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Posts posted by -dB-ManicReign

  1. I'm not saying all frames would be the same given how ppl mod their frames would determine if they were a tank or a squish speed demon.. Starting stats would only be the same.. No one could complain about balance then, only onhow they should mod a given frame.. But personally I think conclave is pretty balanced overall maybe with a few outliers that could be worked on

  2. I think semi auto/burst/bow weapons should be favored over any automatic weapons. where then skill in following player movement and shooting take in part rather than holding down the trigger and spraying all over the map which is seen all too often. Either this or with automatic weapons have a recoil where you have to fight against to stay accurate rather than a recoil just being basically a spread of bullets in a desired location

  3. I agree that the knockdown passive is not an issue, if any issue I have with atlas is his #1 ability, honestly see ppl spamming that 3-4 times in a row to slay players. I hve yet to play atlas in conclave, tell me that skill costs 25 energy per punch at least

  4. I've recently started really enjoying to play Zephyr with high strength and jet stream with a tonkor.  Regaurless of setup.. Jet Stream as of today has continuously / randomly stopps working mid duration and have to wait for the entire cooldown to recast turbulance and have it start working again.  Is there a cause to this or is this a sudden bug im encountering?

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