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Posts posted by (PSN)YungRichTae

  1. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)IBRUTALILEGEND said:

    While some are having an attitude, not everyone is. Some people are politely asking for updates so don't generalize everyone here. Also, just because the price listed it as 40$ still doesn't mean someone couldn't have though they would get 2x the plat for that price because of the sale. It's not unreasonable to think that if it said a sale was active on the hud that going to the store and just clicking on a plat bundle and confirming wouldn't somehow be involved in the sale. They never updated the in-game hud to say there was an issue. Unless someone came here they had no way of knowing if it was just a visual issue in the store or an actual issue in the sale. Also, they have been back since last week. Seeing as how this involves people spending money you would think at least a we reached out to Sony to turn the sale back on but haven't heard back from the yet would take DE 2 seconds to type up and post......

    But sales on Warframe or PSN for that matter have NEVER worked like that. It lists the price that you are spending for the amount you are getting. Simple. People were smart enough to see there was an issue when they saw there wasn’t a sale price listed before buying so there’s literally no excuse. But I understand your frustration. DE said they are working on it so just let them work and see what they say when they say something. 

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