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Posts posted by Nighthawk2088

  1. Thanks for the -143/200 on mah Zephyr research >:(


    (Yes I know you'll fix it soon, thanks guys. Update is quite shiny.)


    Also for the love of Darvo please make the exit waypoint unique again, it was really nice to have that stand out.

  2. As for my personal preference as to how to fix those things, which I feel like most players want fixed, in my opinion, I'd like to see a pool system. Where experience gained simply pools and is applied where the player wants it to be applied in the arsenal. It removes a lot of the things that are generally considered unfun - which would be leveling things that you don't find enjoyable to level (certain weapon types and such, which is personal preference), leveling things over and over in the case of using Forma on a weapon, and so much wasted experience, especially from Warframes.

    While the pool would fix a lot of the unfun things about the current system, and make the "grind" a lot less grindy, it does sacrifice a little bit of the realism, but only a little bit. And realism is something that has already been sacrificed in other areas, and I can't think of something that's a better reason to sacrifice it than making the game more fun for players. When you consider that we pick up spheres of affinity out of boxes...there's really not much realism being sacrificed anyways, and implementing a new system like this could allow the orbs to be removed.


    All in all, we want to kill things, and the less fun we have killing things, the less we play, which is the issue we're having currently with veteran players playing less and less over time. Fixing the affinity system would be a good step in the right direction. The pool system isn't necessarily the correct fix, but it would be a tremendous improvement to gameplay as it is now, and it does a good job of covering the bases that players want improved.


    This is basically the idea I would prefer. I cannot think of any other negatives about this version myself either. With this, there would be no reasons to leech as doing damage, getting kills, and assisting in any way helps yourself and your team 100%. Afterwards you go and apply the pooled affinity in your arsenal to the things you want, or keep it until later use. This is obviously just one way it could be done. I too am interested in hearing other suggestions as well.


    As with the poster above I do agree Overflow is probably the #1 thing that is bothering all players. No one likes wasting.

  3. Along with the Strict NAT, is there any possible hope that the desyncing will be fixed as well? Not sure if it's related with the NAT or not but there's something that happened after U9 with enemies that causes some of us to have odd desync issues and ONLY if enemies are around.


    No this isn't a performance issue with our computers or net as all other programs work fine and as intended without lag, desync, etc... two steam posts about this issue also corroborate with this issue as well


    First Info Source: http://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/2/864978110035930683/


    Second Info Source: http://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/2/864971660893830761/



    I myself used to be PERFECTLY fine no issues at all hosting & joining until U9 rolled around. Then the desync sent the game straight to hell. I even sent a ticket about this, and was given a basic port forward response, which I followed anyway, despite it not being the fix. It did nothing.


    I know DE is busy and such but this is breaking the game for quite a number of people that I've seen around steam and around these forums. Something happened to the spawn/mobs code since it only seems to occur around enemies. Hopefully we can see a fix for this.


    I have basically quit the game till this is fixed and so have my friends. An entire clan I'm buddies with as well along with my own keep askin and helping me test on occasions hoping we get a different result but it never changes...Any response or insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated DE.

  4. Loving the new Aura system change. The ranking up of them also allows them to now have more useage than Energy Siphon all the time. More Mod points allow all sorts of new customizations to be considered. I hope you keep that system in place and make the enemies and such rise in challenge to it.

  5. Upon starting a Nightmare mode in Ultor in Mars the game begins the countdown as normal and then fades to a black screen as if entering the level but never goes past that since update 9.1.

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