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Posts posted by vnc7

  1. Guardian Derision is still bugged isn't it ?... Still using it, but no taunt effect at all... With new melee changes which are.. not bad, some mods lost their primary effects and this is one of them which is realy fun to play with. Will there be some fixes and attention to those mods and especially this one?

  2. I have the same problem like many people here and still no answer... When I enter navigation or mission my volume drastically drops. I saw many topics about this bug, all of them closed for unknown reason without solution. One year ago I spoke with support about it, he told me to reinstall my game... Did it 2 times same bug occur. Tried many suggestions from other players nothing works.
    So DE can someone finally do his job, tell us why this is happening and how to fix it without closing unresolved topic???!

  3. Why did you remove the key binding in melee mode?? Are you gonna return it ? Please do so, cause it's really irritating to spam E to do melee attacks... I changed my key binds since I start playing, but now I cannot find those key binds anywhere, to do the same ... I'm sure, I'm not the only one.

  4. Yeah. Sorry for late replay.
    I put electricity damage, because is more visible.
    ^You can see, that the War behind doesn't have any elemental animation.

    On those two images I'm showing the little sphere after the hilt which copy the energy colour. (And that, that there is not elemental animation, but I'm still with electricity mods only.)
    ^In my ship.

    ^On missions.

  5. Hello. I have this animation problem with War. The spark(ball energy effect) after the hilt of War, most of the time, is light blue no matter what energy colour I use, which is little annoying. And I can't put any elemental animation effect on it. i don't know is it intentional, but it sucks. I enjoyed when I was able to put some fire or lightning on it. Hope is a bug that will be fix soon... If someone else have this problem please right down to know is it only with me.

  6. yeah I know about that but nether so the shared affinity will be doubled instead less with one who don't have booster
     I know how the affinity work but it takes me more time to max rank a weapon than it should be. I just did a test, 2 Heiracon with more than 16 waves and it barely gave me 25 ranks to 0 rank warframe. Usually with affinity booster it takes me one Heiracon, about 12 waves to max a frame. So yeah I'm sure that my affinity booster is not working and I'm loosing plats now. (real money)

  7. My affinity booster doesn't work from several days. I'm with 1 month affinity booster and i still have 19 days left. From several days I saw that i don't rank weapons properly(like someone with affinity booster will do), but I thought that i'm imagining things. Just did sortie, the 3rd part of it and one of my friends had like 30 kills and I have 200 kills. He received almost 6k more affinity on unmaxed weapon than me, on my unmaxed weapon. He doesn't have affinity booster. That ensure me, that my affinity booster doesn't work. So please can I have some help about it...

  8. WTF is wrong here 3 times in a roll neo fissure opens on that node... Some of the rotations(which were 1h atleast) it was the only Neo fissure... is that normal ??? Weren't Fossures created to have variety of missions(nodes)?

  9. For all the time, since the quest were release, i never had encounter my operator evil twin .... Is there somehow a way to bug and he won't appear or I'm just super unlucky.. ish?

    Are there other unlucky guys like me ?

  10. Titania crowd control abillities doesn't work properly, especially when you need them the most...
    Her most useful cc ability Lantern doesn't work as intendet:
     1st - "..making it invulnerable and.." My target, sometime, dies when I use Synoid Simulor, this happen with some warframe abilities too, for example Banshee, which is unreliable...
     2nd - "..will be pacified and will blindly follow the target,.." Most of the targets start to follow the Lanter, but as if there is some strugle, most of the range creeps shoot at you and they may even kill you while under this cc. I'm not sure is it intendet because it makes it look like the creeps are trying to ressist(it will be nice if there are certian creeps, not most of them, with strong will only to whom work like this), but I'm sure this is definitely not reliable crowd control.
     3rd - "..hurtling into the air..","..will slowly move in the direction from which attacks push it.." This is maybe the most incorect part of the ability. When I cast it, the target will often go in the opposite, or some other random, direction as if the explosion effect of the ability occur before the cc part. Sometimes the Lanter go so high in the air affecting noone. Other times it stucks in corners when noone can see it. When I try to attack it looks like there is no contact, it continues to go higher and higher in another random direction.
    Spellbind Recently I notice that creeps which have "..increased resistance against stunning and crowd control abilities.." can't be caught with Spellbind. I tried to use it on two Bursas and did nothing which is bug for me, because they have shorten effect form CC not immunity, as if it said in wiki. It will be nice if the information there is updated, because the only mentioned abilities there, are of Rhino and Excalibur(specially for Bursa).

    I type this topic because I enjoy to play from time to time with Titania and from some time I saw that her abilities are not very stable, but didn't considered them as a big deal. But in my latest expiriance with her(on sortie, defence), I got really irritated because of all this. It will be nice if some fixes are made.

  11. When I carry the bomb in the first stage and when it reach 100%, the % start to fall. I don't do anything wrong, I even don't move, have enough energy and use Volt prime. Only when I carry tha bomb that happens, when someone from my team carry it that doesn't happen. Can someone tell me why?

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