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Posts posted by StanleyStanson

  1. 1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    It should add shields on enemy damage. 

    it does add a minor amount of shields on kill, and does stack overshields to the cap.

    but her 3 already gives a sort of damage resist by having any nearby enemy deal less damage, the way i've always thought of changing her 4 would be to have the heal instant on kill just at a severely reduced rate, maybe more like 10-20% at max rank rather than the 75% stored. so every kill in the radius triggers a heal for any nearby party members for 10-20% of the enemies health value.

    and as a side note because i've been thinking about it for a while, why not make the day forms 2 give a bit of energy for killing affected enemies? incentivises using the day form to sustain and makes further use of the 2 augment.  it could help with energy issues she can have with large groups and expensive to channel costs(comparative to other channel abilities), i dont think it would be broken since you cant get energy back with maim active except with orbs.

    edit: the reason i think the day form should have it is because its definitely squishier than the night form, since it has a sleep, damage debuff, and a heal, and the day form has a slash proc.

  2. On 2/14/2018 at 8:02 AM, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Rhino just points and laughs at both of them. 


    What was that old man? I cant hear you over the screams of these dudes getting quite literally eaten alive by scarabs.

    (i say that in game while working on a rhino build)

  3. 32 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Instead of rage, put Hunter Adrenaline, maybe you just forgot, but still :p

    i still use rage from time to time mostly because i don't see too much of a point choosing between the two, i will probably trade over because i have extra mod capacity but meh, you get what i was going for. like i said i know its not optimal but it was my build.

    funny story it was actually my pre-rework build except i traded out intensify for the stretch there

  4. 8 hours ago, ConzyFTW said:

    Deserved the rework? You don’t deserve anything related to this game, in fact, the very notion of them reworking atlas should be welcomed by you. Don’t be so entitled and maybe your points may hold sway.

    i deserved being called an atlas hater, i even quoted the guy i was talking to.

  5. Just now, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

    They are open minded a lot embrace the rework that's open mindedness. I liked him before rework i'll like him after even more my only complaint is petrify + tectonics wont buff defense (I use fracture) but t rubble armor might add to it so i'm happy. They had a lotta defense before this anyways so it's not a huge deal.

    just to kinda end this post off and let it die peacefully, i did end up taking another look at the rubble mechanic and did find it minorly useful, i ended up writing another post called "An Apology (Sort Of)" like i added to the top of the post just a few minutes ago.

  6. 1 minute ago, ShaiPaneer said:

    DW, they were prob memeing you lols.

    Next time just say In my opinion before you say anything else. 

    nah i was completely fuming because i didn't get what i wanted from an atlas rework, i deserved it and that's what kinda sparked this little blurb with a bit more of a level head and a bit more experience with the new mechanic.

  7. Just now, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

    Now the clickbait title has turned against you. Hope you learned a lesson.

    i was hot about atlas finally getting a rework and at the time i felt it was unbearably underwhelming and i admit i was upset, but I don't regret writing about it but just wished the community was a bit more open minded.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Orcot said:

    I've played him a great deal and my point still stands, his issue wasn't that he wasn't viable he's just plain boring and uncompelling to play, he couldn't tank, couldn't DPS, carely CCs (3 has reduced effectiveness over distance requiring more time to stone), his 4 with or without his Aug was unreliable and best served as a bullet sponge, 2 useless, and 1 boring but effective.


    Atlas's low player count wasn't cause he wasn't viable, there are simply better more exciting options compared to him and in most circumstances more effective, short of being a loot-farm Atlas brings nothing to a team comp compared to Rhino and Frost with CC, tank and team support.  As I've said, he sucked, not cause he wasn't viable cause there were just far better alternatives, anyone with a 1/4 my experience could tell you that.

    To each their own i guess, I just know that despite the low player count he did have a dedicated community that used all of his powers and were still keeping up and having fun with the rest of the frames in the roster. Everyone has favorite frames for different reasons and you don't need to shoot because cursing isn't allowed in the forums all over someone elses choice.

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)zedlanik said:

    Like having Dracula who can spon bats to blind enemies 

    Sucks their health down while him and team mates get extra health 

    It would be interesting 

    Or even verwolf frame 

    ... you mean Inaros XD, his 1. allows him to blind enemies with a blast of pocket sand, his allies can use his 2 to heal and he can use his 4 to heal everyone at once. you should really try him out if you haven't already

  10. In the past few days I've earned a small reputation as an "Atlas hater" and just want to make a simple apology (kinda).

    The rubble mechanic (which i am still on the fence of) has just very recently been buffed (hotfix 22.12.3) to have its decay rate halved, this was good, this was needed, i was finally able to assess the true value of the skill; to which i give an astounding "meh". I realize now that, yes, rubble has a noticeable effect on Atlas's survivability, not a particularly huge one, but substantial enough to warrant being used. That being said i do still have some major issues with his rework 1. the heal from his rubble is far too low and doesn't stop the armor drain and 2. his petrify is just too good.

    (first time uploading pictures to the forum have mercy on me)




    With just these two builds he becomes a machine, press 3, spam e, grofit. Hirudo bypasses the fact that the measly health gain from rubble, if missing as much as 1 health, will completely prevent armor pickup, or stall the timer and i can tell you that is annoying as hecc. Quick Thinking helps you gain energy from taking damage with rage to cast petrify, nullifying the drastic cost. These two builds if spent solely pressing 3 and then e, and the occasional 1 whenever your Hirudo isn't dealing enough damage, is more than enough to keep atlas alive well into 50 or even 60 minutes of MOT survival, just from pure cheese factor alone and I'm well aware that neither of them are optimal.

    With that also said, i have to say that the rubble mechanic is very fairly effective but not completely broken, 35 minutes in (to MOT) and corrupted crewmen were breaking through my shields and leaving me with 28 health with the full 1500 rubble stacks, that's not a problem seeing how its MOT and its supposed to be relatively challenging but it was just too easy to bounce back. Atlas's 1 allows him to break stagger lock from Quick Thinking, Quick Thinking's EHP combined with Primed Flow and the combined armor of Atlas and 1500 rubble armor makes him unbeatable, add in Hirudo for quick and painless health recovery and he's back in full swing. 

    And with that i guess this apology, if you could even call it that, turns into a warning, to anyone who cares about Atlas as much as me. This playstyle isn't healthy and DE will probably see to it changed, I hope just not drastically (never forget 18.13.0). IF DE does end up seeing this post, probably won't because who in their right mind would troll through one of these forums willingly, let alone read this wall of lingual barf, add real synergies between his abilities, i did have a few ideas in a post i made yesterday ("Atlas is bad" Sunday Feb. 11th) with a number of my fairly salty "first impressions", but most wouldn't work with the existing rubble mechanic, but before you do anything you might want to ask your founders for ideas before you put the nerf gun to Atlas's head.

  11. inaros is a fantastic support, nidus is more for a solo-self centered type of play. each their own but i'm gonna say inaros.

    that's how i play inaros at least, i know i'm gonna get at least one person saying he's a horrible support but each their own.

  12. Just now, Zamiake said:

    If anything Imo atlus didnt need a rework at all. His it worked fine as it was imo. He just had a useless 3. He was good and fine and handled sorties and high lvl great. The rework was just to polish him off and nothing more. The rubble mechanic is just sprinkles on top. IF anything i actually fine trying to build rubble up on him as a fun mini game haha

    yea i loved Atlas before, i just wanted synergies between his abilities. sure you can heal your rock walls and rumblers but the rock walls are meh and the rumblers never died anyway.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Zamiake said:

    Meh no dice must have been an internal decision to rework him that way. You can still brawl with atlus and his syncs well with his skills to do that, but its best to do it smartly and build your defenses to handle that specially in high lvl.

    i just feel like there were a wealth of other ways to make it better, countless forum posts by dedicated atlas players all saying about the same thing (check out my fairly recent post "atlas is bad" sorry for clickbait) and even brozime (though i dont like him much) gave similar opinions on what he needed.

    The way i see it, atlas can still handle higher level content, but its not because of the rubble mechanic.

  14. the design council sounds like a cool idea, it would be nice if everyone could see it even if only founders and chosen could vote on it, but i don't mind, founders deserve what they have for taking the chance on the game.

  15. All I'm trying to say is that rubble is an underwhelming and unfulfilling mechanic that isn't honestly worth the time to keep it up, he still suffers from a lot of the problems he had before being the lack of synergies and one ability clearly outclassing the rest. I want Atlas to be good, not in an overpowered way. I just feel like the community had a wealth of different ideas that would have been much more effective. I dare you to look through the community forums and find one person that offered "rubble" as a mechanic idea.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

    75 energy for a wide and instant cc that provides healing and bonus damage is more than fair. and if youre missing health it adds to, guess what, health. the thing that you supposed to keep up to actually survive. the armor drain is very much manageable, and those smaller units on any relevant level, are a no threat.

    and even those arent instant. pls stop using that word for you clearly dont know what it is.

    you act like petrify is an end all be all, but it still suffers from the original problem of people at range, on higher difficulties they'll just chip down your health while in the 1 second casting animation so all the rubble you pick up from the petrified enemies are health with no armor gain. stop questioning my intelligence when you cant even formulate definitive and effective rebuttals. 

    also health was never an issue with Atlas, just like any other frame with out a healing mechanic use hirudo, lifesteal furis, or lifestrike; a healing mechanic was far from needed on Atlas.

  17. Just now, Zamiake said:

    Regardless thats alot more reduction Period. You may want to be right but im sorry you just arent and its a great rework

    alright my dude have fun playing anyone other than atlas in a weeks time.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Zamiake said:

    "...almost instantly"  IF anything within a second or 2 of channeling is enough to kill or moderate to severe damage in high level or break shields on atlus. The point is not to lose your shields so you can snow ball atlus up and build his defences. Face tanking isnt a good idea unless you got a trinity watching your back

    Face tanking is the entire idea of a brawler! Brawlers are supposed to be in the enemies face! Brawlers are supposed to take damage! Brawlers are supposed to mitigate damage taken!

    and if anyone says that he's not a brawler, look at the wiki:

    • "Atlas was originally developed under the name Brawler and is still referred to as as such internally in the game files."
  19. 1 minute ago, Zamiake said:

    Killing all petrified enemies heals and if your full hp it then provides 75 bonus armor compared to 50 normally. Thus giving you 7.5 seconds of bonus armor time compared to 5 seconds from non petrify enemies. If you continues to bulldoze enemies you can get 1.5K bonus armor on top of your nearly 1.1k armor. Thats 2.6K armor potential and its substantial when compared to normal frames taking a light peppering of fire on high level. At least thats what i was seeing from videos and testing. Also pairing pertify and Land Slide looks to give 150 armor as a bonus at full hp (15 seconds).

    He is set up great for a snowball type play style and you just have to keep rolling out the punishment another good thing his passive is what it is


    nice numbers but no math, let me help you.

    using the base armor of 1.1k: 1100/1400=78.6% damage reduction

    base armor of 1.1k +1.5k cap of rubble (2.6k): 2600/2900=89.7% damage reduction

    congratulations you just snowballed all the way up to 11.1% less damage taken

  20. Just now, Zeclem said:

    its not expensive at all, considering how it works now. if you find it boring to have a frame that has functioning skills, fine. but that does not make you right about the changes making him objectively far more powerful. 

    the healing it provides is far from pointless. AND it actually DOES add bonus armor. did you even see the rework?

    yeah low level enemies were the focal point of balance in this game. oh wait they werent. and 3 seconds is close to nothing compared to now. 

    dude, 75 energy for the basis of the rubble mechanic, how fast it drains, if you're missing any health it adds 0 armor, and by low level i meant low tier, lancers, crewman, and butchers; even on higher levels they would be petrified almost instantly, if not at least in the same 1 second as the casting window for new petrify.

  21. 1 minute ago, Zeclem said:

    and it doesnt do that instantly now how exactly? cus it does. and it makes them take more damage from landslide. his "real cc" was a joke, and how he got changed for much better. 

    also i like how you conveniently forget the healing it provides. 

    hell no that thing was anything but instant petrify. on anything. if "instant" means about a year and a half to you yes, i agree. otherwise no. youre not the only one who played atlas before rework. 

    i didn't say he didn't do it instantly, i said that its too expensive and it turned into his new 1. Its spammy, cheesy, and boring.

    i forgot about the healing it provides because its pointless, why heal 50-75 health if it just gets taken away in one shot and doesn't do anything for your bonus armor.

    and for low level enemies with decent power strength it was practically instant, larger enemies like gunners and bombards, sure they never got petrified but they would be stunned for 3 seconds after you stopped targeting them with your ability, it was a CC, it CC's better now but at too great a cost. stop acting like this new rework was perfect.

  22. 3 minutes ago, Zamiake said:

    I found that atlus old petrify was bad. Never used it. Unirau power channel did it faster

    that was you, some atlas players did find a use for it, what was it called? two different playstyles?


    12 minutes ago, Zamiake said:

    You can be right about your narrow playstyle and wrong about the full capabilities of a frame simuntaneously


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