kick people that are past 30 days of inactivity. Sometimes when i take a "break" like some of us do for a few days/weeks/months/years.....that i have 400+ members that haven't been on in 90+ days, needless to say its a pain in the thumbs to go through all those names and kick one by one. 


    INTRODUCING!, the clan kick bot. A bot like kick bot in public chat that the founding warlords can set up to kick people after so many days of inactivity or for using racial slurs and all that kind of thing on the clan/alliance level.

    So lemme know what you think guys, i really believe this will be a helpful tool to all warlords trying to keep tidy clans/alliances.

  2. i had this same question and so i maxed out fire rate mods vs none on the tig, if there is a difference it is so slight that it is unable to be registered. I find that reload and piercing mods are a good choice, piercing because each shot can go through more enemies and reload for less time in-between those two powerful blasts.

  3. Hello all tenno out there hacking and slashing your way through all the enemies you can fit on your blade, this contest is a wonderful time for tenno to show their crafting ability. I will be posting my submission when finished,BUT, if you would like to keep track of my progress please check out http://egalliance.weebly.com/project-clem.html






    Update: All finished



  4. A place in the dojo with moving targets and what not, all timed and recorded like the obsticle course. To keep people from using crazy builds, make it restricted to different prebuilt load outs that the clan leader could set. I have a few examples of it already drafted in the event that this idea would be taken seriously by DE.

  5. First and foremost, please add the option to turn Ordis's window off. I cant tell you how many times I've cussed out my TV because Ordis just has to say the exact same pun for the 1,000,000,000,000th time. And when im trying to change any colors or equip mods or just about anything else that happens on the every 20 min basis hes in the way.


    Second and equally as annoying please add the option to Turn off Lotus's window. I have no reason why after 20 mins of killing waves of enemies and being told, enemies are inbound. All this has ever accomplished is covering up a Bombards projectile, or providing the stalker a place to hide.


    Please add the option for the Host of a squad to kick members from the squad! This is a no brainer, too often people get into your squad and start acting like trolls, and you have to back out and restart a group and its just a unnecessary hassle.


    Please Add a foundry and mod station to the dojo, once again no brainer you trade in the dojo but have no way to check your inventory without going back to your ship and just alot of hassle switching loading screens.


    A timer on how long your Kubro has until it is mature, we get one for incubation only seems to make sense that we can know how long till we can actually use the bloody thing.


    More will be posted in time....

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