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Posts posted by Hyl6

  1. After reading 27 pages and doing some calculations, I see that some of the nerfs may be fair and necessary, but "nerf" of Chroma's 3 seem to make Chroma even less viable for continuous gameplay, due to rather annoying mechanic with self-damage that requires a lot of energy and time spent on self damage in order to reach the viable numbers in the current state.

    The one and only thing Chroma currently was capable of, is to provide single target damage while staying alive a bit longer than others, after spending some time on damaging himself and hoping that he had shields to charge his Vex buff. Spending time on self damage is what was making that frame synergize well with the team. Taking other frames in count, as example, Octavia is able to provide much larger numbers on damage buff from weapons with her 4 without spending any time on damaging herself, as well as providing invisibility possibilities to the rest of the team and multi-shot bonus, crowd control and insanely scaled damage on longer runs. Rhino is also able to provide rather large increase in damage for longer period of time for the whole team and is also able to achieve much more EHP without too much effort (we are talking over 200k armor on his Iron Skin).

    For most of other end-game missions, where clearing out larger amounts of high level enemies is required, Chroma is nearly useless. There is too many frames that are capable of clearing larger areas without endangering themselves to get killed in the progress. He will be even more useless when he cannot take any hits or take down any targets (approx. 77% LESS armor and dmg buff), so he will not be able to take down those large enemies that the rest of the team is struggling with. Take also into consideration that you MUST take damage to shields in order to get any armor buff, that is rather often not possible if you are taking damage while you need to become immobile to recast your buffs.

    Chroma's 1st and 4th abilities were useless before the nerf/buff and will still be useless after.

    TL;DR version: Octavia can also take down limb in 1-2 shots - lets nerf her, Volt can take down limb in 5-10 sec SOLO (maybe faster?) - lets nerf him, Rhino cannot die from Teralyst and can take him down in same time as Volt - lets nerf him as well, shall we? And most users can utilize their Void Mode operator for complete Invincibility when necessary making warframe survivability a thing of the past. I don't even want to bring other frames and possibilities into this comparison.

    Please nerf all frames to unplayable state and enjoy a dead project, gl with that DE. :clap:

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