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Posts posted by salem8171

  1. I 100% relate to this I'm having the same issue with nova even though I hadn't tried it with operator. It's certainly a bug since the lotus doesn't say you failed it just says you abandoned objective (even though you didn't). This bug is easy to replicate as it happens almost every time (already happened to me dozens of times).

  2. I have a similar issue I'm guessing it's the same bug that's causing it. 

    Using nova's portal to travel in the plains almost guarantee losing a bounty due to "Abandoned objective" even though I travel inside the area I could tell it's a bug since Lotus doesn't even say I lost.

    It's such a loss to not be able to use a high mobility frame like nova.

    Also I agree about removing the abandoned objective or at least make it based on a timer instead of distance.

  3. My Limbo feedback:

    Probably no one cares but first I wanna say how much I like limbo he's one of my favorite frames before and after his rework excluding the nuking part (My 4th most used frame in 2300h ingame xD ). His theme is amazing, his fashion frame is amazing, great synergy with huras kubrow, He's good at what he does, especially in solo. It took me some time to adapt to the new rework I'm not asking for another rework but I just feel the need of some tweaks:

    • A buff icon that indicates the rift state: Depending on the tile set and graphic settings the visual effect of the rift doesn't feel different from the standard rift and it takes a couple of dashes to distinguish between them so a buff icon would be appreciated.
    • Catalysm nullified: I know that this is working as intended, nullifiers doing their job and all but the fact that catalysm has a huge range makes nullifiers more than just a challenge for limbo especially that limbo relies too much on his rift state for survivability. I mean how can I deal with a nullifier that is like 50m away in a different room from where I am and transport me and all the mobs near me to the normal rift and get 1shoted. I can safely say that I died with limbo every single time this happened and I can't think of anything to counter it other than not using limbo in the 1st place. What I'm suggesting is either make catalysm immune to nullifiers until limbo himself is inside the nully bubble like any other frame with big range ability (molecular prime, chaos sphere..) or if that doesn't make any sense just make limbo not lose his rift state when he's out of catalysm.
    • The shrinking catalysm: This shrinking mechanic is making a lot of problems with stasis. The shrinking cause enemies to go in and out of the rift which is annoying as it makes enemies avoid your bullets that were stopped by stasis. Somehow these enemies are able to deal damage to players/objectives inside the rift even though it is theoretically impossible. It also makes the duration on catalysm irrelevant as we have to recast before the duration ends to keep the catalysm territory large enough for limbo to roam. It also "drains" the damage buff from rift torrent as enemies are constantly leaving the rift as the globe shrink. It would be appreciated if the ability expands instead of shrinking or at least keep a constant radius.
    • Rift torrent seems bugged??: It doesn't affect catalysm's damage probably other abilities too but I couldn't care less. But the problem is the damage sometimes doesn't apply to weapons. I think this is restricted to bosses and capture targets (need more testing) probably related to the fact that they connot be banished or freezed by stasis and the only way to banish them is through catalysm.
    • Kuva guardians are immune to stasis and banish until they get disarmed (Not sure if it's a bug)
    • Some hazards/enemies still ignore rifts: teslas in kuva rescue mission, freezed floor in lua spy, ambulas' fire (pls fix this before the event) and probably others that I forgot/don't know about.

    I also wanted to say that unlike what a lot of people say rift surge is underrated and actually very useful with or without augment, has great synergy with catalysm and stasis and saves me from banish spamming, hell it even fixes the shrinking catalysm problem but it's just a band aid so we still need that fixed.

    Thanks for reading my wall of text. Cheers.

  4. Well maybe you're right limbo is only a 1 trick pony now but i dont him to be a top tier warframe that everyone uses (looking at you loki). A few tweaks to his current abilities are more than just enough for me to enjoy playing this frame.

  5. Hi i have been playing warframe for quite a while and limbo is one of my favorite frames and since he's getting a rework soon (hopefuly) i'd like to suggest a few tweaks to his abilities based on the most annoying things that bothered me when i played him:

    Banish: Well i think that banish should only work on enemies now to avoid confusing between enemies and allies AND it should work on objects like consoles, data masses and some objectives like sabotage reactors. it wouldnt be as op as before as it costs energie now to do such things while in the rift.

    Rift walk: As you may have noticed we still dont have a way to "banish" allies, thats the job of rift walk now. Rift walk should stay as it is, just add the possibility to transport allies in affinity range to the rift by holding the ability button maybe with an additional energie cost to balance it (i insist on the range being the affinity range as this may be a good way to save allies from dieing so its important to know if they are in range, and since all limbo's powers are affected by duration narrow minded is a must and it shouldnt mess up the range). The point from this change is to make it easier to banish allies as nobody likes to aim at a space ninja to banish him.

    Rift surge: Many peaple think that rift surge should affect nearby allies. I think it should not. That's because i dont want limbo to be a mere support frame, he deserves to shine on the battlefield and he needs a selfish power to do that, just like trinity's link. This may not be necaissary but it could also grant a slight mouvment speed buff while in the rift as i hate eating dust of Formula 1 loki in spy missions :3

    Catalysm: Uh, i dont know where to start with this one or how to explain it as it needs a complete rework imo. People always used it as a defensive ability but it just felt like a prison to me. how about we replace that globe with a portal!! this portal which looks like volt's electic shield or something can act as a rift fissure and makes anything that goes throught it travel between rift plane and normal plane depending on where it was (anything includes enemies,allies and even bullets). I'll try to explain this more with some situations: Lets say that there is a player and an enemy and the portal is just between them, if both of them are in the same plane (both in the rift for exemple) and they exchange fire through the portal no one will get hurt as all bullets have travelled to the normal plane when they touched the portal so catalysm can still be used as a defensive ability. Lets now imagine if the player is in the rift plane and the enemy is on the normal plane and the portal is still between them now they can hurt each other but only if the bullets go throught the portal to switch planes, this also means that the only way that the player can get hurt is from bullets from the portal so catalysm can still be a defensive ability as it can be used as some sort of camping and kill enemies throught that tiny hole in space (Its not as op as real camping as enemies wont try to gather at the front of the portal for you to kill fast)

    Now for the rift's ability to generate energie i really believe that it should be buffed to something like 5e/sec (that's for allies limbo shouldnt get more than 2e/sec) and no i dont think that would be op, not that we have ev trin out there, and a health regen would be nice too :3

    Okey i think that's it i hope i didnt forget anything. I would really like to know what you guys think about this.

    PS: DE pls fix that naplam bug that ignores rift T-T

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