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Posts posted by IcarusXYZ

  1. I'm not sure if anyone else has this bug but the liquid texture inside all variants of mags helmets does not accurately match my selected energy color. For example, when selecting just about any shade of blue, dark blues are all the same color, medium blues are all the same color, and light blues are all the same color. This shows prominently when using colors from the infested palette. Anyone else noticing this?

  2. My problem is NOT that it makes it too easy with this buff. My problem is that the name of the frame and its level will allow you to pretty much guess what the frame's mod load out will be. That is what I meant...cloned munchkins in body suits. :P

    For instance: Rhino.

    Let's see. 10 slots. 2 polarized to delta slots, 4 polarized to his abilities. So you are pretty much going to put all 4 abilities, redirection, vitality, steel fiber, continuity. that leaves you with the aura and 2 open slots for customization. At least with the auras costing slots you had to think which mod to max, which to set at a certain level etc. Now there is no thinking involved. You just slap everything on and conform to the rest of the 30th level potatoed Rhinos.


    Variety is the spice of life. All I want is some spice man!

    Thats kinda why they made that aura change. So youd have enough mod points to be able to step outside your comfort zone a little and experiment.

  3. One of the problems I have with absorb is that its slow, but that of course is to take in damage. What usually happens for me is that when I try to use absorb, my allies usually end up killing all the targets before I release the damage. I'd like to see absorb have less time to take in damage, but damage taken in is doubled before being released, dealing the same amount of damage absorb would normally do, in half the time.

  4. I loved the overall style and design of the Ether weapons and I was wondering if there was a possibility of there being more weapons of that theme (Staff, Axe, etc.). My main reason for wanting this is that I'm sure there are plenty of players out there who love have the style of weapon and its bonuses (extra infestation damage), but prefer to use more heavy hitting weapons or just single weapons in general. Ether weapons also seem to have a bit of a lore behind them saying that they were exclusively used by the Tenno. Thus, it seems perfectly reasonable that there might be more Ether items in the future.

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