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Posts posted by Racercowboy

  1. I say it could certainly use a damage buff, but I feel if it was just damage it still wouldn't see much use considering her theme. Maybe PB could have special effects when it hits targets under chaos or mind control(of course, make it able to hit mind control victims). Like, a mind control target will go berserk and gain massive attack speed boosts and chaos'd targets receive bonus finisher damage each hit.


    While Nyx is primarily CC, 2 out of her 4 abilities do deal damage. I wouldn't say that PB needs to go, but it certainly needs changing in some way.

  2. Well, a lot of thought was certainly put into this. Would be simple (compared to a most other things) to implement and solves a lot of useless mods being useless. Was a very long read, but certainly was worth it. +1 from me.


    EDIT: Due to time and schedule constraints, I linked your thread in the new livestream Q and A thread. I hope you do not mind.

  3. Question time? Interesting....


    - Ember's Fireblast DoT ring: pretty simple. Currently,  it hits things like this:


    The yellow square is taking damage. The blue square is not. Why is this? Will we ever see this illogical skill mechanic changed?


    - Weapon balancing: Are weapons supposed to be tiered? If so, why do "higher tiered" weapons preform in a lot of cases worse than "lower tiered" weapons? Will this be changed?


    - If not (referring to last question) then will we see weapons undergo heavy balancing?


    - Will John Prodman appear as a raid boss?


    - Warframe balance: Some warframes, while having specific roles, severely out perform others in unintended roles (Example: Mesa out tanking a Rhino). Will we ever see this changed?


    - Mod balance: We have so many mandatory mods and useless mods. Will we ever see this changed to something similar to this thread? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/435723-its-time-to-balance-our-mods/


    - Will single stat status mods ever see more than 15% status chance increase?


    - Will snipers ever see a reduction in rng based mechanics?


    - Will shotguns ever have their damage drop-off removed since the reason why they had it in the past is now gone?

  4. Ember Accelerant affect only fire damage which is exactly why both heat based weapon have such a low DPS. Do you honestly think its just a coincidence? I also run a heat damage only Ignis(Serrations/multishot/HC/mutation/firestorm/3 heat mod) , so I can tell you its possible to modded specially for Accelerant debuff.

    Well then, maybe we should halve all damage in the game, cause molecular prime doubles it. While we are at it, another halve needs to go cause roar. Oh my, Mirage is doing too much damage with that Boltor Prime, lets reduce it even more! Limbo is working his magic again!? NERF IT.


    Balancing weapons around warframe powers is wrong and stupid. Why are pure fire weapons only allowed to be remotely viable in Embers hands? Notice I say, "remotely viable", not, "stronger". It's ok for pure fire weapons to be stronger in Embers hands, it's not ok when Ember is the only way to make it remotely viable. What if someone wanted a gas, radiation, or blast instead of fire? What is someone didn't want to use Ember?


    The same thing can be said of Silva and Aegis. Currently, it has the same base damage of the Skana. The Skana is free starter weapon. The Silva and Aegis is not. Is there not something wrong here?

  5. Any change to make snipers more consistent I think would be a good one. They may still be overshadowed by other weapons, but at least we won't be rolling dice every time we shoot.


    Then again, I wonder do we shoot dice since everything is based on RNG?

  6. Banshee Sonic required you to aim. Ember one doesn't.

    Ember is limited to one element and builds must be adjusted to take advantage of it, and even then all weapons except Ignis and Silva and Aegis will not receive the full effect of the damage buff because not all of their damage is fire. Banshee does all damage from everything and hitting the spot is not hard. Bring in resonance and no aim is required.


    What I'm saying is one frame's skill should not be the reason why a weapon is so gimped. A weapon should be inherently viable on any frame, not conditionally viable on just one.

  7. Would love to have them, although I do think there should be at least 2, for more customization options. For those worried about power creep, it's plain to see not having them is doing nothing at all to stop it. It's an issue that should be addressed regardless of what is introduced into the game. If we're that worried about power creep, we should just remove all efficiency mods from the game to make room for our lovely augments, since that would be far more balanced, wouldn't it?

  8. Too bad we will be eventually getting primed versions of these mods instead

    The sad part is even primed versions will complete wastes assuming they go by the same values. The dual stat ones will still blow away a primed version in this case.


    I am liking the idea for this system though. It actually introduces a downside for stacking elementals and creates a reason to use the physical damage mods. Sure, status procs will happen more often, but some may end up sacrificing damage to get more consistent procs. Granted, some numbers may need tweaking if this were to happen, but they need tweaking (or overhauling, really) anyway.


    Another thing is some status procs might need changing. I feel like if consistency were possible some procs that do not stack might lose a lot of their flare.

  9. A solution I suppose would be to make a counterpoint mod that say, procced attack speed or damage bonus on Status chance. IE: Crit weapons get Berserker, Non-Crit weapons (which usually have higher status) have XYZ speed or Damagemod.

    This would be fine, but some weapons do not have much of either. The OPs suggestion just puts it all in one mod that any weapon can use and does the same thing consistently across all weapons. 

  10. Just make Fury 60% again.

    This really needs to happen, although it does not solve the gap the berserker creates between crit melee and other melee which is what the OP is trying to do.


    Having it happen on normal swings does sound like a good idea. Faster melee will build it up faster for sure, and that's fine. They are supposed to be faster than Heavy weapons, which right now is not always the case.

  11. 700% is a huge debuff especially it could benefit the whole team. It's hard to ignore that when balancing weapon. I wish they could buff Aegis and Ignis too.

    Banshee can buff any weapons damage by 1420%. I guess it's time to start nerfing all weapons to ignis' and silva and aegis' levels (Wait, then the game will be more balanced!!! XD).


    But really, even if the damage never happens, the shield NEEDS to block better than any other melee in the game. 

  12. Also my question is, why care about the PS4 port? It sucks! Loading times takes forever, the playerbase is light, and aiming with a controller is like controlling a tank. No if there was mouse/keyboard support, I'll give it some slack. 

    ps4's OS is a modified FreeBSD. In other words, porting to linux is not out of the question. It's more of a matter of if they want to do it or not.



    So it works fine but when I try to play it the lag is so great that I can't really do anything. Do you have any ideas?

    Is it like constant spikes of lag? I had the same issue and solved it by either turning off multithreaded rendering in the launcher or using wine version 1.7.13 (later versions introduced something that broke it for some reason, haven't tried using the latest releases though).


    Hopefully it's what I had, and not something else.

  13. I've fixed the (windows) Steam client issue (I used PlayOnLinux). However, I am getting the same thing as yours. "Could not update file" - How do I make the client 'do update' its files??? I tried going into the "Tools" folder and deleting Launcher.exe, and renaming Launcher.exe.tmp to Launcher.exe


    My guess is DirectX? I downloaded directx9 from "PlayOnLinux" component install..

    Just a question, did you get "directx9" or "dxfullsetup"? Cause dxfullsetup is the right one. I will say though, I did not need either to get the game working as wine has it's own stuff for that.

  14. I noticed something odd about overload:


    - It has a duration that increases once while leveling it, but duration mods have no affect on it.


    I wonder what it'd be like if duration mods affected it?

  15. snipz

    Excalibur is different from other frames in his ability diversity. Does this mean he's ok in his current state because you can't compare him to other frames? No, it doesn't. Someone may be uber pro with Excalibur and solo T4S to 2 hours, but that does not mean he is ok. It's the same for Ember. Yes, you can do well with her. You can do well with any frame given the right skills and skill level. but that does not excuse Fireblast's and WoF's glaring issues as outlined in the OP.

    Maybe I'll litterally draw it out. This is Fireblast's DoT component(excuse my magnifici- I mean, terrible drawing skills).


    The red "O" is the DoT. The the yellow square burning. The blue square is completely safe. Is it not obvious that something is wrong here? How can people turn a blind eye to this? Simply making it hit in the center are will not make Fireblast function any differently than what it does now. It only now hits in the entire area. What sin does this commit? Why are people so against this? Why are people ok with Fireblast being only a 75-energy-knockdown?

    WoF's energy consumption is too much with it's current duration + toggle. Even in your build you posted you opted for maxed TF over a rank 5 BR. You chose to sacrifice more duration on 2-4 abilities and have to cast ~27.5% more times just to have efficiency, when duration is supposed to benefit a DoT skill by making it hit more times in a single cast and last longer so less casts = energy saved. But it doesn't work that way with WoF. Do you not see something wrong here? Changing it to a straight toggle or straight duration will not change how WoF burns stuff. It will just make it cost less energy overall.

    Yes, I can see what ember can potentially do, but I also see some things very wrong that's hindering what she can really do. It's sad when you see an Ember in the party and suddenly you're reminded "Hey, this warframe exists!"

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