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Posts posted by Poison-Trail

  1. This is an issue that's been happening a few times while in my Orbiter, after doing business with a couple players I'd use the Close All option only to find myself stuck in cursor mode. That's to say, I'm unable to do anything but move the cursor around as if the chat was open, except it's not. In that state the only things I can do is Alt-Tab or Alt-F4 out of the game and take screenshots, that's it. All other keys are useless, and clicking anywhere on the screen doesn't do anything, I'm completely useless.

    Today I've made the mistake of doing so while on Drago, and it happened again. Notice the cursor present on the screen.

    I was unable to do anything, however, once the vote for the next round popped up, I was able to vote due to it being in cursor mode. Since we extracted, I wasn't able to figure out whenever that would be enough to get me out of it. Back inside the Orbiter, I had once again full control, which leads me to think it's an UI error.

    It seems like that particular glitch triggers when you close a personal tab or all of them, then exit chat.

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