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Posts posted by SavageShulk

  1. can not wait to see what they will do for oberon if anything

    They should just make his new skin his normal skin but with like 15 of each piece to represent how many freaking Oberon parts drop every single mission.

  2. This new system is a little bit more complicated and need to push more button to do the same things "almost" same what we did in the previous one.

    My biggest dissapointment in this system is they trashed some movement for this new spiderman like system where you can run without beign tired which moves aways from realism. The air attacks was good things to reach higher levels and used often to move to somewhere instead of using as real attack. The coptering was fun and helped for some combo in meele but now those attacks just droped.

    The wall run is completely removed and changed to bunny hopping which is not really ninja like this reminds me some south korean manga adaptations and video games even chinese games where you can run in the air.

    I see positives also but my opinion is instead trashing old systems completely try to check how can combine with a new one. They almost all major updates meant they removed an old system then adding new one instead of combining existing systems and make really new additions.

    In short: I haven't much problem with the new one but I would like if we can keep the old ones in some form.

    Realism... That's the funniest most desperate cry from a parkour whiner I've seen yet. Good show old boy!

  3. D.E just do a survey on the subject of how much people like the new parkour, and you will see that the people who did not like it much more than those whom he liked.

    Which they can then promptly ignore because they themselves didn't like t and it's their game.

  4. I don't like it very much. I didn't like coptering and I'm glad it is finally over but changing one bad with another doesn't make it any good. These are my thoughts about the new "parkour".

    1. why is it even called parkour?! it is more like flying, gliding, sliding in the air. it floats like zaphyr in low gravity NM mode mission. why just don't give us archwing to fly trough the levels?!? heck even archwings have more "weight" than this.

    2. i also don't see how it is easy to execute either, which was the design goal if I'm not mistaken. arguably my negative experience with the so called parkour 2.0 is because i still suck at it and it can get only better with practice but it doesn't replace the fact that it requires way too many inputs like a kind of piano virtuoso level of inputs.

    3. including the gliding in the movement combos has the disadvantage that you are constantly zooming in and out when you are moving and even if you are very mlg level fast it still creates some shakiness in the camera. it destroys my eyes and gives me headaches. it is like accelerating on the highway and than pull brakes every few seconds.

    4. yes, you have more control, and more access to hard to reach places like treasure rooms. but sometimes more is less. ask yourself why they even bother put these "hard to reach places" in the first place?!

    i see however generally positive reactions from the community which means either the people tend to neglect the flows after it replaced arguably even more flowed version of movement or they simply enjoy flying. i certainly hope it will be improved from here and not left with the all the exploits for another 2 years.

    Why isn't it called instance frame?! There's no war. Gosh stupid devs using easily explainable language to get across ideas!

    Less buttons in less rapidity makes it an easier system I thought that would have been a no brainer.

    That is actually a decent point. If they could map it to a toggle or something as far as the zoom goes. It does get annoying.

    You're mad that you can get to more places easier. I don't even get how that's supposed to be a complaint.

  5. They don't owe you a refund. If the servers are havi issue they are worried about fixing that rather than dealing with people who want to act like they are owed something. The timer starts ticking as soon as you buy it. It's always been that way.

    Hell I bought a week booster and wasn't able to play yesterday do they owe me a day worth?

  6. First impressions: Time to uninstall the game.

    I've enjoyed playing this game for years, but these changes make all movement feel clunky like any generic game ever. The magic of moving in a warframe is gone; the sheer joy of running and jumping is gone, and instead moving around has become a chore.

    edit, to summarize the difference:

    Before U17, I felt like I was playing a magical space ninja. Post U17, I feel like I'm trying to operate a rusty Transformer.

    *waves goodbye*

    *Throws a lei*

  7. The update came out last night. I finished work last night at half nine. I got home a little later and by about 22:05 the game was updated. I was excited for the update. I should really have gone to bed then as I'd have to get up at seven to get breakfast, shower, prepare my lunch and off to work for nine hours. I got home at about seven thanks to complications at work. Since I got home, I've been playing D&D. I still am, actually. But last night, from about five past ten to one in the morning, I farmed the new Tyl. So how about you go F*** yourself. But hey, it's not like I haven't been insulted continuously by people who disagree with me wanting to have the old movement system returned.

    *waves goodbye*

  8. You know, I'm finding how many people are *@##$ing and trying to chew me out because I dislike the new movement system. I seriously dislike it. But you're clearly not that sharp on the uptake so let me break this down for you as simply as I can. The new movement system is painfully slow. It is not fun. It is destroying any joy I have in this game. It has literally ruined the game for me. Do you understand this? This would be like taking away guns from an FPS. This is like taking away wizard or fighter classes from an RPG. Am I making sense to you? Do you understand why I dislike this update? It has fundamentally damaged this game for me. This isn't something like complaining that I can't have white or orange or green as a colour for my frame. This is a serious blunder, in my opinion, by DE that has sucked all the joy and fun from this game for me. Am I getting through to you? Do you see why I am so annoyed at this update? It's literally ruined a game I've considered to be one of my all time favourite games. Since Steam has started recording game time, I have over a thousand hours and I can promise you, I know for a fact that I've played twice if not half again as much time as that.

    You aren't quitting or you wouldn't be posting big rambling rants about the game you USED to play. If you were really done with it you'd be off playing some other game not here crying like every fat baby in the world combined about a game that was recently IMPROVED. subjectively improved by a recent update.

    So you should either admit you're blowing ample amounts of smoke or go play some other FREE game that gives you the range of things you can do here. Which btw, good luck on that

  9. Coptering (with the "sudden physics disaster" bug removed) should be the "ground-only" BulletJump, and both should be single-button actions instead of combos. That way people with hand conditions can perform those moves as easily as possible.

    This is hilarious. New system is HARDER for people with hand conditions? Unless your hand condition is having several extra fingers that's patently untrue.

  10. I just built Helios for the scanner and love it. It's not nearly as slow as you are saying and if you are stopping dead still to stare at an enemy while it scans that's your issue. You can still move around if you are half decent at aiming and keeping the cursor on the enemy.

    Sorry but Helios is great

  11. Probably because that's the best way to let you choose when you want to bullet jump vs just regular jumping. Making it so its shift and jump would cause tons of headache and people bullet jumping when they were just trying to get up a crate. Making it a less used button lets you decide if you want to use it or not.

    And saying that the command for it is sprint plus crouch plus jump is not being genuine. I don't find myself sprinting much at all now thanks to bullet jump so it's by no means necessary to be sprinting.

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