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Posts posted by Heartsatyr

  1. You just go untill wave 30 or 45 then. Same as if you are playing Mobile defense or defense alone now.

    I think he's asking "what if you're playing alone and you want to swap mods around and you have no one to defend you like you suggested previously?"

  2. You have to let your team know that you need to re-adjust the mods so you they have to hold out while you are doing it. You can quit the process any time tho, it doesn't reset anything you did tho. I was thinking about doing that in the first place tho, but then I realized that once you hit high waves you don't want your maxed redirection mod be replaced with a 2nd lvl flow mod.

    What about mods just auto cycling out (new, better mods replacing your worst mods)? That way game flow isn't broken.

  3. Love how he chooses the worst times to appear:


    *Running away from a crowd of chargers when lights flicker*


    *Hit elevator button right as he spawns and joins me inside*

    *Friends can only listen to my screams as the stalker proceeds to have his way with me in the longest elevator in the game*

  4. And I suppose that's where we have to ask the question: would you prefer things to remain exactly as they are, regarding teamwork and gameplay pacing?


    Should we just leave these things unattended?

    You do know there's the simple solution of creating different ques for people that like to rush and those that like to walk? That fixes the problem of the different playstyles.

  5. If ONE player out of FOUR rushes, and gets killed, it's his fault. He was outvoted on pace, by the group.


    If ONE player out of FOUR is too slow, and gets killed...well, it's his fault for going afk without warning, or the group's fault for leaving him behind when he was the only Rhino/whatever.

    With those lines, I take it you're one of those slow players that gets left behind a lot.

  6. I definitely like the idea of new enemies, but if enemies like this were implemented it would completely change the flow of the game. Either that one slow person is going to lag behind and die and rushers will completely stop caring about slow players, rushers will have to adapt to a slower style of play to make sure people stay alive, or the rusher amongst the slow people will be caught out or forced to play in a slower fashion.

  7. In such a pretty looking game, I think a little vanity is ok. People spend money just for looks, so choosing not to use an item becuase of the way it looks is fine. Considering the wyrm/shadow really does not contribute /that/ much to the gameplay itself, I'm ok with simply not using it.

    Obviously you've never used one before. Having my shields boosted on losing them? Invaluable. Giving enemies another target to shoot at that's not me? Super helpful. A chill droid to make the lonelyness of space not so lonely? Priceless.

  8. Anyone else get this feeling? I have 6 frames at this point upon finishing Nyx and she just...doesn't have anything that really makes her stand out. Of course her helmet, but everyone has a varation on their helmet. For example, Frost has some baggy pants, Ember has some clown legs, Saryn has heels, and Nyx has...not a lot. Not really a big issue, just a personal gripe :(

  9. Change:

    - Iron Skin prevents Rhino to take Health Damage only: Shield still gets damaged



    - Retribution works with Iron Skin

    - A little more tactic because when Iron Skin is over and you are in a Mob and Shield is depleted you get Health damage immidietly

    - Needed nerf to op ability



    - Hardcore players / elitist and daydreamers, who love their op ability will cry at the forums, thus generating more spam and more work for moderators

    Pretty sure this is why he wants a nerf:


    "Rhino I'm down! Iron Skin and save me!"

    *Rhino player iron skins, kills everything in the room and leaves*


  10. Considering VOLT has speed it would make sense to make his default running speed faster than all the Warframes.


    The Speed ability should also allow him to phase through green lit doors(Or doors should open faster especially big ones and open sooner) and laser doors and also allow him to run up walls.


    It should also negate the rolling should the speed can continue after landing.


    Also the speed ability should buff your melee attack speed making you attack twice as fast.

    Also Volt should do constant lightning damage to everything around him.


    Also he should kill everything he runs through


    Also Potatoes.

  11. I have no issue with Paris agains't every Infested except healer. By aiming correctly, you can shutdown any Ancient with 2-3 arrows. Paris is a good weapon agains't infested, not as the Boltor and yes, getting Akbolto will help a lot, but killing two Ancient healers is currently a pain in the a**. Also, nothing justify their heals in the mechanics. That's why I want a nerf.

    Yo man, you just gotta get on a higher level you know? It's ok to feel sad sometimes, but you don't gotta come runnin through the fourms swinging your Nerf brand nerf bat complaining about something that requires teamwork or a good weapon to fight. Also, knock them down and go around them. Still don't see why this is a hard concept. things can't block your path, that doesn't ever happen.

  12. Aight man, here's what you gotta do. Take a seat in front of your computer with your headphones on meditating to that sweet, sweet Warframe loading music. When you feel calm and at one with your Tenno, get a basic weapon like the AKLatos. level em up a bit, then do it. Easy &#! mission.

  13. Not an answer. I got Paris, and i don't want to be a troll shotgun. Teammates ? What is that ? Playing in multi makes the game totally bad. Go around them ? I just said that they're blocking the way, also they're blocked they can't move, they're just looking at me, doing nothing.

    Sorry, not of my issue are solved.

    Well there's your problem: using the Paris against infested. The Paris is not that effective against them, especially if you're too stubborn to play with others. Get an akbolto or the Boltor and have a better gun for the situation at hand.

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