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Posts posted by (PSN)Gangalito

  1. I just kinda put it all together recently.  I'm MR19. I have 42d 19h time played on warframe, That's 1027 hours spent playing warframe and I STILL only have Dread...  I've actively farmed stalker many many times and have gotten nothing.  I've spent a lot of time (1027 hours to be exact) playing and have had him invade many games and even killed him countless times.  I think I started selling my dread bp's after the 10th.


    I've talked to other people at my rank to see what's happening, most of them are in a similar situation.  Isn't this a bit rediculous?  I get it, he's the shadow in the night or whatever, but why have I gotten over 15 dreads (at least) and literally nothing else.


    I obviously wanna play this game.  The game play is fun enough where the farming doesn't bother me too much.  I've never complained about drop rates or anything farming related.  This is stupid though.  Why can't we have a more varied drop table with stalker?  Why does he have to drop Dread 90% of the time when he only shows up at what...4% of games if everyone is marked?  Yeah...a bit ridiculous




    Oh and Brakk Barrel...but w/e, fix stalker?

  2. Adding ammo consume on multishot will remove non-ammo efficient weapons from any kind of common usage.  It really all depends on what they're doing with the weapons in general.  Multishot is crucial in literally every build right now, same with serration or it's equivalent.  90% multishot literally increases the damage of the ENTIRE weapon (after mods are added in).  I.e. a fully modded weapon doing 5k damage with a 90% multishot on will be doing 9500 damage.  Strength wise, this is a HUGE difference.  Ammo inefficient weapons will fall out of usage because not using multishot will severely dampen ones ability to survive end-game content.  This effect will bleed in to the rest of the game.


    A restructuring is in order.  Frankly I think they need to up weapon damage, remove serration and it's like, and remove multishot entirely.


    With this however, the way for players to "build up" weapons will have to be shifted to mods that increase damage by a specific type (hellfire), but not at a flat rate across the board (serration).  It will be more focused on mods with specific damage types, like elemental and physical variants (fanged fusillade), status chance, crit chance, fire rate, reload speed, etc.  IMO this will give players more variation in their builds, while removing "required mods".  

  3. We have all these cool looking skins for our ships, but unfortunately our ability to perceive these cool designs are restricted to 10-15 seconds for each run we do.


    I think it would be amazing if these skins would also add a similarly themed skin to the ships interior.  I'd gladly pay extra plat for this.  Maybe we could have a second set of skins for an additional 50pl or something for the interior.  


    I would imagine someone else has made a topic about this in the past, but it's something I'm sure everyone would enjoy so here's another.

  4. Unfortunately, the Troll could just switch before the last 3 seconds, and still have the same effect.


    Many other suggestions have been made in the past, but DE has not yet acknowledged the problem or made an effort solve it.


    Example thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/513568-defence-mission-and-trolls-in-them/

     If the troll switches before the last 3 seconds, all players will no longer be on the same side, thus giving all other players 3 seconds to switch before the total timer is up.


    The thread you've listed is talking about huge changes to how the defense mission set works.  My suggestion is a simple timing fix that doesn't change the format of the missions.

  5. Wave 55 ends on ODD, everyone plans on staying till 60.  One second left on the timer to extract some jerk switches and leaves the other 3 people running 5 more waves they can't handle, they fail, and all of them lose all their work for the past hour.


    We've all been there.  It's frustrating, unfair, and a huge tool for trolls.  Questioning the persons motives is generally met with "you mad bruh?"  or something of the like.


    I've come up with a simple fix, that would be easy to implement:


    Make it so players will be unable to switch to extract during the last 3 seconds, as long as no other players are extracting.  To illustrate my idea, say all 4 players are staying for the next set, during the last 3 seconds no one will be able to change.  However, if 3 people are staying, and 1 extracting, all 3 others can extract in the last 3 seconds.


    This will severely cut down extraction trolling as it still allows players to utilize those last 3 seconds, but inhibits players from ditching the other 3 and wasting huge amounts of their time.

  6. Ok, my 2 cents, sry but this is longer than I had originally intended:


    Firstly, Zephyr is easily my favorite warframe.  I'm MR18 with about 800 hours put in and 21% of those hours have been spent just playing Zephyr (which clocks in at about 170 hours).  My build is a high duration (230%), high efficiency, medium power, low range composition.  


    Her mobility has always been one of the strongest reasons I've liked her.  In the air she's always had better mobility than the other frames on the ground.  You could do so much with just a small jump.  U17 has only made that better.   Parkour 2.0 is extremely strong on Zephyr.  With proper chaining your bullet jump+whatever can get you easily acrossed any horizontal distance that Warframe has to offer.  


    Moving on to the abilities: Tail Wind still has it's uses but is widely unneeded. I've only found any real use for it with large vertical distances, but since wall running is so easy now, the only real reason to use Tail Wind, for both vertical and horizontal distances, is to get there a little faster which isn't enough to justify an entire ability.  Dive Bomb everyone can agree is horrible, and has always been horrible.  The radius on it (even with descent range mods) is pretty dismal, the knockdown is inconsistent, the requirement to be in the air to use it is restrictive in a very unnecessary way, and aiming it can be difficult unless you're using it on a large group.  Now with Turbulence, this is a very strong ability, but it doesn't block everything and you're still vulnerable to melee, so strong but IMO not OP.  Tornado however, COULD be a strong ability.  I mostly use it as an "oh S#&$" button for clearing mobs off of defense nodes, downed allies, etc. but beyond that, it's strong cc is overpowered by the fact that it's movement is random, and the mobs it cc's are extremely difficult to target.



    Power 1: Flight

    As the name suggests this ability will allow Zephyr to fly around the map. Sort of like how Tailwind is now but more controllable. The ability will function more or less the same as Archwing. As to not break synergy with her other abilities, Flight will be entirely duration based instead of draining energy. The more duration, the longer it lasts and the faster you can fly. It can also be toggled on or off so you don't miss your target. Like if you're rushing towards a downed teammate for instance. 

    I've seen this idea of a constant, energy draining flying ability before.  I honestly don't think constant flying is a good idea. DE would have to adjust a lot of their maps, parkour  would be vastly useless on Zephyr, and then we'd be at the same state we are now, where one aspect of the frame is negating the rest.  Personally, I'd like to see abilities that work with the new Parkour system, instead of above.  Maybe something similar that when activated, increases her ability to gain mid-air momentum and lets her move faster mid-air then other frames(she's faster at moving faster, more speed, means Parkour 2.0 moves go farther) with the addition of being able to change direction mid-air without losing momentum, or even having momentum negatively impact direction change.  So as an example if you're moving at 20mph mid air going south, you could automatically change direction to north, while still maintaining 20mph


    Idk, I'm honestly not crazy about the persistent ability idea.  I think this would be a good way to go if that's the option however.


    Power 2: Aerial Blast 

    Zephyr will emit a 360 degree burst of air all around her dealing some damage, knocking enemies off their feet and pushing them away from Zephyr. Similar to how Frost's Snow Globe works. This ability will provide so really nice CC for late game and will be a lot more useful than Dive Bomb. Think of this ability as a better version of Dive Bomb that can be activated on the ground and in the air. The range of the blast will be affected by power range. The damage dealt and the distance enemies are pushed back will be affected by power strength. 

    This seems incredibly under powered, as you mentioned Frost can already do this, but he gets the added benefit of having the snow globe up after.


    I'd actually like to see a kind of gust of wind ability, like the reverse of mags pull.  Maybe it could be like a wind tunnel, with a constant effect in an area over the course of 10 seconds or something, but a constant effect would have to be handled carefully as prohibiting mobs from traveling through doorways would be vastly OP.  It could also be used while bullet jumping, to give an extra bit of speed and distance, while creating a tornado around Zephyr that pulls enemies with her, and pushes them back a bit when the ability is over, similar to League of Legend's Poppy, and Reinhardt from Overwatch.  So she'd push back any enemy that she passes, but when the ability ends she's standing the middle of the knocked down enemies.



    Power 4: Tornado

    I feel like this ability is okay but is too random to really be useful and can sometimes do more bad than good. I think this ability just needs a few changes to make it better and worth using. Tornado will now:
    -Deal slash damage when cast. You can steal add an element to the Tornado but it will no longer be Magnetic by default.
    -Aggressively seeks out enemies and will target high priority enemies like Heavy Gunners and Bombards first. I know Tornado already seeks out enemies but it isn't good enough. It needs to be more aggressive and the Tornadoes should move a bit faster.
    -Instead of enemies getting flung around by the Tornadoes, they should instead be trapped instead them. This will allow for more crowd control and other players won't be so annoyed when you cast it. If this seems like it's too much them limit the Tornadoes from 4 to 1 and just have one giant Tornado instead.  

    I actually really like this idea, however I still think the tornadoes should still throw the enemies in to the air.  It's targeting could prioritize for enemies that are still standing while pursuing high threat targets like Bombards first.  This way it isn't perma-stunning large groups for long periods of time but still stays extremely useful as a cc tool.


    DE has done some amazing reworks with Excal, and Frost.  Part of the reason they're so much fun now IMO is that their abilities have synergy while really defining their role in the warframe universe.  Whatever gets done with Zephyr, this is what I'd like to see.


    Sry how long this is lol

  7. I've played many missions and any time I use a crit weapon my damage will frequently be really bad for a few seconds.  I know the whole rng aspect of crit weapons but it's beyond that.   I've been using a fully loaded soma p for a while now.  Just a week or so ago the damage on it and any other crit weapon (prisma skana for example) will significantly drop.  It's to the point where it'll take 10 seconds to kill a corrupt crewman or lancer, then I'll turn around and take out a bombard in 0.5 seconds.


    I haven't experienced this with any non-crit weapons.  Anyone else notice this?

  8. I'm MR 17, looking for a decently sized clan who are comprised of mature individuals with a high average MR that regularly group and do raids.


    I've been in my current clan for over a year and I've had a good run with them, but they almost never do things together.  I'm mostly looking to do raid stuff with the clan  but honestly any type of grouping would be welcome.


    I'm a pretty helpful person.  I don't like random invites but if you ask I will usually help when I finish what I'm doing.  I have a mic and everything that comes with being MR 17, every frame, most of the weapons, high end mods, blah blah.


    Let me stress, doing things together as a clan is important to me, especially raiding.  I'd like to experience all the games content and I can't get that where I'm at.

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