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Posts posted by Radlem

  1. after a fissure and everyone had gotten to extraction everyone chose their loot, timer was counting down

    then the loot selection screen disappeared and mission went into host migration which failed and booted me to my ship

    went to check if i got the loot for the mission, didn't have it (i had chosen a trinity Prime BP and the relic I brought rolled a carrier prime bp, none showed up)

    then also i checked my relics and the relic i used was still used up.

    I went into a mission and returned to the ship to see if any of those updated, but nothing changed.

    seriously, need better options for choosing who hosts missions by allowing people to opt out of hosting or let people prioritise hosting

  2. 300p+ up for grabs depending on quality

    acceptable themes are anything relating to the name, Orokin/Void themes are preferred, i have some ideas for inspiration but i'll talk about that when i've found a suitable artist

    i'd prefer to not have several artists being strung along as some pseudo contest, any previous works or examples would be greatly appreciated to decide who is most suitable to work with.

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