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Posts posted by Racercowboy

  1. That's why I said it should be capable of life-stealing enemies rapidly if they come into the (the more the merrier) and if players are in the circle have 75%+ health it can be used to repair the pod so WOL would have something over Blessing. It can do damage and heal the pod.

    If this were the case, people would use it for the damage, and not for the heals, which will likely be bottom tier damage seeing as she's a healer frame and it would not be fair to give her high damage. Even then, other frames in the party will be doing most of the damage anyway so why use it when you can save energy for Blessing? healing the pod will only work in 2 game modes, it would be better if it were something worth using everywhere.


    It's sad and people may not like it, but there's no way to make Well of Life useful as a healing skill as long as blessing can be freely cast without making it overshadow blessing, which would be scary and silly at the same time. The only ways I see Well of Life being useful is either a buff to it in addition to reverting Blessing back to having to wait to recast it, or make Well of Life something else other than a healing skill. I personally prefer the former, as practically unlimited, free Blessing casts is OP anyhow.

  2. Basically Banshee Prime should be to Banshee as League of Legend's DJ Sona is to Sona

    DE pls. If Banshee Prime were like this I'd actually buy Prime Access.


    I get what you mean by skills being rendered useless by not building for them. Outside of using corrupted mods, I too think this should never happen. Banshee thankfully isn't one of those cases. My build actually is an well rounded build; While it may not have the destructive force of a full power str. build or the massive CC of a full range build, it can adapt to any situation quite easily, whether it'd be supporting or actually taking the lead. With prime mods coming out though, it might become a bit OP. 

  3. I do think Hate and scythes in general could use a buff, although I also think that currently they are too similar to other heavy weapons. I think it would help if we knew what scythes should be vs other melee weapons, then change accordingly.

  4. A choice of builds is a good thing, as I recall DE wanted us to have lots of good choices for modding. If there was a one size fits all (I'm looking at you Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, and Lethal Torrent) then there wouldn't be any other good choice, cause you'd just be choosing to hurt yourself for no reason. In your case you choose to sacrifice Sound Quake reaching to the ends of the universe so Sonar can dish out more pain. If it were possible to maximize both skills at once, why wouldn't you do so?


    And yes, Banshee Prime needs the wubs with her sound quake. Maybe some guitar distortion Sonic Boom and smooth saxophone tunes with Sonar as well. xD 

  5. I think it'd be hard to make a healing ability of any sort that Blessing would NOT overshadow. Even with the suggestions, I'd still end up using Blessing because it's infinite range (no need to be in a certain spot), instant, heals a metric ton of hp and shields, grants a damage reduction, and is recastable. The fact that it can be used at any moment is what's hurting Well of Life more than anything. Blessing was designed to be a panic button, but being able to use it whenever enables it to be used as a main healing skill.


    Granted, I'm all for a Well of Life buff of any kind, but I feel that as a healing skill it will always and forever be overshadowed and made useless by Blessing as long as Blessing can be used at any time without limitations.

  6. In my opinion it does not need a buff. Not being able to move is a downside for the skills massive CC capabilities. As far as damage goes Sonar is ridiculous, even more so with the augment and it also acts as a radar. We must also bear in mind that Sound Quake still does not have it's augment yet. Giving a buff without taking this into consideration may put us in another "Radial Javelin" situation where everyone uses Sound Quake, and not Banshee.


    As a side note, I used Sound Quake to help cheese through the escalation alert. If it can do that, one must ask does it really need a buff?

  7. Or with a whip. How about claws? Knuckles? A dagger?! This must not continue. 

    apparently space ninjas must try really, really hard to block with a shield. All of that bullet trajectory calculation, concentration, and hand-eye coordination takes way less effort that putting a small object in front of you.


    I know it's been stressed, but really, the shield needs to out block all other melee weapons at the very least. In it's current state, the SKANA, yes SKANA, of all weapons is a better melee. a STARTER weapon is outperforming a CLAN TECH weapon. This, should never happen.

  8. The shield actually uses MORE stamina on blocks, I believe. A waste of both a good weapon design and a Forma.

    So, I can block MORE efficiently with a rocket propelled hammer than a shield? I don't even. If I were the creator of the weapon I'd feel quite insulted right now.


    This needs some serious addressing.

  9. Pressure point should go as high as Serration...NOT PRIMED PRESSURE POINT. Regular Pressure Point.

    ^This. It will take a LOT less to max a regular pressure point on top of being available all the time instead of a few days when Mr. Bling McPrime stops by and happens to have it. There is a very, very big difference here.


    As for the OP, I do not think either type of weapon should out dps the other. I think their differences should come more from functionality rather than sheer numbers. Granted, they are different right now it's just that in some cases guns supersede melee in melee range. I think melee's main issue right is not the lack of damage. There are a lot of combos that lock you in to animations so you can't do things on the fly. Almost all combos lack a gapcloser as the first strike (brutal tide ftw), making approaching enemies more difficult (a good parkour system would solve this). hitting enemies in most cases does not stagger, leaving them free to attack while you are hitting them. Airborne melee attacks are practically non-existent. A gun does not share any of these issues on top of out dpsing melee.


    To be honest, each weapon should have downsides; Melee has them. A lot of guns on the other hand, do not have downsides. In their current state, guns are too ammo efficient. They can be freely fired without the fear of losing all of your ammo and there are things to remedy this if losing ammo is possible. Enemies drop ammo a ton as well, making it even worse. The advantage of melee not needing ammo isn't really an advantage, because guns never run out of ammo. I think this should be changed, to help give melee an edge (dat pun doe). Of course, fixing melee's other issues should happen as well.

  10. Shield should certainly out-block all other weapons. I mean common, it's a shield. Why can I block just as efficiently with rocket propelled hammer?


    I guess a damage boost wouldn't hurt either. But really. It needs more block.

  11. I do agree that snipers do need a revisit, but I think we first need to know exactly what playstyle difference will snipers and bows have. Currently....


    Both types deal heavy single target damage.

    Both types tend to have very high critical rates.

    Both types are single-shot/charge weapons.

    Both types have and/or rely on pinpoint accuracy.


    Beyond these, they really do not share many differences, the biggest ones being how they handle ammo and the sniper scopes. Currently, they do the same thing, it's just that bows do it better and more consistently.


    I'm all for a change of some sort to make sniper rifles more consistent, but at the same time it'd be sad to see them become another bow with more ammo or hitscan bullets or whatever. I think we really need to think about what we want snipers to be versus bows.


    Another thing that may hurt snipers is the fact that a lot of other weapons can do the job of a sniper just fine AND also be a machine gun for tearing through crowds with ease. Because of this, why would you pick a sniper rifle over a machine gun (or in some cases a pistol rofl)? There is no reason unless you just like sniper rifles that much. I think it would help if other weapons did not sniper so well, to make snipers a more inviting choice.


    If you look at the stats of the snipers, you'll see that they can hit like trucks. They don't need more damage. They need consistency. I'm of the opinion that:


    - Sniper rifles lose all critical chance, or have extremely low chance normally. They, however, have very, very high critical damage (3-4x base).

    - A headshot will be a garunteed critical hit.

    - Increased status chance (40-50% base)

    - The ability to highlight targets through walls like the codex scanner when zoomed in to the scope. Nearby teammates will be able to see it too.

    - Base damages will be properly lowered to compensate for critical damage buff.


    This will make Snipers a utility weapon with the option to mark a target for death via a headshot. The high critical damage and guaranteed critical hit on headshot will ensure it dies. The slower fire rates of the snipers will ensure that they do not suddenly become the destruction of the universe that is the Synoid godicor.


    Well, hopefully we see good changes, whatever they may be, to not only snipers, but all other weapons in the future.

  12. 1. Lore. Because Lore.

    2. Weapon Balance. There is none. Automatic pistols should not fire 3 instakill bullets per shot while Supra cries in a corner. And no, Mastery locking is not a solution. It only delays the inevitable. Look at Soma.

    3. Weapon Diversity. We have weapons from different factions, but they all function the same, with very few exceptions. Why not make them different?

    4. Warframe Balance. Look at Ember crying in the corner with Supra. A lot of 4 abilities are too strong compared to everything else. Needs balancing.

    5. Mod Balance. Scaling mods have to go, because they are a part of something that should be built in to the game. Make useless mods useful.

    5. More optimizations for everyone. We don't want nightmares of laptops hosting 8 player raids.

    6. More faction influence on the map. Currently Corpus/Grineer invasions only change what enemies you fight on a node. It needs to do more than that.

    7. No more obviously rigged RNG. Things like this can and does drive players away from the game.

    8. More direction for new players. Currently after being trolled by Vor newbies are thrown into the Great Farming with a command line prompt. A story would certainly help here, and add lore at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

    9. Customizable reticles and scopes. Because customization.


    After this is just random things that have nothing to do with quality lol.


    10. Dual Dark Blade. DE pls.

    11. Galatine Prime. We need a giant golden sword of cleaving.

    12. An Excalibur-like sword so we can wield Excalibur with Excalibur.

    13. Give Kubrows the ability to revive you by marking it's territory on your location.

    14. A Linux port. DE pls. (OK, a mac port for those who have macs as well. This one would help with quality for some people actually.)

    15. Dual wield Glaive. Because style.

    16. Rhino Prime's codpiece needs to be gold (technically a quality issue, but we'll let this one slide...)

  13. I think DE intentionally did it that way because they believe melee is about critical damage and heavy weapons. If you look at valkyr's ult, it only scales off high damage and huge critical weapons, and is only affected by damage and critical mods. There's no scaling for status, range, or speed. Scindo Prime and Jat Kittag are really good for valkyr. Probably same reason why daggers have 1200% stealth multiplier, the lowest, and hammers have 2400%. They don't look at melee weapons as being versatile or multi-use it seems.

    Valkyr's case is just valkyr though, there's many more warframes that lean more toward melee than ranged styles. It's just that high crit weapons, especially heavy ones, can do everything from lightning speed assassinations to clearing out crowds with sheer power. On the other hand non crit weapons struggle to even begin to compete, and then there's a mod that just flat out denies any speed advantage they may have had before. At this rate, is it even a choice anymore? Only an idiot, or someone who does not yet have access to, would not take a crit melee over a non crit one, especially since most crit melees also come with very high status chances. I'm just wishing something is done about this for the sake of variety of good and sensible choices.



    I want to say Fury was nerfed for the sake of combos (so you wouldn't accidentally skip over steps when trying to perform certain combos). Doesn't explain why Berserker wasn't slowed down, though. Still, I see no point in nerfing Berserker -- it's really only valuable on those weapons with a decent crit chance, whereas Fury remains valuable on all weapons.

    I wanted to think the same thing initially, but them one must ask, "If having a maxed Fury was that much of a problem for the player, would they not just make a non maxed fury adjusted to a level their liking?" There are a lot of times where I wish the attack speed was faster because some of the animations are long and you can't cancel out of them.


    If we leave Berserker as it is, it hopefully means something was done to not make critical melee so dominant over everything else. I mean, if there was a clear tiering system and the higher weapons had higher critical chances it'd be one thing, but that is not the case. Right now, without causing massive rage or more power creep slightly nerfing Berserker (not major, of course we don't want another Fury case here) or changing it to be based off of the combo counter instead so anything can take good advantage of it seems to be a safe route.

  14. True, I get what you mean. I was just thinking in the sense that this would make Berserker essentially a worse Fury, which would make nobody use it (unless they spend two slots using both of them... which, you know, people aren't willing to give up two slots :3)

    Give up two slots for speed? THIS IS MADNESS!!!! <----- majority of people lol.


    I was too concerned about making Berserker a lesser Fury. Hopefully they actually balance weapons so this (and many other posts in the feedback sections) become a non issue. Maybe if Berserker had a different function, like increasing critical strike chance with higher combo counts by a flat amount per stack, with a cap of course.

  15. They'll buff it when stalker becomes playable.


    Also, they have demonstrated in the past that they can change numbers quite quickly (*cough* AKMAGNUS *cough*).


    So I don't see why it's taking so long.

  16. No. Well, no for the nerf to Berserker. I don't even use Berserker, but even I see that this would completely make it useless. Fury should definitely be buffed back to 60%, you're right on that - but if that happens, Berserker should still be kept at 90% (or 75% according to what some people are saying).


    I think Berserker it would be fine at 75% or 90% (or whatever it is rofl) if critical weapons did not blow everything else out of the water by default. Ideally it'd be better to just fix that problem I suppose, but as long as it remains like this I fear Berserker may need a slight, not big, nerf. I'm just looking in the scope that people will use both mods together. Also, if berserker remains like it is and Fury gets buffed, you can still use Berserker alone to achieve a higher attack speed than Fury would provide and while the difference in speed would be smaller, the gap would still be there. The idea here is to help level the playing field and have more consistency.

  17. There has always been a severe lack of weapon balancing (Supra, anyone?). I think a large portion of it has to do with the fact that there really is no clear upgrade path or direction in the game, or no clear system for weapon balance in general.


    Another thing that many seem to not consider is how a rebalanced weapon can be like a new weapon. You cannot say when the bows got buffed that it was the same Dread or Paris Prime. They may work the same, but the stats were completely different. Suddenly, people had a very good reason outside of favoritism to get a Dread or Paris Prime due to the change. you cannot say that the current Ratka Ballistica is the same as it was before the buff (Sam base damage as Lanka on charge? DE please). The current one does 3x more damage. Many may now choose to invest potatoes and formas into it who would not do so before.


    Another thing properly balancing weapons can do is show new people a clear path to follow. Right now, everything is scattered all over the place and its very hard to find direction. The best source of direction right now are other players and that should not be the case. If, for example, they went with a weapon tree system new people would see the different weapon trees and go down the one that seems interesting to them. This would help them know where to go for farming materials and such and thus get hooked into the Great Farming Wars.


    With all the things proper weapon balance can bring, one has to wonder why they don't do it. 

  18. Something has always bothered me about the Berseker mod. You see, we have all these melee weapons all with different characteristics. Some are slow but have a long reach and deal high damage, some fast with short reach and lesser damage, some well balanced ones, some critical happy ones, some status happy ones. While some are stronger than others, I must bring up the advantage that Berserker gives to critical-heavy weapons, especially slow ones: outrageous attack speed at a level that you cannot even come anywhere near halfway through mods.


    When melee 2.0 came out, the fury mod was heavily nerfed. Berserker, however, remained completely untouched and still gives 90% attack speed at max rank. This has made a HUGE relative speed gap between weapons that can reliably set off Berserker and those that cannot. This is more apparent with high-crit heavy weapons like Scindo Prime and Jat Kittage who's downside is supposed to be slow attack speed. Weapons that can have the advantage of using Spoiled Strike and barely feel the negative effects of it. Speed is important with Melee since you don't want to be stuck in the animations, and the faster you do them, the less time you are vulnerable.


    Because of this, I have a proposal: Buff Fury to it's original 60 % attack speed, and nerf Berserker to give a flat 20% per stack, 60% with all three. You'll get 120% total for using both, but the critical melee weapons will not far and away leave behind everything else in the speed department, since they already do in damage anyway.


    EDIT: saw a topic explaining how beresker actually gives 75% attack speed. Changed proposal accordingly

  19. Once again, no mention of Ember in hot topics. I know they are busy with update 16, but mention of Ember is concerning. Volt was mentioned, so why not ember?


    On a side note, I still am curious to see MrNon's message to Scott and any reply, if he actually said anything about it.

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